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At the bottom of the black well is a single archway leading to the passage that connects the three massive sepulchers containing the tombs of the thirty slain magi.

Occasionally something foul pokes out of the passage into the wane light at the bottom of the well. Something formless and ever-changing, a guardian beast of some kind that is said to live and grow on the residual magic of the magi under its watch.

Many of the magi are of course rumoured to have been entombed with a number of their magical trinkets and items that could not be safely removed from their bodies. Certainly cause enough for adventurers to descend the hundred foot sheer well to plunder the tombs, no?

Thanks to YOUR support, the map can be downloaded for personal or commercial use from the blog post at https://rpgcharacters.wordpress.com/2017/07/11/last-home-of-the-thirty-slain-magi/


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I like the line "magical trinkets that were not safe to remove from their bodies"


You learn quickly when the first trinket explodes in a fireball and the next two turn into skullcrabs that consume your brains and make you disciples of the dead magi.