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(Pearl's POV)

When we got out of the bath, I found Amethyst poofed back into her gem form and Garnet was still poofed, so that meant I get to have (Y/N) all to myself! At least for a few hours knowing Amethyst and that's if she takes her time, so I decided to make the most of this time by taking him shopping with the money that Greg had to get him some more games for his newer game console. By the time we made it back, I thought at least Amethyst would be done reforming, but neither she, Ruby, or Saphire had reformed. This made (Y/N) stress out and cry a little while walking up to them.

(Y/N)-A-Are you sure they are ok?

Pearl-Positive. One time I got poofed and I took my time to reform. 2 weeks to be exact.

(Y/N)-2 weeks?!

Pearl-That was just me! A-Amethyst normally takes not even 2 hours, so she should be back any moment now!

(Y/N)-What about Garnet?!

Pearl-Well... Tell you what, when they get back, we'll have a beach day to go swimming and BBQ something for you.

He only looked at my friends until I picked him up to play games with him. He still asked about his home and parents that Amethyst was supposed to take care of, but instead wanted a new look out of jealousy. I can't say I would put this past her exactly, but it's still just as crazy and reckless to poof yourself. While we were playing and (Y/N) was sitting on my lap, one of the gems started to glow and it was Ruby.


When she fell to the ground and landed on her feet she looked at us and (Y/N) looked confused since he never saw Ruby before. I decided to help properly introduce them to each other, so I paused the game before I picked him up to bring him downstairs to her.

((Y/N)'s POV)

I never saw this girl before, but she smiled at me while walking up to us and Pearl put me down. Her hair kinda reminded me of Garnet, but I never saw her before and she came from one of Garnet's gems. Does this Mean Garnet is never coming back?

Pearl-(Y/N), this is Ruby.

Ruby-Hey there. We haven't fully met each other, yet.


Ruby-It'll be easier if I show you later.

I have no idea what she meant by that, but she took my hand to shake it before she pulled me into her to carry me. She was stronger than she looked or I was lighter than I thought because she picked me up so easily. We all sat on the couch and played the Switch in tablet mode. We played a Mario game on a harder level and multiplayer made it a little easier to get through thanks to the bubble you go in if you die and the other can pop it.

Ruby-You know, Saphire loved the idea of playing a certain game with you. Maybe we can try it out now if you want.

(Y/N)-What game?

Ruby-It's like tag, but if we're tagged, we shapeshift into you... We did it with someone else very special to us and we wanted to play it again.

Pearl-Ohhhh, that sounds like fun! We can play it on the beach when all of the players are accounted for.

Speaking of which the next gem started to glow and to be honest, this is probably the longest she has ever taken to reform. When she formed, however... I wasn't exactly pleased.


I could see the writing on the wall with her since I didn't let her cram herself in the bath with us or stay to distract (Y/N) from getting clean. He was surprised that Amethyst changed so much and she didn't even give him time to let it sink in before she ran over to hug him. She put his face into her neck to where his nose was only showing a little and pulled him in from behind to make him lose his footing. She had him almost like he went limp.

Amethyst-Hey (Y/N)! Did ya miss me?! ~

(Y/N)-Amethyst, what happened to you?! *muffled*

Amethyst-Do you like it? I know how much you like cuddling, so I gave myself a snuggly and cuddly body for you... I see you blushing. You love it! ~

Ruby tried to pull (Y/N) away from Amethyst and he didn't see them glaring at each other.

Ruby-Did he have enough of you, already?

Amethyst-Unlike you, I got more to give on my own.

Ruby-At least I don't pull stunts like this. Give him!

They got into a fight over him until I got him out of there and put him behind me. Just as I was about to scold them Saphire's gem glowed and made those two snap out of the fight they were in as she formed.


((Y/N)'s POV)

Another new girl showed up, but she looked so pretty and fancy. I just don't know why her hair was covering her eyes. She smiled at me and Ruby ran up to her, so they could hug each other.



They hugged some more before they stopped to look at me and then Saphire whispered something to Ruby that made her smile. I felt nervous when they walked over to me and Pearl. She gently took my hands which felt a little nicer than Amethyst pulling me into her hug that made my face burn up.

(Y/N)-U-Um... I'm-.

Saphire-*Giggles* I know who you are.

She used one hand to fix my her a little from Amethysts, hug. She took me with her to the couch to sit me down with her and Ruby on both of my sides. She kept on looking at me or at least I think she did through her hair before she broke the silence.

Saphire-Would you like to play a game with us before we go out for a beach day?

(Y/N)-What?... How did you know?

Ruby-Saphire has future vision. She will know what happens before you do it.

Saphire-Just like I would you that you would like this.

She quickly reached behind me and scratched a part of my back and it felt so good that a noise slipped out of my mouth. I blushed when she stopped like she knew the itch she made and scratched was gone.

Saphire-And Ruby and I have a surprise for you later, during (Y/N) tag. ~

She poked my nose before they played more games, but I mostly let them play while trying to calm down from all this crazy stuff happening.

(Y/N)-What are Ruby and Saphire hiding?

(Lapis's POV)

I requested to speak to Blue Diamond directly, but for that, I would need an appointment, an urgent matter, and approval. I tried to appeal that it involved the legacy of Pink Diamond and how to preserve it for the most compassionate Diamond, but the best I was going to get was her Pearl. I was speaking to her new and telling her why I think this will please Blue Diamond, but I was hit with a surprise.


Blue Pearl-Our Diamond already has a human zoo. It was built during the Earth Era and she took over it after the unfortunate events of Pink Dimond.

Lapis-Then... I have an addition in mind to offer to the zoo and a request to be stationed there. I learned about what humans do in this age for fun.

Blue Pearl-We have that knowledge too, but as for your offer and experience, I will bring it forth to our Diamond. Just fill out a report and I will deliver it to her. She will decide what we do from there.

She gave me a floating screen and I hardly knew what to do at first. When I got the hang of it, I had to make sure this report catches her interest. I even put a detailed picture of (Y/N) with my water on the screen before I gave it to her.

Blue Pearl-Another thing in relation to your time on earth. There is a weapon that is to be checked on, so we will consult a Peridot to discuss info for a mission. Please, stay here until the Peridot arrives.

She left me and I just hoped that Blue Diamond will accept more humans to the zoo as well as a spot for me there. I didn't know if I should be excited or worried because there's a weapon on Earth and (Y/N) is on it.

Lapis's mind-You need to be here with me (Y/N)! It's the only way to keep you safe and loved now!


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