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Facing east towards a volcanic island just over the horizon, the fortified city of Dawnharbor earns its name because of the astounding sunrises seen from the mountains along the region. Dawnharbor itself is tucked into a low outlet where the Hero’s Branch river crawls out of the mountains and into the sea.

Built around a number of fortifications, the city has seen several stages of growth and multiple curtain walls have been built to defend the city as it grew. The most visible fortification from most approaches is the Fairie’s Citadel on the south side of town built on a low rise of the mountain. The citadel houses Count Agatenios and his retinue as well as most of the men at arms of the city – however for most military matters the Count relies on his old friend Lady Larosine the Blue who masters the defenses of the city from the Blue Fort cut into the side of the mountain itself on the southwest side of town, looking down over the harbor and the first walls of the city.

This map was drawn as a request for one of the awesome patrons of my Patreon Campaign. Stan Shinn asked for a city with castles, preferably by a jungle or mountain.

I try to ask for requests for future maps from the $2.50 level and above every three to five months and then work through the requests I get as they draw my attention. This particular map is one of the more detailed city maps I’ve drawn, and I really like how the different sizes of buildings came together along with the organic feeling of the city’s growth.

You can download the high resolution map of Dawnharbor from the blog post at https://rpgcharacters.wordpress.com/2017/05/19/dawnharbor/


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