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((Y/N)'s POV)

I could not see anything or move in this small cage Sanaa was carrying me into who knows where. I was even too scared to cry because some adults found it annoying and she was a big lioness that had me in a place I could not run out of. Each footstep I heard on the grass made it worse and worse for me to think about what was going to happen to me. Suddenly, the cage was put down and a few pieces of tall grass came in and poked me a little. The blanket was pulled off and Sanaa was looking at me with a small frown on her face.


Sanaa-You poor thing. You're shaking so much... You must be terrified of where we are going. ~

She rubbed me with a finger and my body would not let me hold in any whimpers anymore. She did not stop though and only smiled at me.

Sanaa-It's going to be ok. This won't hurt at all. I don't want my pride's slave to be hurt. It's just going to be like taking a bath... Are you the kind of cub that hates baths? ~ *chuckles*

She scratched my chin before she covered the cage again and kept on walking.

(Sanaa's POV)

I hoped a small tease about a bath would help him calm down, but being covered again made him go back to shaking. I had to keep him covered because the sisters were going to reject us before I even started anything with them. It wasn't much farther and when I finally made it to their hut they took me from a human I pushed the curtain to walk inside. I noticed a few more human treasures others must have brought in to trade. The bells they had on the curtain entrance should let them know that I am here.

Sanaa-Be silent, little slave. We want to make a good impression. ~ *whisper*

Soon one of the sisters came around one of the corners of this big hut and it was Anusha. She looked excited when she saw I had something big to carry in here, but I don't think it will last long.


Anusha-Aaah, welcome! What do we owe the honor to have the ssssecond in command of the pride? ~

Sanaa-I came here to ask for a big favor, but I do have something you would love in return... Knowledge.

Anusha-Ohhhh. Come in, come in. ~

We went deeper into the hut and the poor cub was shaking again when I walked and then placed him on the rug in the trading area. That's when Catori came in.


Catori-Hmmmm... I trusssst you have ssssomething big to trade for your findingssss. ~

Sanaa-Just a favor for knowledge.

They both sat on the soft puffy things and I sat on mine before I pulled the cover off and showed them my pride's slave. Anusha was shocked while Catori looked furious.


Catori-What isss the meaning of thissss?! Do you wissshh to have humansss come here looking for there missssing cub?! ~

Sanaa-No and they won't. Allow me to explain.

I told them how we got a new slave as a trophy and had the parents trapped with no other humans looking for them. Completely alone, no humans would come looking for any of them, and this cub was risk-free of any kind of trouble. Anusha let him out to inspect him halfway into my story and he did try to resist a little at times. I showed them my control over him by making a loud clap or any loud sound and he let her do what she wished to him with only a look of fear on his face.

Catori-Hmmm... No humanssss will come for the cub?... What do you want for them? ~

Sanaa-Nothing. My pride wishes for any scent to be off of him. I understand that is a long procedure, but the information I have and what you can do will be worth it.

Anusha-What issss thisss knowledge of? ~

Sanaa-Human culture. I even have something to help give proof.

I pulled out this tablet thing (Y/N) showed us how to work and what it could do with (Y/N) to help teach us more. Both sisters were interested and Catori smiled... She was the hardest sister to win over and if she smiled, the deal was already done.

Catori-Ssssisssster, take the cub to get started. ~

Anusha-But I wissshh to know too! ~

Catori-In time, I sshhall tell you. Now go. Enjoy your time with the sssslave lionessss pride. ~

(Anusha's POV)

Human cubs were weak, but adults always come looking for them. The lionesses do not lie though and that thing was amazing. It must be true and now I get to be with a cute looking human cub. Sanaa said his name was (Y/N) in her story and I wonder what he could tell me as I was getting his treatment ready.

Anusha-(Y/N), do be a dear and remove thossse coveringssss. They will be in a sssseperate treatment. ~


Anusha-You are in good handsss. Trussst me. ~

He was not listening, but I guess the lionesses tamed him and not me and my sister. I would love to offer something in exchange for this cub. When I got his treatment ready by pouring gel from leaves into a tub, I got the coverings off the cub with a bit of a fight.

(Y/N)-St-Stop, please. *whisper*

Anusha-It is jussst a harmlessss treatment.

I put him in the gel and rubbed some on his body and in his hair.

Anusha-Now, ssstay in there for an hour before we ssstart scrubbing and ssssitting again. It will take many timesss, but relax and you will be back with your ownersss in no time at all.


I had never seen a human so obedient before. It was honestly really cute and adorable to see a human cub alive and not said to be trying to kill you. I got to work on grinding plants and roots together to scrub him within a little while. When that was done, I sat next to him.

Anusha-Do human cubsss where you come from alwayssss behave thisss well? I have only ssseen them try to grab weaponsss... But I don't sssee I hint of roughnesssss on thessse sssft handsss. ~

His cheeks were turning pink when I got closer to him and it made me wonder if humans have different bathing cultures where he is from.

(Catori's POV)

Telling me would be hard to believe, but this magic is showing me horrible practices that seem daily for humans. They think they are clever by making society complicated and some like to act graceful. The human parents have to be a mistake because they seem to raise their cubs backward even for a cruel race.

Catori-Well, thisss ssshhhould not come assss a ssurprisse. ~

Sanaa-My sisters and I know of the big human territory just like anyone else.

What was she implying? Going there would mean death. Even if they were destroyed, more humans will come.

Sanaa-I will suggest my pride invade a territory we already destroyed and not the hyenas. We will lure more humans here and kill the adults to offer you more food.

Catori-And what would you like in return? ~

Sanaa-We want more human treasures for our new slave. No cubs come anymore, but what would live cubs be worth?

Catori-That dependsss. Will there be unwanted company? ~

Sanaa-... Don't tell (Y/N) this, but we don't plan on keeping the adults around for long. When we feel he is trained enough, we will get rid of them. That or they become more trouble than they are worth.

Catori-What are they worth? ~

((D/N)'s POV)

My face was pinned into the dirt by Sarabi's foot and Makli was glaring at me in the eye of this dark cave. This was training us to listen to them even more than our son is supposed to be, but this is just beating us. We even so much as refer to him as our son and this will happen. The bitches even called all humans backward parents. They should be surrounded by rangers and put in cages by now! What is taking them so long?! (M/N) was being held up by her neck again with Kimya and Nala.

(D/N)'s mind-How did it come to this?... You wanted to take the job and bring our son here... YOU BROUGHT US HERE!!!

Now look at me. Being humiliated like this by these animals who are just waiting to kill us or do something worse! If only I could slip away, but the jeep is totaled and they will catch up to me on foot no matter what... I need a distraction for any hope at the right time.

(D/N)'s mind-There's no way we're all getting out of this and you brought us here! It only makes sense that it will be you!

(Timeskip To Night)

(Mkali's POV)

Sanaa came back with our salve and the very first thing I did was smell him carefully for the slightest trace of those humans... All I am smelling so far is some plants, the sisters, and Sanaa. I had everyone else make sure too while they rubbed their scents on him like me. When it was over, the human cub slave was given back to me to be given a bath and have my scent over him the most when we sleep together tonight. In a few days, our scents will cover him and maybe his training will be enough to be rid of his 'parents' when he sees the right kind of love. Never thought I would treat one of our slaves like this, but if he doesn't want our love then I will force it onto him.

Mkali's mind-How hard can it be to raise a human slave?

(Anusha's POV)

I walked with my sister about the cub and that this could be a once-in-a-lifetime find. There has to be something we can offer or do to obtain this living human cub with a kind heart, an obedient nature, and no signs of fighting experience. Catori is interested in this cub as well as human cultures, but Sanaa was said to be clear.

Anusha-But sssissster... They felt sssoooo good in my coilssss. ~

Catori-I sssaid that the lionessss wasss clear. I sssaid no such thing about thisss being over. I alssso taken a liking to the human cub. ~

Anusha-But what do we do? They won't hand him over to usss. ~

Catori-We do what we do bessst... We make a deal with otherssss. ~


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