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(Noah's POV)

I was awake now and it was nighttime outside from what I could see. With the door to this room wide open, I could smell something really good out there, but I did not want to go near that giant alien. I just held one of the toys she gave me and stayed in the bed to try and hide in the cracks of it as much as I could. The smell kept on getting better and better while my tummy growled, but later she came in with a bowl of food and the steam coming off of it made my mouth very watery. She left the food there with some more water... I almost tripped trying to get to the food and never saw anything like this. It had meat, vegetables, and rice with some sauce on it. I had to eat with my hands, but everything was so good. The meat almost melts in my mouth, the vegetables are a little crispy with a lot of flavor, and the rice is so fluffy. I felt more hungry at first until I ate some more. I soon noticed the blue alien standing by the door with her phone pointed at me, so I grabbed the bowl of food and backed away from her.

Blue Alien-*Giggles*. ~

(Vita's POV)

Justin was really enjoying the stir fry I made and now he looked protective of his food. I'm glad I decided to wait until after dinner to bathe and clothe him because he had a bit of food on him. He's not going to let me pick him up, but when he is done eating, I will try to lure him to the bathroom with a treat for him. I just went back to the living room to eat during my show and sent the photo to my parents, Clove, and Clove's brother Ruji. I really did a nice job with this stir-fry and when I got around to posting the picture online many just commented on what species is my new pet. When I finished eating my food and putting the bowl away to be cleaned and put away by my sink that really helps with the dishes entirely... I get the hard job.

Vita-Ok Justin... Bath time.

I started by going to his treat bag in the fridge and pulled out a brown chocolate pellet that some other pets like, but he should like it too... At least as far as his species goes.


I went to his room and found him with an empty bowl and using his fingers to scoop up the sauce and other bits of food. It was adorable but also messy. I just held out the chocolate and made some clicking sounds with my tongue to try and call him, but he would not budge. He just went into a corner, so I was going to have to do this the hard way but I was at least going to give him his treat first to have some good experience with this... I think.

Vita-It's ok... I'm just going to give this to you.

I got as close as I could without making him squeak too much and I put it on the ground a few inches away before I backed up. He picked it up to brush it off before he sniffed it a little. I think he didn't have this before because he looked confused.

Vita-Just wait here. I'm just going to get your bath ready in advance and... maybe some music to help calm you some more when you are sedated.

I left the room and when I got to the bathroom, I pulled out the sedative bath soap. I got the water running and when I added the bubbles I smelled a bit of a sweet scent to it.

(Noah's POV)

I never really had chocolate before... Well, none that I couldn't relax and really taste without kids picking on me. There was even a vanilla cream inside and it was so good that a tear came out of my eye... I never had sweets while not worrying about someone taking them from me. I finished it and then the blue alien came back in and slowly walked up to me without stopping this time.

Noah-No! Go away! Go away!... Hey! HEY!!! NO!!! PUT ME DOWN!!!

She picked me up and would not let go when I wiggled in her hands and she took me somewhere where I heard running water. I kept on screaming at her and tried to fight, but she held my feet and arms still when she put me in the water. I smelled something sweet and the bubbly water felt so warm, but the weird thing was that it was getting really hard to even fight. When I stopped, she let me go and turned off the water to let me sit on the end of the bath with my back against the wall. The bubbles were not like bubble baths on T.V., but they were a small cover for the water.

Blue Alien-*Sigh*.

I looked up at the alien still scared, but not able to really move. She took some soap and put water in my hair before she started to scrub my hair for me. I closed my eyes and whimpered from her touching me and I couldn't do anything to stop her, but she had soft music playing and made soft sounds... I still felt scared, but it was hard to stay that way. I can't trust strangers or anyone if I don't want to get hurt again. When she rinsed my hair she put something else in it and the longer this bath went on, the more relaxed I felt.

Noah's mind-What's happening?... She did something to the water. She had to.

When she rinsed my hair again, she started to scrub my body, so I opened my eyes to look at her leaning over into the bath. Nobody ever gave me a bath from what I could remember and it felt so weird, but then she curled me up in her hands and splashed water on top of me to get the soap off of me. She finally took me out of the bath and drained the water before she wrapped me in a towel. It felt so warm and fluffy while she held me like a baby and even got a hair dryer to help dry me off. When I was completely dry, she took me back to my room like a baby wrapped in a blanket and put me on the dresser. She got some clothes out for me and dressed me in some pajamas with some alien on them. She even had the collar and put it on me.


They felt warm and smooth which was really...

Noah's mind-Cozy.

She even put on some socks for me to keep my feet warm before taking me to my bed. She laid me down, gave me my warm stuffed animal, and put the blanket over me. Next, she put something over the whole bed, and when she twisted the bars...


She made clicking and other noises at me before she got up to leave the room, but left the door open with the hall light on. I even heard a T.V. out there which made sleeping here a little better.


I just closed my eyes and went to sleep from what I know was because of that bath water or something... I was just so tired.

(Vita's POV)

I was staying up thinking about things I could do with all of this free time. I know Clove wants to come over, but Justin is still nervous around me. I never really asked Clove about her experience with her pet when she first got her, but maybe she might know something. I called her and it rang for a bit before she answered.


Vita-Hey Clove, I need some advice.

Clove-What is it?

Vita-It's about Justin. I know the bonding process with a feral animal takes time, but what did you do with Sola when you first got her?

Clove-Well... Sola was already a sweetheart. I didn't have to do anything that you're doing with Justin. Besides music as a common fact to calm most animals, Sola likes to watch a few shows with me. Maybe you can try to give him a few shows to watch, Sola likes to look at and poke her nose or try to wrap her wings around her toy egg when she sees a baby on TV or something she finds romantic.

Vita-Well... Justin is just a baby, but I don't know what he likes.

Clove-Well then just experiment tomorrow. Cartoons, magic, musicals with dancing. If he's curious then he might try to copy it.

Vita-Maybe... Ok, I'll try that.

Clove-Soooo... I showed Sola a holographic picture of Justin and she tried to take it around her wing. She really wants to meet him.

Vita-Well, he needs to get used to me first. I gave him a bath with sedative soap before I tucked him in with some warm pajamas and his collar to get used to it.

Clove-Is he still awake or asleep?

Vita-Well... I know he will be asleep soon at least. Why?

Clove-You can try to hold him while he's sedated to know you won't do anything bad at his most vulnerable... Or you can wake up before him to hold him when he wakes up.

Vita-Um... Let's crawl before we walk. The show and music idea sounds good though. I'll try a few things before heading to bed for the night.

Clove-Ok. Night.

I hung up and left my show and scrolled through my streaming services. I tried to go for shows that were more picture-heavy and fun for a baby to look at. When I found cartoons, I looked for things more action-packed, but not scary, and next saved a few different kinds of music. I can use a laser-pointed heart monitor to find what music and show he reacts better too.

Vita-What else?... He never touched his puzzle toys, yet. He might just need a bit more encouragement.

I walked to his room and saw that he was already asleep. I walked up to him and took the cover off quietly to not wake him up. I thought of something and left to come back with my tools to do a little exam as he slept. We do this with more dangerous or stressed animals.

Vita's mind-Ok. Let's see how you react to a few things.

I tried a few high-pitched sounds and no signs of any reaction, so he couldn't pick up high-pitched sounds, but when I made a few soft noises next to his ear, his body shivered a little. Next, I did light brushing while searching his brain activity with his reflexes recently stimulated. All the data I was getting after years of this work will be helpful tomorrow morning. After that, I went to bed with an alarm set to try and wake up before Justin and put my plan into action for the morning.

Vita's mind-This should help... I know where you'll love to be pet, touched, and scratched now.

(Noah's POV)

I was waking up to the sunlight gently hitting my face and something smelling really good. I opened my eyes to see the bars were gone and there was a bowl of eggs with some kind of pink leaf and cheese on them. There was also some meat on it too. I didn't see the blue alien anywhere, but I was a little hungry... When I took a few bites of the food and enjoyed how good it was...

Noah's mind-Is that music?


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