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The Graxworm is a massive dead dragon of mythic scale, fully miles long and large enough to contain a town in the mouth. Creatures have set up here to “mine” the massive corpse for its valuable materials – leather, scales, ichor, tendons, and more. Practically every bit has some value to someone, and in the long term the expectation is that nothing will remain, not even the massive bones. We’ve started our explorations of the Graxworm at the top – the head of the deceased creature – today we climb into the centre of the skull where the brain has been harvested and the council chambers now sit.

Above the hive of scum and villainy that is Graxtown in the mouth of the deceased Graxworm (the corpse of which is being converted into a massive weapons and war materiel harvesting and production site) is the seat of Graxtown’s government – embedded in the thick skull of the wyrm is the brainpan of the beast. While remarkably small compared to the vast size of the beast, it still contained a brain over 200 feet wide by 300 feet long.

For most, the council chamber is reached via one of the passages from the empty eye sockets. There are also accessways to both tiers of the chamber from the spinal cord (which in turn is accessible via the throat at the back of Graxtown), but this entranceway is guarded and closed to all but the council members and their guests.

The main council chamber is decorated with massive bone pillars reaching up to the dark skull above, and is divided into two parts. The northern section rises above the southern by about 12 feet and is where the council sits during public sessions. The southern section contains a sunken central atrium with raised sections around it. This area is where the people of Graxtown come to witness any of the council’s major decisions (or to attend special events that they host including parading spies & special guests around).

Around the main chamber are a number of smaller chambers cut into the skull. The northern ones are for the council and their staff, with a few smaller chambers attached to the lower sections containing documents for those seeking information from the councillors.

Off to each side of the chamber are the passages up to the eye sockets as well as stairs that join those from the eye sockets and lead up to the watch towers set into the horns above.

Finally, in the south end of the chamber is the sealed and locked route to the sinuses and nasal passages, bracketed by a pair of “suites” used by powerful factions within the Graxworm when they wish to match over council activities. On the right we have the chambers of one of the more powerful necromantic clans who worship the death god that is “supervising” the tearing down of the Graxworm carcass. On the left we have a more secret suite of a group that operates in shadows and does not want to be known to or seen by the populace at large.

The Graxworm Megadungeon was proposed to me by Gallant Knight Games – a dungeon set within the corpse of a dragon some seven miles in length. If I were to map out the whole thing we’d be looking at a good 100+ maps, so instead we’ll be focusing on points of interest as a sort of “point crawl” megadungeon setting. We’ll be posting a few maps in the set every month for… well… quite some time!

The 1200 dpi versions of the map were drawn at a scale of 300 pixels per square and are 10,200 x 13,200 pixels in size (34 x 44 squares). To use this with a VTT you would need to resize the squares to either 70 pixels (for 5′ squares) or 140 pixels (for the recommended 10′ squares) – so resizing it to either 2,380 x 3,080 or 4,760 x 6,160 pixels, respectively.




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