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Why not finish off the month with a second map for the Tekumel undercity – a small section of old temple and crypt structures that extend into a previous “gap” in the existing maps from the “My Private Jakalla” megadungeon project.

The goal of this long-term project is to make a large set of maps that interconnect to produce something thematically similar to the original Jakallan Underworld map that M.A.R. Barker used in his Empire of the Petal Throne games.

This is the twelfth map in the set, and heading over to the blog post (link below) will bring you to the full list of maps in the set as well as a connection map showing how they all fit together.

Being an “in-fill” map, this one is smaller and tighter than many of the other section maps. We’ve also gotten clear of the major sewer lines of the city, so we are dealing with old construction, ancient tunnels, forgotten crypts, and temple understructures.

The upper left corner of the map is an extension of the temple structures from 1K, with secret connections between it and what appear to be old catacombs (perhaps crypts) that are attached in turn to another temple understructure. As we head into the narrower areas at the lower end of the map, these old structures are partially to fully collapsed, debris-strewn, and definitely unmaintained and likely to be lost entirely in the next ditlána.

On the connection map we can see how the map connects to map IK but not to any of the others that it comes in close proximity to (1A, 1B, 1H, 1I and 1J). If you wanted to extend the interconnectivity between sections, it would be easy to tie this map via a secret passage to corridors in both 1A and 1B, but as it stands it is right in the thick of the map, and yet seems almost completely isolated from everything at the same time.

This region of the undercity has one surface access point, into that columned hall that also contains a staircase down further into the depths. This is almost certainly one of the basements of a local temple that has maintained a direct passage from their temple to some of the deeper underlevels of the city. Another staircase down into the depths can be found in the ruined areas and vaults on the southern edge of this map.

You can download the map, connection map, and get links to the other 11 maps in the set from the blog post at https://rpgcharacters.wordpress.com/2017/06/27/my-private-jakalla-map-1l/


(No title)



Will you do a pack with all the Jakalla project when done?


I hope to... but I can't guarantee anything (let alone that it will ever be "done")