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((Y/N)'s POV)

Keira was so warm and I think the purple under her eyes was going away already, but I remember when Mommy had them for weeks. I checked on everyone really fast and made sure they were warm got thank you hugs and kisses for getting me back home like they all promised. I was so excited for them to meet Mommy and Daddy that could be home soon, but I wanted them to be awake. Mommy and Daddy will be so happy to meet the people that got me back home. When I heard a car out front, I ran to the window, but it was another car driving by and I whined a little. I wanted everyone to meet everyone and become friends already, but this was taking forever... I tried waking up some of the girls by shaking them.

(Y/N)-Rivet... Ashelin... Kit... Carmelita... Penelope... Tess... Keira... Can somebody wake up?!

Just then I heard someone and I felt so happy.

(Sasha's POV)

My head felt a little sore when I woke up. I felt warm and there was a blanket on me, so I thought I was in my room or the med bay... No time to waste, I had to work on the portal some more. Memories came back to me before I realized something and snapped out of it. I was not in either place I thought I was and then...



I was tackled into a hug and felt so confused and happy at the same time. I just wrapped my arms around (Y/N).

(Timeskip 10 Minutes)

I was sitting on the couch in this weird-looking place (Y/N) in my lap and he told me that we all got him home. Everyone was still sleeping and I remember him telling me about some of the others. He even went as far as to give me a short tour, starting with the kitchen, bathroom, his parent's room, and his room... His room was so adorable with a huge pile of stuffed animals he dove into and he pointed to a picture he drew of a stuffed animal named "Jupiter". He pulled me to his bed and told me the names of his other stuffed animals and some of them were 'picks for a new favorite toy'.

Sasha-This is all very nice, but do you think we can do more of a tour here?

(Y/N)-Ok. Let's go see the big basement! We have lots of cool stuff down there!

He took my hand, but I picked him up to hold him while he pointed the way. When we got down to the basement, there were some boxes, but it was spacious and looked more like a shelter. We went back upstairs when we heard noises like someone woke up. (Y/N) wiggled in my arms, trying to go see them as soon as possible.

(Timeskip 1 Hour)

((M/N)'s POV)

There was still no sign of my baby out here and I don't know how much more of this I could take. (D/N) has not been home and his boss caught him sleeping in his car outside of a grocery store. Everyone in the neighborhood knows that we are a mess. I hesitated to walk into my empty home, but that's when my door opened by itself... No... I must be delusional from depression.



I was frozen, but when I was wrapped into a hug, I did not have the words to describe the mixed emotions I was feeling. I could only make happy sounds while falling to my knees to embrace my baby boy.

(Y/N)-I missed you and Daddy so much!

(M/N)-Mommy and Daddy missed you so much too! *sobbing*

He broke the hug and for a moment, I was scared that this was a dream still and I would wake up alone.

(Y/N)-You have to meet my new friends! Rivet even saved my life! Come on!

He pulled on my happily and I don't know how I feel about this because we do not know these people... But they did save my son when they could have done something worse. I got into the house and he made me wait just outside the space where I could see into the living room. I heard voices and they sounded like women.

(Y/N)-Everyone, this is my mommy!

He pulled on me a little, so I walked up a little more and saw something that made me lose hope... This has to be a dream.


They all looked uncomfortable with each other, but this was only a dream and that meant I was sleeping in the car or something. I felt a tear come out of my eye from my mind being so cruel to me.

(Y/N)-Mommy, this is Rivet and she saved me from being captured by evil robots!

Rivet-Um... Hi, Ma'am.

(Y/N)-Over here we have Kit, Sasha, Camlita, Tess, Angela, her proto-pet, Penelope, Ashelin, and Keira. They all helped and promised they would get me back home. They are my friends!... Why are you crying?

I pinched myself to wake up, but then it actually hurt... I was awake and there were characters from my husband's games in my living room... Did I take something or have too much coffee?

(M/N)-(Y/N)... Are they in costumes or is this some new AI thing?

(Y/N)-Huh?... No. It's not even close to Halloween, yet.



(Timeskip 10 Minutes)

(Carmelita's POV)

(Y/N) was scared that something was wrong with his mother, but we exclaimed it was probably from shock since she had seen nothing like us before and now lots of us were in her living room... She also looked exhausted from searching for him. He was next to her on her bed we helped her onto and I wanted to hold him, but he would not move for anyone. I understand that this is his mother, the very person I promised to help him get back to, but this was getting under my skin.

Carmelita-(Y/N), Sweetie. I think we need to have a talk while your mother is asleep.

(Y/N)-B-But she was supposed to talk with all of you and be great friends.

Ashelin-We can still do that later... Come on.

Ashelin picked him up and I felt jealous and angry at her for taking him. She looks like some punk I would be putting behind bars. We got back out to the living room to discuss what we were going to do since we didn't know how to get back home... Even after being told we were just games in this world and (Y/N) even showed us proof. It's hard to keep myself together, but I already had a lot of experience with crazy. Instead of stressing and freaking out, we all needed to focus on other problems.

Sasha-With no other rooms that can fit all of us, the basement is the only place we can go. We also need to take into consideration that this planet as no other planetary contact, so... most of us can't go outside and even then have to cover up.

Rivet-What about beds and other clothes?

(Y/N)-Well, we do have a lot of stuff in the basement and in a storage place. Extra clothes, Mommy and Daddy's party stuff and clothes, and the 3 beds in the basement also have a spar bed under them. Then we have sleeping bags and air beds for camping.

That should be just enough for everyone to fit on a bed, but I just wonder how we are going to convince his parents to take in 9 strangers... or game characters for them. I don't care right now. (Y/N) looked tense about not being with his mom and wanted to go be with her... I thought of something he might like.

((Y/N)'s POV)

I don't know if Mommy is alright or not, but before I could get up again to go check I was touched by a fluffy fox tail, so I turned to see Carmelita look at me a little sad.


Carmelita-(Y/N), you look so scared. Is it because of your mommy? ~


Carmelita-She's just very tired. That's all. She'll wake up feeling much better and I'm sure your daddy will be no different. You, on the other hand, look like you need some cuddles... I got just the tail for you. ~

She brushed me with her tail and I guess she was right... I cuddled her tail, but then I was in it with another tail on my other side. I turned to see that it was just Rivet and she looked happy.


Rivet-Remember this tail, Sweetie? It needs some fluffing too. ~

I could feel and smell both of their tails. Carmelita was more fluffy, but Rivet's tail smelled a little better. I was wrapped in both tails with a hug while Rivet and Carmelita looked at each other.

Carmelita-I can take care of him. Why don't you go help with the beds before his mom or dad show up? Better to ask for forgiveness than permission.

Rivet-Good idea, but I don't think inspectors have much experience in child care. So feel free to head down there.

Just then I was picked up and pulled out from their fluffy tails I loved being in and my face was stuffed into boobs.


Ashelin-We are spreading the work evenly and I think (Y/N) would like to help us too. We get this done fast and make it up to the parents later.

I guess we need to say sorry for making the girls stay, but I don't want the girls to be out on the street after saving me. Ashelin gave everyone a job. My job was supposed to be very important... Keep everyone happy, so we don't fight and I had to be creative. Hugs and letting them hold me is something they all like, but I brought some of my stuffed animals downstairs to the basement to give everyone a toy to help them sleep. When I made it to Tess's bed... She pulled me into her bed which was my spare bed.


Tess-Don't mind if I just have you instead, right? ~

She rubbed her fur onto me and I loved it, but Keira took me from Tess for her cuddles.

(Kit's POV)

Rivet is not his true mother and his mother is not going to appreciate us inviting ourselves in. I am still trying to process everything, like being from a game while I was taking trips to bring down the many spare pillows, sleeping bags, and blankets I heard a door open. I turned to see a man look very depressed and when he looked at me he looked surprised. Based on family photos in the house, it was his dad.

Kit-Um... G-Greetings. We returned your son home safely and... Sorry for inviting ourselves to settle in.

???-... You're... Kit.

Kit-Um... I guess you would know my new name. I am from-.

Just then he started to fall over to land flat on his face.


Kit-Oh my.

(No POV)

Kit got the others to help bring (D/N) to his room next to his wife and (Y/N) was so happy to see him. When the girls were settled in as much as they could be, they all got to think of how they were going to make this work. Some of the girls just got busy with hobbies. Rivet even got to work on building something with Kit and Penelope wanted to help too to pass the time. By the time night came, the creation was done and another plan was in action as (M/N) and (D/N) were waking up.


Rivet-Look at that. Can't even tell the difference from back home.

Penelope-Huh? What's it do?

Rivet-Cleans a nasty virus, hacks into computers, stores information, the AI is state of the art... I just never got around to making my own before.

Kit-I assume this AI has a name.

Rivet-Meet... Glitch.


That's when (Y/N) came running downstairs and Rivet put Glitch in her pocket.


(Y/N)-Hurry! Mommy and Daddy are up and dinner is almost done!


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