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There’s an eternal clanking sound of metal links on metal links always coming from the Chain Tower. All the doors in the tower are portcullises, and they are raised by a magical wheel and chains on the third level of the tower – servants run to and fro hooking chains up to the moving wheel to raise a portcullis, then they lock the chain in place with an iron bar through one of the links and then unhook it from the wheel. To close a gate they remove the metal bar holding the chain up. This is a strange infernal machine, and no one knows specifically how it keeps turning up here, only that it is definitely meant for this singular task.

The warlord Burogan sits on the throne in the Chain Tower. They used their magics to turn two of their followers into raccoons to get through the portcullises and they proceeded up to the chain level and opened the way for the rest of Burogan’s entourage. But all is not perfect here, and the servants working the chains are just waiting for the right moment to rebel – to either lock Burogan out of the tower, or preferably, allow someone to get in and end Burogan’s reign forever.

The 1200 dpi versions of the map were drawn at a scale of 300 pixels per square and are 7,200 x 14,400 pixels (24 x 48 squares) in size. To use this with a VTT you would need to resize the squares to either 70 pixels (for 5′ squares) or 140 pixels (for the suggested 10′ squares that this is designed around) – so resizing it to either 1,680 x 3,360 or 3,360 x 6,720 pixels in size, respectively.




Simon 'Landmine'

The continual sound of clanking chains ... that's not ominous at all. Bet the occupants all get an excellent night's sleep!