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A grim reminder of the folly of trying to stand up to the demands of one of the great underdark cities, Brezchyn’s Halls is a small ruined complex in the uppermost portions of the underdark. The ruins are being searched by a small party of exiled drow looking for any treasures but also seeking a place where they can settle down for a while.

Unfortunately, the complex is also home to a number of rock-eating grub-like creatures that seemed harmless initially, but that have become very territorial as the dark elves have remained in the complex. They are engaged in a series of guerrilla attacks against the elves currently, and will do the same against any other humanoids entering their halls now.

The Halls were once a fortification of the DiTullio clan of extremely xenophobic derro. Here they kept an artifact they had named the Heart of Dusk, which was the glue that held the clan together. The ruling house of the nearest underdark city discovered the existence of the artifact from their sages and researchers, and demanded it from the derro. When the derro refused, the structure was nearly destroyed by the drow in retaliation, and they left with the Heart. The remaining DiTullio derro, no longer united by their magical artifact, left for deeper lands and now inhabit a series of small islands on shores of the Darkling Sea.

The right-hand exit from Brezchyn’s Halls leads into a passage in the upper underdark, barely 500 feet below the lands above. The left-hand exit leads into one of the ruined levels (Level 12) of Iseldec’s Drop (damaged during the drow incursion to capture the Heart). It is through Iseldec’s Drop that the derro descended to the Darkling River and eventually the Darkling Sea where they live now.

The 1200 dpi versions of the map were drawn at a scale of 300 pixels per square and are 9,600 x 9,600 pixels (32 x 32 squares). To use this with a VTT you would need to resize the squares to either 70 pixels (for 5′ squares) or 140 pixels (for the recommended 10‘ squares that make sense with the design) – so resizing the image to 2,240 x 2,240 pixels or 4,480 x 4,480 pixels, respectively.




Jason Katzner

Wake up babe, new DysonLogos Extended Cinematic Universe lore just dropped!


Yeah. I couldn't resist. The DiTullio Islands map was posted on this day years ago.