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I try to start each month out with the backstage pass, hopefully the Release the Kraken Poll, and then the first map release on the first Friday or Tuesday of the month.

But this past month has challenged me with some major commission work that I just finished off last night / this morning. So today is being spent slaving over the scanner and catching up on last month's emails and other work. Expect the backstage pass to come out in the next 36 hours, immediately followed by the "Friday Map", and then hopefully the Kraken poll.

For the two of you who supported at the top tier last month, I've printed off your mailing labels and have your packages prepared - but haven't picked out exactly which maps are going to be shoved haphazardly into those envelopes. ;)

Once again, I have to thank you. You make this possible - and by "this" I mean the fact that it's Friday morning and I'm sitting at a desk completely covered in maps with a few RPG books buried in the mess.


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