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Someone summoned something furious and powerful within the “secret” headquarters of the Emerald Hawk Society. The building is now scorched ruins, the roof blown off the secret library, the grand hall torn open, and the front entrance reduced to rubble.

The least clandestine of the secret societies in town, the Emerald Hawk Society’s headquarters and library was a heavy stone building that was once a “small” guard post for a much larger estate within the city walls. The society had converted it into an exclusive clubhouse with dark wood furnishings, displays of minor artifacts and other goods they have acquired over the years, and of course their “secret” library.

Last night though... something erupted out of that covert collection. Brilliant lights illuminated the neighbourhood as the arched stone roof of the library exploded into the night and something huge and powerful flew through the great hall and sat still for some minutes in the ruins of the entranceway to the structure before disappearing in a flue swirl of smoke and arcane energies.

When I post maps of ruins, I often get requests to post a non-ruined version of the same location (which I don’t really get – exploring ruins is just so D&D!). So instead, this time I’ve taken a map I drew last Mapvember and redrew it in ruins during Inktober. The original map of the covert library of the Emerald Hawk Society is also available as a commercially-licensed map posted much earlier this year. [Secret Codices of the Emerald Hawk Society].

Thanks to your patronage, you can download the map of the recent ruins of the Emerald Hawk Society at 1200 dpi for personal or commercial use from the blog post at https://rpgcharacters.wordpress.com/2017/11/10/fury-of-the-emerald-hawk/


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