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(Timeskip 3 Days)

((Y/N)'s POV)

I was sleeping with Mommy Planetina tonight and she would fly in circles around her room. I don't know why, but I would get so sleepy after a few minutes from that. Everyone had a way to get me to sleep faster for bedtime or nap time. I even got to tell my sister and Grandma to take a nap and I got to take one with them... as long as everyone was watching us and Dawn tied them both up a little. After I got so tired and yawned, she put a pacifier in my mouth to suck on and I could not keep my eyes open anymore.

Planetina-Just look at you... I even got a surprise for you in the morning. ~

I just relaxed and felt her land in bed and pull a blanket over us. I felt her hand rub my back and before I knew it... I was on a nice squishy cloud in my old room before my old mommy (M/N) came in with a belt and bat.

(Planetina's POV)

He was only asleep for an hour and he was smiling from having a good dream. It just looked so cute and I did wonder what he was dreaming about. His latch on his pacifier was loose, so I took it out for him and carefully adjusted my new loose-fitting t-shirt to get it ready for the morning. Just when I was going to sleep, I felt him stir in his sleep and I looked to see him feeling for something to suck on. I guess we have Millie and Holli to thank for his habit of giving him a pacifier in his sleep.

Planetina's mind-Well... If it's going to happen in the morning.

(Timeskip To Morning)

((Y/N)'s POV)

When the bat finally went over my head, I only saw darkness until a light shined into my eyes. I felt Planetina under me as I snuggled into her and felt something... different. I remember having my pacifier, but now it's a bit more squishy and stuff. I sucked on it until I tasted something creamy and a little fruity... Is this...


I started to open my eyes to see I was looking at Planetina's chest and I had her in my mouth, so I kept on getting milk. It helped me when I was thirsty and a little hungry in bed. The milk tasted good and I think this was waking her up because she stretched a little, so I stopped to look up at her. She kissed my forehead.


Planetina-*Yawn* Good morning, Sweetheart. ~

(Y/N)-Good morning, Mommy.

Planetina-Did you like the surprise I promised you?

I nodded my head and wanted more, but she got up and held me in one arm while floating down the hall with me to the bathroom. She turned on the water to the shower and bathroom before she put me down. I got my arms up for her and she was getting us ready to get in the shower.

(Y/N)-*Yawn*... Mommy, I'm still tired.

Planetina-Let's just see how you feel after this shower. If you're still feeling sleepy, I get someone down for a nap with you.

(Y/N)-Can it be my sister and Grandma?

Planetina-No, sorry. They are still dirty from not having a bath, yet. I bet Mama Kitty would love to take a nap with you. ~

Just then the door opened and it was Kitty that came in. She looked like she had just woken up too. She smiled when she saw me and came over for hugs and kisses.


Kitty-Buenos días, mi bebe. ~... How long were you two up?

Planetina-We just got up and he might already be ready to go back down for a nap. I thought of putting him with you.

Kitty-Awwwww. You wanna nap and cuddle with Mama? ~

I made a little noise while nodding my head at her before Planetina picked me up to take me in the shower with her and Kitty was right behind us to get in. I was put in the bath to relax and after having water poured on me, Planetina scrubbed my head and it felt like a massage... A nice, warm, relaxing... massage.

(Kitty's POV)

I was getting all of this sweat and extra fur off of me after I fell asleep in the shed last night whipping those two into shape after (G/N) yelled at (Y/N), even if it was one word before she caught herself. A smile curved onto my face with the thoughts from last night pouring in, but I snapped out of it when my ears flickered at the sound of something over the running water.

(Y/N)-*Soft snooring*.

I looked over to (Y/N) sleeping until more water was poured on his head which woke up, but just barely. It looked so adorable and when she was working on herself, I got to work on myself in here. I took the cap off the drain from how much hair was coming off of me. By the time I was done and opened my eyes, (Y/N) was being scrubbed down by Planetina. He didn't like being constantly moved around, and I responded by grabbing a brush and trying to get as much loose hair off of me as possible. When he was done, I stopped and had hardly anything come off anymore. I walked up to them and (Y/N) looked at me with adorable (E/C) groggy eyes.

Kitty-You look exhausted... You want to come nap with Mama. My fur and chest will be nice and fluffy for you while you listen to the heartbeat and burrs you love to sleep to. ~

He let out a cute yawn before he reached for me, so Planetina let him out and I took him with me to dry him off and get him dressed in some new pajamas I had for him in my room. We got him all sorts of onesies that we showed him online. The one I had for him was a cute baby bear and it even had a little hood for him. When we got in my bed, he nuzzled into me with his ear against my chest.

Kitty-*Purring*. ~

I wasn't tired, so I just watched him go back to sleep in my arms until he pried his eyes open again and moved around my fur on my chest... I know what he was looking for.

Kitty-I don't know if I'm ready, but you're looking in the wrong place, Honey.

((S/N)'s POV)

We were only sprayed down and left in the shed because they thought the house was easy enough to clean themselves very quickly. However, Millie and Holli said they would be back to take us to my old room for some 'fun' later. We only had breakfast that was mixed like dog food and Dawn spit in it in front of us. I just looked at the house and tried to think of something else we could do. Nobody will believe us if we call the police on them. Even if we did get them over here, Planetina is a fucking powerhouse. The only thing we had was an open window, but they put an AC inside when (Y/N) wanted to have a nap with us that one time, and next time we won't be so sweaty.

(S/N)'s mind-I got him to literally kiss one of their asses and they still adore him?! What do I need to do?!

I started to think about the other things I used to do to him and something I said to him... Well, if I can't have the luxury in my life anymore, neither will any man.

(Timeskip 2 Hours)

((Y/N)'s POV)

It's funny how Mama Kitty's milk came from her tummy and it did feel a little weird, but it was almost like a milkshake kind feeling while it tasted close to Madonna. Right now, I was playing after they made me wake up and put me in Mama Millie and Holli's room to play games while they made something for me to eat. They were the best, so instead of playing games like they told me to do, I snuck on the computer to get them surprise gifts. Some I got things from their shows, but others I got things I thought they might like. Like how Planetina loved earth, plants, and special stuff made by earth, so I found a special stone for her, I got Millie a few plushies from her show, I got Madonna a crown, I got Kitty a plushy of Puss, I got Holli a water spa for her feet, and I got Dawn a "World's Best Mayor" mug.


I bought them all and went back on my game in secret while smiling to myself. I was playing puzzle games with cool portals, but when I got stuck on a level, I turned it off to watch a show. That's when Madonna came in and I heard a scream out there, but that's just from Millie and some other mommies playing with my sister and grandma. Madonna even had food with her.



Madonna-Eh, eh, eh. No going crazy. We keep our composure when I feed you. Now, just like I taught you.

She used one hand to bring down a wall on the bed and I got down and followed her to a chair to sit on her lap. I sat up straight, hands on my lap, eyes on the food, and mouth wide open for her.

Madonna-Good boy. Ahhhhh. ~


She used a fork to get a chicken nugget and dipped it in ketchup before feeding it to me. After she was done feeding me the whole plate I reached for her shirt, but she tapped on my hand to bring it down.

Madonna-That is not how you get your milk from me.

(Y/N)-Sorry... Pretty please?

Madonna-You can't ask a lady something like that. What have I taught you about this?... Do you even remember the conversation?

(Y/N)-Ummm... No grabbing without permission?

Madonna-... Is that it?

(Y/N)-There was more?

(Timeskip 30 Minutes)

She gave me a whole lesson, but it got a little boring and hard to remember... What wasn't boring was the horsey leg rides I got from Holli. I giggled a little to myself but snapped out of it when...

Madonna-(Y/N), are you even listening?!

(Y/N)-... Do I get milk now?

Madonna-*Sigh* What am I going to do with you?

(Y/N)-*Giggles*. ~

She finally let me have some of her milk and then I pulled her to bed for cuddles. She was about to go into another lesson, but I think she chose not to... More cuddles for me!

(Madonna's POV)

Honestly, I try to give him basic manners about how he should handle this, but I think I am just lucky he remembers how I specifically feed him. He nuzzled his face into my cheek and gave me kisses while he watched a show and I thought a nap right now would not hurt. When I closed my eyes, he gave me one final big kiss and put my arm around him.


Another lesson on proper manners has failed, but at least he's not intentionally taken advantage of a woman's company.

((Y/N)'s POV)

When Madonna fell asleep during my show I slowly slipped out. I put the crib wall up and peeked over to watch her sleep for a little bit before I left. I heard the others down the hallway and saw Millie, Holli, and Dawn go into my sister's room.


I ran behind them as quietly as I could to stop the door from slowly closing to come in and hug Holli from behind and kiss her leg.


(Y/N)-Mother Holli!

They seemed to panic a little and I wondered why, but when Holli picked me up and tried to turn me into her... I saw my sister and Grandma tied up and hanging from the ceiling covered with one wet towel for each of them. I saw that they even had red balls in their mouths when they looked at me. They were hanging from their arms and legs.


Millie-(Y/N), this is just something adults do! Your sister is 23 and-!

(Y/N)-How could you?!

Dawn-(Y/N), they completely-!


Millie/Holli/Dawn-... Huh?

(Y/N)-I didn't know you could swing and cuddle at the same time! I wanna get on!

(Dawn's POV)

I was proud of my work tying this bitches up with just a little muscle work from Millie, but when I did this, I only planned to rip the wet towels off of them and leave them for Millie and Holli... Now, here I am, leaving the towels on them and watching Holli push (Y/N) on (G/N) while wrapping his arms around her.

(Y/N)-Weeeeee! Higher, Mommy, higher!

(G/N)-*Muffled screaming*

Holli-Hold on tight!

We were pushing them at a certain angle aligned with the wall, but when she did push him higher, he didn't seem too pleased.

Dawn-What's wrong? Don't you like being pushed?

(Y/N)-That wasn't much higher... I remember (S/N) pushed me on the swings once until she made me let go and fly super high and land in the mud.

The three of us looked at her and she looked nervous now.

Millie-Is that right?... How about this? I can move her outside and we can go super high together!


(S/N)-NOOOOO!!! *muffled*

I pulled the pin holding her up when Millie grabbed her and we both went outside while Holli pushed him inside still. I added support under her, so her arms and legs don't pop out of place when they swing out here.

Millie-I was ready to peg the both of you until you couldn't walk fer a week, but this is much better!

The bitch tried to scream at us through the gag, but with Millie helping and others coming outside to watch, it was all she could do.

(Timeskip 5 Hours)

(Holli's POV)

I took my turn of pushing (Y/N) outside on his sister again and he was cuddling her while swinging. We added blankets around her to make it more comfortable for him to lay on her. We were keeping it low right now because we wanted him to settle down for dinner. When he finally got bored of swinging he got off of (S/N) and gave her one last hug around her head. He wanted to play around outside some more though, but I had to put his sister away. When I got her to the shed, I finally took the gag out and untied her after I put her collar and leash back on. The only thing she did was call out to me when I was about to leave.



(S/N)-Is this what you want your life to be?!

Holli-A mother to a noid child and a mistress that whips bitches like you?... I think so, yeah.

(S/N)-You have no idea what you could do if you were on our side?! Do you now see how he is using you?!

I looked outside the door when I saw (Y/N) run to the pool area where Madonna and Millie were to give them both massages. I looked at her and raised an eyebrow.

(S/N)-He just knows how to give a massage, but look at what he can do now! No more chores or responsibilities! How is he supposed to take care of any girl he gets when he gets older?! He is leeching off of you when he is more than capable!

Holli-Are you really trying to pull the manipulative villain speech, right now? I spent years with a himbo writing shit like that from his ass crack of a brain. You also don't have any power here anymore. We do.

(S/N)-Are you sure about that?

Holli-Was your face not buried under all of us when we using you as a swing with (Y/N)?

(S/N)-We have friends and a business run by my family! Sooner or later someone is going to notice we are not coming around or even calling! We don't have all of this money coming from nothing!

She does have a point... That would be a problem if people keep on coming and we can't hide that kind of body count forever...

Holli-Good point... We'll talk after (Y/N) goes to bed tonight.

She tried to call out to me, but I just closed the shed door and thought to myself about this problem. Like the time I tried a hostile takeover this way, a couple of pencil dicks and a himbo stopped me. I will have to bring this up to the girls later tonight when we put (Y/N) down for bedtime.

Holli's mind-People are bound to notice soon... What can we do?


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