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Today we explore the lower level of the old silver mine that lends its name to Silver Vale (location A on the Longboat Mountain overview – posted last month). The silver mine links to one of the “secrets” of Longboat Mountain – the Silver Stair.

This section of old mines and caves sits beneath Silver Vale Cave and connects via the large cavernous shaft on the upper right of that map that descends to the similarly shaped chamber on the upper level map here. There used to be wooden stairs that led further down into the mines proper, but with the end of mining operations, those stairs are long gone. Now access to the lower level is via the caves that predate the mines.

The upper level of these two maps is mostly partially flooded natural caves – a section that was mined out here has been converted into storage and staging rooms for the mining, and is now used by the Dark Creepers as the main home of their colony as they work to chase off the goblins above.

At the north end of the caves is “The Silver Stair”, a set of 20-foot wide stairs that lead up through the mountain to various points above. The stone of the stairs and the walls shine with traces of silver ore. The base of the stairs is guarded by the master of the Dark Creepers, who will try to prevent any from climbing them – but will allow those from above to pass if they speak the passphrase when reaching the bottom of the stairs (or when challenged).

The lowest level of this map is the old silver mines themselves – now partially flooded and home to a number of foul slimes and similar. At the very back of the mines is a small cave containing a cache of silver and other minor treasures hidden here years ago.

The 1200 dpi versions of the map were drawn at a scale of 300 pixels per square and are 10,200 x 13,200 pixels (34 x 44 squares). To use this with a VTT you would need to resize the squares to either 70 pixels (for 5′ squares) or 140 pixels (for the recommended 10‘ squares that make sense with the design) – so resizing the image to 2,380 x 3,080 pixels or 4,760 x 6,160 pixels, respectively.




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