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It took a while to hit "critical mass" with my maps, but it finally happened this year. I figure a couple of dozen products showed up or are in the pipe for release this year alone with my name in them - probably as many products had my name on them in total a year ago - and some big releases are still coming along for 2018.

The weirdest small thing? This year I added a folder on my google drive next to my "Commissions" folder called "Purchase Orders". And it is approaching 30 entries.

My first ever commission was for Mark Hassman for a contest through his site, Mithril & Mages. He refused my initial price for my work and doubled it. My first published release outside of my own collections of work was in Ron Edwards' Circle of Hands RPG. Then the Patreon Campaign really kicked into gear.

Where I am now is not just because of my perseverance - a huge part of it is because of YOU, my patrons. This Patreon campaign has enabled me to work on cartography full time, giving me the time and ability to focus on improving my work and making more of it. Without that backing, we never would have reached this "critical mass" that we have this year. You provide the stable foundation upon which I work today.

Occasionally I'm flaky with timetables and getting stuff out precisely on time (especially physical stuff). There are months where I fall behind and don't get the backstage pass out, and there are months where I fall behind and don't get the physical rewards out to the top tier supporters and end up bundling 2 or even 3 months of rewards together.

So thank you for sticking with me and helping to make this magic happen. Thank you for bringing it to this critical mass.  I'm slowly converting this room I use as my office into a place dedicated to my work - adding a drafting table, comfortable chairs, better lighting. All because you are helping me. You make this possible.

Thank you!


Todd Beaubien

Ditto what Kurt said. Also, Ott Lights are great for workspace lighting. <a href="http://www.ottlite.com/" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">http://www.ottlite.com/</a>


Love what you do and do it myself. Keep on making maps.