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I'm going to talk about this a bit on my blog in the next few days, but since you get the backstage pass, you should probably read all about it now since it changes the contents of the pass.

After a bunch of fiddling with graphics settings with the help of S. John Ross (the man behind Risus and so much amazingness at Cumberland Games & Diversions), I'm transitioning from 300 dpi jpeg images for my maps to 1200 dpi PNG images.

For maps that are essentially Black and White, this results in an image at four times the resolution (thus sixteen times as "big") but at almost exactly the same file size as the old jpegs. A few maps will still be released in the old format - namely the My Private Jakalla set and a few maps that got scanned before I switched methods - but expect to see the vast majority of maps coming out as 1200 dpi Portable Network Graphics for the near future at least.

SO, all that said, here is this month's Backstage Pass. It is almost exactly the same size as last month's even with these fancy higher-resolution graphics. 




Mind going through the set up process? As I cartographer I love learning the process behind the artist madness. Love the work!


I used to scan at 600dpi, adjust contrast & brightness, then run a filter to smooth the edges before reducing to 300dpi and saving as a jpeg. Now I'm scanning at 1200dpi (my scanner's highest native resolution), adjust brightness & contrast to get rid of dust and scratches and so on, then switch to B&W and save as a PNG. The end result is a PNG that is smaller in file size than the 300 dpi JPG, looks the same when printed on a page, but which will convert to a vector graphic with more fidelity to the original image if needed, and that avoids the weird artifacts of jpegs.