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((Y/N)'s POV)

I just sat on the bed to rest while I wait for Ruby the Rabbit to come back and thought about every book and episode I saw when I was younger, but nothing was too bad. I think the worst is Max stealing cookies or something and this book is for babies... On the other hand, so was Winnie the Pooh and Kanga and Heffalump did what they did... Or was it because of the girls that they just got mad?... I don't even know anymore. I need to keep some stuff from Ruby and everyone here if I'm really stuck here... Thinking of it again made me feel sick to my stomach. The door opened and I saw Ruby again and she looked around the room and then back to me.


She stayed at the door and I stayed by the bed without saying a word to her. I could tell she was nervous too, but at least she had her home and world. I'm the one that has to fit in or else I have nothing and will be out on the street. I have to say or do something. Come on, just say something! You already know her!

(Y/N)-Um, hi... I'm (Y/N).

Ruby-I'm Ruby.

She walked a little closer to me and I felt nervous from the other times this has happened and it ends up badly.

Ruby-I know you're scared, but can I ask a few questions? First off... What exactly are you?

(Y/N)-I'm... human.

Ruby-I never heard of those. Where did you come from?

(Y/N)-Um... I... I'm from space?

Ruby-Space? You're an alien here?


She looked surprised before she looked happy and took my hand to bring me downstairs with her. I guess what I told her was partly true, but still... She's taking this way too well.

(Ruby's POV)

I found an alien and he's friendly. I was scared at first until I thought of what this could mean when everyone hears that I have discovered the very first alien. I had him sit down in the dining room and got a notepad and pen to take notes. I even got us both water.

Ruby-Just a couple more questions and we can do a few things... How old are you?

(Timeskip 45 Minutes)

(Y/N)-Are we done with the questions, yet?

Ruby-Just a few more.

(Y/N)-You said that 8 times already.

Ruby-But then I keep getting more... Ok, just one last question and we are done. Scouts honor.

(Y/N)-... Ok, just one.

I looked through my list and I had 17 to pick from. I have to make this last question count.

Ruby-Ok... What do you-?

There was a knock at the door and I just got up to answer it while I left (Y/N) at the table and when I opened the door, I saw Louis and Valerie at the door. They looked worried.


I just remembered that I didn't call to check in a few times like we all agreed to do... I also might've put the phone on mute and meant to call in between some questions. Louis quickly gave me a hug.

Louis-Why didn't you call?!

Valerie-Did something happen?!

Ruby-I guess I lost track of time... Where's Max?

Louis-Roger is watching him. What made you lose track of time/ We were worried sick!

(Beldam's POV)

I skipped a few parts of the book, but overall, it sounded like I was meant to die after Coraline looked me in my world. I had Mel come in here and read the part of my demise before she put the book down. She looked scared because she knew I was mostly mad.


Beldam-Do you know what I can do right now?! I can give you your self-conscious back and have you kill that blue-haired little brat over and over again until you break! I even have half a mind to do that!... Lucky for you, it's different now.

Mel-Does this mean I am off the hook?

I picked up the pen and added the final period it needed to make what I wrote happen to her. She flew back and slammed into the wall and was pushed against it by nothing, but this knocked all the wind out of her.

Beldam-No, it doesn't. I would not dream of bringing that little brat back here, even if it's just to kill her again. You on the other hand, I don't mind keeping you alive to play a little game... I know you will miss being a mother... So you will watch me be a mother to the boy who made all of this possible. Not only that.

I painting frame came out of the wall around her and I saw her start to turn into a canvas as she looked horrified. She struggled to try and get free, but it was completely hopeless for her. She also watched the old house change a little with the painting to look fancier and nicer. When the transformation was complete she was moving around in the picture frame and pounded on the canvas to try and get out.

Mel-Please, I'm sorry for what Coraline tried to do, but I can still serve you!

Baldam-But you will serve me as entertainment. Watch.

I walked up to the painting and drew a spider twice her size and when I was finished, it came to life and bite into her arm.


When her arm came clean off she fell to the ground to be eaten alive. Now comes for the fun part... The painting went back to when she was alive, but she kept her memories. She looked at me with fear in her eyes.

Mel-Pl-Please. I'll do anything!

I just smiled before I took the painting and brought it to my room while ignoring her cries for mercy. I only answered them by drawing her dangling over a pit of fire ants while the rope was slowly burning. When I left my room to tend to other business I wrote the girls to come to me and when they got here, they lined up.


Girls-Yes, mother.

Beldam-The time has come for you to fetch (Y/N) for me for him to be my son. The one who captures him first gets to help care for him the most when I am not around.

Girls-Yes, mother.

Beldam-Now, go before you end up like Mel!

They couldn't have known what I meant but left the house to leave in the library. I went back into the room to look out the window and see hordes of people working to build a better house, yard, and so much more. I could make it easier and instant with the pen and some paper, but this is just more fun. When the screaming stopped in my room I turned to Mel in the painting and she was on the ground completely traumatized. Perhaps I should give her full awareness back and let her break naturally.


Beldam-Let's play a game... I'm going to let you be you, and I will see how long it takes for you to break. I have so many ideas for this wonderful canvas... Do you prefer lava or stomach acid? ~


Beldam- Don't worry. I'll let you out when you are a proper good girl. Now, let's have some fun.*chuckles* ~

(Ruby's POV)

Louis and Valerie were meeting (Y/N) and Valerie went over to the house phone to call the boys over. (Y/N) get really nervous around them and didn't want to be crowded, so he kept his distance from us and hardly talked about anything. He would only confirm the questions I asked him earlier. Soon, he wanted to be alone, so I let him go back to the guest bedroom and it looked like he was going to take a nap.

Valerie-Why did you find him again?

Ruby-By the river bay where I planned for a picnic. Someone even tied him up, but he wouldn't say who.

Louis-Someone tied up a six-year-old?

Valerie-What bout his family? Was anyone else there or look like it?

Ruby-I didn't see anything to look around that much.

Louis-Well... Roger said Max was in a bath after he got dirty in the garden, so maybe I can call to check around the river before coming over.

Valerie-Shouldn't we go help look?

Ruby-Someone has to be here to watch (Y/N). If he tries to leave or if whoever tied him up comes back, we need to have the house locked up and ready to call 911.

Valrie-Then we can't send Roger and Max out there if someone is looking for (Y/N). That can put them in danger.

Louis-Police won't believe this... I saw Roger and Max search the river for only a little bit, stay in a group and be out there or 10 minutes tops. Whoever did that to (Y/N) won't be after them. Plus, it's been a while, so maybe they are gone.

Ruby-Well... It should be a bigger group than 2 and have an adult. I can call my grandma.

I was still nervous about this, but we really want answers. We made a few calls before we went to peek in on (Y/N) and saw him already sleeping in the bed, so we tip-toed in to stay quiet. Valerie reached out to touch his (H/L) (H/C) fur on top of his head while Louis gently grazed his furless skin.

Louis-Woah. *whisper*

Valerie-I wonder if there is more of him out there. *whisper*

He stirred in his sleep and when I propped my hands on the bed he gently wrapped his arm around one of mine. He snuggled into it and my friends and I watched his head slip down on top of my hand from the bed going down a little and he curled up.

(No POV)

Ruby/Valerie/Loius's minds-So cute! ~


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