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(Marcy's POV)

I woke up this morning and I wanted to get this day started. There was something about it that gave me a good feeling, but I just was not sure. When I got in the shower and got ready for the day, I went to the dining area where Olivia and Yuyan should be meeting me in the morning for breakfast where Olivia wanted the lessons to start. I'm sure they will go by quickly. When I was walking down the hall while reading a journal, I was stopped by someone and I finished my sentence before looking to see I was closer to the wall than I thought and was going to bump into a vase. I looked behind me to see who grabbed my arm and it was Olivia.


Olivia-Not even in the dining room and already need to be supervised, do we?

Marcy-I was reading.

Olivia took the journal from me and had me follow her to the dining area. When we got there, I saw Yuyan there already and was talking to the guards about her war stories again.


We walked up to the table to sit down and Olivia smacked my arms a little from having my elbows on the table. She is very strict on manners and form. Yuyan only came over to us when the chefs came out and we were done eating. Still can't believe how much I got used to eating bugs.

Yuyan-You needed, my lady?

Olivia-Yes, I need your assistance for Marcy. She is... not very observant and gentle words or less than gentle words do not help.

Yuyan-I think I understand. Say no more.

She cracked her knuckles while smiling at me, but then Olivia got in between us. Thank God she did because I felt my heart sink.

Olivia-No! Not that far! Just give her a little tap or something when she zones out. That means no bruises, or broken limbs... Well, if she sets herself on fire again, a bruise can't be so bad.

Marcy-Isn't this a little too much?

Olivia-You almost fall down the stairs 3 times a day when someone saves you, but you still fall down later on or something else. This is a mercy.

Marcy-Well... I guess it can't be too hard.

(Timeskip 10 Minutes)



Yuyan-I'm going to like this job.

(Anne's POV)

Polly was on my head and Felica and Ivy were right by my side to go see the king about this box and see if he or anyone in this big castle could get it working again. There was only one problem...

Polly-LET US IN!!!

Anne-This is important for the king to see!

Guard-Then make an appointment to see the king. Good day.

Polly-I will stuff you in a smaller box and toss you into a river!

Ivy-Polly! Calm down!

Just then I tried to rush the guards to get into the castle, but they crossed spears to block me. Polly jumped off my head to get through the door and got it open... Only for a guard to grab her.

Polly-Hey, you can't block my surprise attack!

I was about to rush in myself and got really made for a moment before Felicia rushed past me and made quick work of all the guards. By quick work, she went for their legs to sweep them and then smashed their heads to the ground to knock them out.


She slapped her hands together to clean them a little before she looked back to us as we stared at her.

Felicia-Come along now. More guards will come soon. Best to make this case to the king before that happens.

We all entered the castle and I am surprised they only keep 3 guards at the front door. Even for a Utopia, don't they have any enemies? We tried to find where the throne room would be, but that's hard when you are in a place that is bigger than 3 of my schools combined.

Anne-Where's the throne room?

Ivy-If I was a royal ruler, I would have my throne room on the top floor.

It made as much sense every show Marcy liked to watch back home. We went up some stairs ready for anything. Nothing is keeping me away from (Y/N). I would like to see the idoit who will try to even lay another finger on us!

???-Marcy! Look out!

I snapped out of my mind when I heard that nameand then someone in a cloak walked to the top of the stairs before falling and tumbling down to tackle me by surprise and we both went to the bottom of the stairs.


When I hit another step, everything went dark... On the bright side... I found Marcy.

((Y/N)'s POV)

I was doing my new job for Lilith. She said she felt really stressed out from workand everything, so she wanted me to rub her back, rub her hands, and entertain her... She likes it when she holds me in her lap and gives me cuddles. I know adoptive parents do this with their kids, but it feels so weird since she hated me before. Now, she won't let me go... Until a guard came in and said her student arrived. She just put me on herbed and changed the wood to add a wooden chain to my foot.

Lilian-Just stay her and be good. Good little employees get treats.

She patted my head and left me alone in this room. I got off the bed to see how far I could go and I had just enough to make it to the window I I stretch my foot out. I wanted in this room and thought about Eda and how she might be doing.

(No POV)

Meanwhile, Eda was constantly trying to get free while witches were preparing to turn her to stone. They were sure the chain was strong enough to hold her, but... they never said anything about the ground that was beginning to crack.

(Amity's POV)

I was out in the field with Lilith learning new spells to buy time for Luz and her mom to get (Y/N) and Eda. The most I can buy them is a few hours. We started with a few warm up spells and exercises.

Lilith-We need to cut practice short today. I have matters to attend to, but I will be testing your limits in that time period. Testing ones limits is key to increasing power... And tiring you out quicker. *mumbles*


Lilith-Cast a spell. Anyone will do.

I have to make this look good, but so much for a few ours. Doing something like this, I will be lucky if I can make it to an hour.

Amity's mind-Please, hurry.

(Luz's POV)

Mom and I were in the capital and I had potions for Eda to turn back to normal. I just hope that its enough, but we also need to find (Y/N) first. That's going to be hard since I have never been here before. Now, I have to dodge guards while searching with no idea where I am going, but I do have an idea of where they might be. If I was holding a prion in a place like this, then the lowest floor would be the place to look. After a little while we made it to the lowest floor, but the prison door guarded. I had to go in through a vent, but Mom could not fit... I have to be quick about this. The roars and screeches could be heard from in the hall, so it told me where to go in here. I made it to the prison room and saw Eda in this form again.


Luz-Eda... I'm going to get you and (Y/N) out of here.

She lashed at me when I said his name and one of the chains came out of the ground. I just got a potion out and tried to give it to her, but she would not sit still. She won't take it like this and I was running out of time... Maybe if she reacted to his name, I can use that to calm her down.

Luz-Eda... (Y/N) is waiting for us.


Luz-Ok, ok... You. He's waiting for you. Don't you want to save him? Take him to a safe place in my world where you can hold him again... Him smelling as sweet as ever.

It was working, so I got closer to her with a potion.

Luz-That's it... We just need to get you back to normal.

To make it safer, I used a light glyph to keep her attention on that, but before I could give her the potion the door opened. A guard had my mom with them and now they saw me!


Mom-Let go of me!


Guard-A third one?! Arrest her!

More guards came in and with Mom captured and Eda still like this and back into a raging mess... (Y/N)... What will happen to him? I thought about us all being turned into stone and at first, all I felt was fear. Soon after I was grabbed... I pictured them grabbing (Y/N) like this. I only heard voices of everyone, but didn't pay attention to them when some kind of pain shot through me. My ears were ringing and when the paibn went away, I could hear my breathing only.

Luz-... *Pant*.... *pant*... *pant*.

(Camilla's POV)

I tried to break free and help my daughter might now, but this magic stuff was not budging at all. I was pushed onto my knees when I was trying to fight through this though. Everything stopped when all of the sudden, I heard something when I took my eyes off my daughter for too long.


We all looked to see what just happened and that's when I saw what happened to my daughter.



Before I could fully process then I circle flew of her and the guard that had me was hit and turned into ashes.

Camilla's mind-Luz?

Luz-*Sniff* *sniff* *sniff*.

When she stopped sniffing, a smiled curved onto her face.

((Y/N)'s POV)

I had no idea what that sound was. Was it Eda?... It sounded a little different from Eda. I heard more noises happening more and more while getting closer. I tried to break free, but it still would not break by pulling and smashing it with something.

(Y/N)-Come on!

I jumped and screamed when the wall to the room was punched through and when I looked back to the hole, it was all dusty. Mist or steam came into the room nd filled it to where I could not see anything, but I heard someone or something was in here... The wooden chain was broken since it got loose when I heard a cracking sound. That's when someone came from the missed and looked happy that she found me.


Camilla-My hijo!

She picked me up and gave me kisses before she tried to walk in this steam again while I was too scared to talk. That's when something grabbed the both of us.

(Lilith's POV)

I ordered Amity to return home while I dealt with the intruder in the capital. I thought this would be a jailbreak by my sister, but then my heart sunk when I saw something crash out from the location I believed to be my room.

Lilith's mind-... Please, no.

My heart sunk when I flew up to me room and hen I made it, it felt worse. I didn't care in the slightest that my room was destroyed, my possessions where scattered, or that whoever id this escaped...

Lilith-My... MY HUMAN!!!

I looked out into the distance filled with rage to try and find them... They were gone and out of sight already and that's when more guards and members came.


Guard-I-It wasn't the owl lady! It was someone else!


They all got moving and when I was alone, I fell to my knees in tears... Who could do this to me if not my sister?... My sister. If anyone knows about hiding places and underground operations in The Boiling Isles, it was her. She just was not treated yet and I don't have time to wait. I went down to the holding area or what was left of it. I looked at the dead bodies and only thought of failures that got my human kidnapped. There was only one person I cared about.


Lilith-Hello, sister.

She growled at me,but I showed no fear. I thought about how furious the emperor would be if I did this and how it could complicate things... I know he is not invincible since I saw how weak he is when he is 'hungry', so for his sake, he better not get in my way... I don't need him anymore... I just need my human as soon as possible. No matter the cost.

Lilith-... With this spell declared, let the pain be shared.

I closed my eyes and let the magic do it's job.

(Amity's POV)

I was looking around for Luz and the others in the vast fields and such for any sign of them with help of the pilot. I had to see (Y/N) again and just then, something flew out of a cloud and bursted into a ball of light before I saw Luz, her mom, and (Y/N) fall on board. Luz was just passed out and exhausted.


I was worried about Luz, but I could not help myself when I snatched (Y/N) from Camilla and hugged him with tears in my eyes.

Luz-Thank the Titan that you're ok!

It felt so good to have him back in my arms, but I helped with Luz to get her to rest properly. Camilla told me she has no idea what really happened other than Luz growing a tail, claws, fur, and her magic was stronger while she was vicious with the Emperor's Convent members. When we finally made it back to my house, Willow flew up to met with us and took (Y/N) from Camilla and I.


Willow-I missed you so much! Don't ever leave me again! ~

(Y/N)-Um... Ok.

Amity-We're going to hold you to that... Wait! Willow, hurry and get them out of here! Start with Luz!

Willow-What happened?


She got her staff ready with the help of Camilla getting Luz on with her before she left with Luz first. I told the pilot to keep quiet about this or else it would be his job. We landed before Willow could come back to get Camilla and (Y/N) and someone was waiting for us.


She looked surprised when she walked on and there was no where for Camillia and (Y/N) to hide.

Mom-Amity... Who are these... human things?

Amity-Um... Hey mother. I... can explain.


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