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The before-cut angle, the after-cut angle, and the center-cut distance are displayed on the cut score that pops up from the notes. It shows the direction in which the saber trajectory was shifted from the center of the notes.

Even if NalulunaSliceVisualizer displays the cut line of the notes, there is no time to look at it while playing, so I aimed for a display that allows you to instantly see just which way the cut line was shifted.

Half circle on the right of the cut score

The half circle on the right of the cut score indicates the angle point before the cut. When the cut score is perfect (70 points for a normal note), it is displayed in white. If the score is not perfect, the missing percentage is shown in red from the upper right corner, and the rest of the angle is gray.

Half circle on the left of the cut score

The half circle on the left of the cut score indicates the angle point after the cut. When the cut score is perfect (30 points for normal notes), it is displayed in white. If the score is not perfect, the missing percentage is shown in red from the lower left corner, and the rest of the angle is gray.

Cut Score Perimeter

The cut score perimeter indicates the center cut score (distance). When the score is perfect (15 points for normal notes), it is indicated by 〇. If the score is not perfect, arrows (>>>>) are displayed in the direction of the deviation. The number of ">" will change depending on the distance (point) of the deviation.

11-14: > (yellow)

6-10: >>

1-5: >>>

0: >>>> (red)


Disable Default Flying Score

Hides the default cut scores. The mods that replaces the default cut scores are also disabled.


Cut score scale

Target Offset Y

Height at which the cut score is displayed

Fade Animation

How to fade out a cut score


Whether to display cut score (0-115) or only the center-distance score (0-15)

Reverse Cut Distance Arrows

Reverse the direction of the arrows (>>>>)

Disable Center Distance Arrow

Disables the arrows (>>>>) that represent the center distance

Disable Before/After Cut Circle

Disables the semicircles on the left and right of the cut score that represent the angle points

If you want to change the colors, you may want to edit NalulunaCutScore.json.

Note that pressing Reset will initialize everything, including colors.


Available for download via NalulunaModAssistant.




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