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On the south side of Dawnharbor, near the Fairie’s Citadel, is the small Ennos Estate – a pleasant two-story stone house with fenced in front yard and decorative shrubberies. Klebor and Manfred Ennos, both eligible bachelors of the city’s landed gentry, keep to themselves generally and only the younger brother Manfred is ever seen at the local drinking establishments (although it is rumoured that Klebor is a member of the Order of Ochre and Garnet).

The house includes guest facilities and kitchen in the single-story wing, with the brothers private rooms being in the second floor.

To those who are too nosy for their own good however, the Ennos Estate can seem a little strange. Odd people come and go at odd hours, sometimes carrying far more than any decent city person would be in packs and bags. Sometimes they stay for an hour or two, sometimes for a few days. And yet they are never seen in the company of the Ennos brothers. For the Ennos boys are semi-retired adventurers and it is hard to fully break away from your old life, especially when your companions come knocking because most of them are homeless wanderers.

Thus the Ennos estate has a set of secret underground chambers converted from the old root cellar. Accessed from a secret room behind the library and sitting room, these chambers have served as hiding places, treasure storage, demon lockdowns, and even hosted an extra-planar portal on more than one occasion.

Thanks to your support, the Ennos Estate map is also available for download from the blog at  https://rpgcharacters.wordpress.com/2017/05/23/secret-of-the-ennos-estate/


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