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The Cenobites of Six are a communal order of monks and mystics dedicated to learning and understanding the six virtues of the Lord in Viridian. The main practicing base of the order is known as the Monastery of the Sixfold Path – a squat hexagonal pillar of greenish stone constructed almost like a honeycomb within.

Within the Monastery of the Sixfold Path, the Cenobites of Six maintain their libraries of lore, their main practicing chamber, and their individual cells. Stepped gardens and fields surround the Monastery where they grow crops while contemplating the fourth virtue of the Lord in Viridian.

The six virtues themselves are masked in confusion and obfuscation, as they are referenced thirteen times in the writings of the Viridian Master, but never using the same words and never in a tongue known in this world so all translations (even magical) remain suspect.

The structure is a two-story affair. The second floor is identical to the first – except the inner ring passage is open to the sky above. Connections between the floors are via ladders inside the six corner rooms in the outer ring and on each side of the doorway in the central plaza.

Thanks to your awesome support, this map is available for personal or commercial use free of charge from the blog post at https://rpgcharacters.wordpress.com/2017/06/06/monastery-of-the-sixfold-path/


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Love this idea!

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2023-06-25 07:13:25 It's been quite a while since your last horse focused work, I'm really glad to see a new one! Feels like a mix of your older work ideas with some newer things you seem to enjoy doing mixed in, and I'm really enjoying it! The acts of hypnosis and making it seem like Tatsumaki willingly signed away her body with her vaginal stamp despite the truth of the situation is great, and you did a good job emphasizing the size contrasts in both how her body changes along with how she looks compared to the horse, which is so big it's never fully on-screen! It's hard to beat the unique feeling of a woman being dominated by a horse, with strength and size not mattering at all against such a simple but massive beast capable of making anyone its mare. I definitely wouldn't mind seeing more sets like this in the future, it's been a while and it feels like there's so much untapped creative potential with animal husbandry!
2017-06-16 19:00:15 Not what I was which is always a treat! Great map and backstory!

Not what I was which is always a treat! Great map and backstory!