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It's that time!

Every month we re-release two maps under the free commercial use license exclusively to our patrons. But to figure out WHICH maps we re-release, I come to you!

Here's this month's poll. Pick your favourite map that you'd like to see show up in commercial products, and the two that get the most votes will be the ones we re-release.

Vote here:



May Kraken Poll!

May is almost done, so we need to figure out which maps from the archive to re-release under the commercial use license! Whichever two maps get the most votes will be made available under the commercial use license exclusively for patrons.


Chris Huth

Who can resist OPTION 13?


Stupid Google Forms.... If Option 13 wins, then I'll just grab a map at random. There's already 4 votes for it. DAMN YOU PEOPLE!