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((Y/N)'s POV)

Millie was keeping me on her lap, and I really want to go in there and help with Dawn because I know she was a villain, but it was because people were mean to her. I could barely enjoy some of the pudding Millie wanted to feed me because I kept on looking back at the hallway where Kitty and Dawn were in. Millie turned me back to her, so I opened my mouth and said, 'ahh' for her to give me another bite. When I finished my small bowl Millie got me, she held me in one arm, but held me tighter when Holli came in.


Holli-Any sweets left for me or is it only pudding?

Millie-Real smooth. Fuck off.

Holli-Oh, don't hog him. Madonna and I have been talking about this, and we have something planned.

Millie-Madonna talked to you?

Holli-She made me wear a coat for the talk, but yeah. We talked, and we feel like we're owed time... Don't you think so, Honey? ~

(Y/N)-... Well... If it's about being for to each other, we-.

Hollie ripped me away from Millie and for a second, Millie growled and took me back from her.

Millie-Like I'll ever trust him with you and that wanna-be teacher from the 1800s.

Madonna-Honestly, he is just learning proper educate.

Madonna walked in and she had one of my toys in her hand, so I reached out for it because that stuffed animal belongs on my bed.


I got away from Millie and got my toy back, But Madonna picked me up and held me. I really do want to spend time with all of them, but I also want to meet Dawn... I guess Kitty is still with her, so I can wait a little longer. Everyone in here was getting mad, so I did something I thought would make them feel better.

(Y/N)-How about some massages in the living room?

(Dawn's POV)

I just got sick in this bathroom again after I was told everything that happened and this nudist cat was sinking on the sink next to me. I was out of jail, but now thrown into a world where I am basically an alien would put me in a cell again if I'm lucky enough to not get put on a dissection table. I got up and looked at myself in the mirror while I was on a stepping stool and Kitty was sitting next to me which made me uncomfortable.


Kitty-Did you not have any magic from your world?

Dawn-*Cough* *cough* I don't come from a stupid fairytale! *cough* *gag*

Kitty-Don't get sick on yourself again.

Dawn-You're in the same boat as me! You're stupid predator brain has to at least know the danger we are in if the public sees us! I saw the news and I don't even know what these creatures are! I've been in jail only to jump into this!

Kitty-I've been in jail before and broke out too many times to count. Now, I'm here... We'll, that covers the bad news for the most part. Let's try some good news.

Dawn-What, do we fish here?!

Kitty-... We have a kid here and he's one of said 'creatures' called humans. He's actually very sweet, so if you give him a hard time...

She grabbed her sword and showed me some f the blade which made my heart sink.

Kitty-We'll have lamb instead of fish.

How typical of a predator to threaten prey, but she was the in for a surprise because I outsmarted a whole city until a bunny and fox threw a wrench into my plans. Kitty hopped down and left the bathroom in my 'new room' while not even looking at me.

Kitty-(Y/N) told us about you... Don't try anything like sweet talking to go behind our backs. 'Movies', remember?

I was left alone and the reminder of when I looked up Zootopia to see Judy's side of the story and the times I was around her made me almost get sick again, but there was nothing left to throw up. I just lied down in my new bed and at least this one was comfy and I don't have a cellmate that constantly annoys me.

(Timeskip 4 Hours)

I was watching more shows and stuff from this world and when I got hungry, I couldn't bring myself to leave the room, but soon there was a knock at the door. I heard 5 voices out there including Kitty's outside the whole time and only one was a boy... The door opened and I saw (Y/N) holding a bowl of fruit salad and I froze at the sight of him.


This has to be (Y/N) that Kitty told me about. He just slowly walked in with the food and put it on the small table in here. I stared into his (E/C) eyes when he sat on the bed a few inches away from me like this was normal for him.

(Y/N)-Hi, I'm (Y/N)... Are you ok?... Dawn?

I could not find the words or actions on what to do right now.

(Y/N)-Well... I made you a fruit salad. We ran out of some fruit that was picked, so I just used bananas, mangos, and pineapple to make it. I can also get you some fresh juice when it's cold and some pudding we have left over for dessert.

Dawn-... What's... your angle here?

(Y/N)-My angle?... Umm... sitting, I think.


He looked a little confused about what I meant before he looked at the T.V. to see that I had the news on, so he grabbed the remote and went to something called 'Maxx' where there were more movies.

(Y/N)-Maybe you should take a break from the boring news... We can even play a little game while you eat, and we can talk.

He gave me a warm smile and if he knows what I did. Why is he so nice to me?... He's just a naive kid and from what I've seen on T.V., humans are omnivores which is still a predator. He gave me the bowl and let me eat until I could hold myself over and this was better than the prison food.

(Y/N)-Later, I can grill some vegetables if you want some, and we can even shop online to got more clothes, decorate your room, and-

Dawn-Stop!... I don't know what you are doing, but it won't work.

(Y/N)-Online shopping works.

Dawn-Nice try. Tell me what you want or go away.

(Y/N)-Well... I want to help you be happy and good. Lionheart was a big meanie to you by calling you names and stuff... You just need a real friend and a fresh start. We can even be friends.

I tried to find the signs of a lair that I picked up on over the years, but... I only saw pure innocence in his eyes when I put the bowl down. He suddenly looked like he had an idea.

(Y/N)-I just gave everyone else massages, cuddles, and playtime. I think it's fair you get some too. I can even bring the board game in here. We can do the massage or cuddling first to help you relax. Kitty told me you were upset and wanted to be alone.

He got up and out of my room before he came back with a towel and stuff. He got stuff set up and with the towel next to me, I can feel the warmth and smell that it came out of the dryer. I never had a predator excited to serve me and after time in jail... I earned this. I complied, but I kept an on him. I took my shirt and skirt off while he was turned around and covered myself while feeling the strain on my body.

Dawn-Any funny business and you'll be sorry sooner or later. Just... focus on my back and watch those hands!

(Y/N)-*Giggles* Ok!

He came over and was about to start until a demon came in with Kitty, and looked at me for a second before looking at (Y/N). I froze again and this time I could feel my body ache.


(Y/N)-Um, Millie... I think you're scaring Dawn.

Millie-I came to keep you company with her.

Kitty-I'm still owed a message when 'mine' was cut short.

(Y/N)-Oh... You can lay next to Dawn. Want another one, Millie?

Millie-Nah, Sweetie. I just want my baby in my grasp. Why don't I be your assistant in exchange for extra cuddles and playtime after? ~

(Y/N)-Hmmmm, I want a bubble bath.

Millie-*Giggles* Deal. ~

(Timeskip 10 Minutes)

This demon was doting on this boy as I felt knots being worked out of my back and legs. He even did some knots on my butt and thighs, so I was going to yell at him, but Millie glared at me to make me stop, so she could tell him to stop for me. When he worked on Kitty again, I heard her moaning and purring in pleasure... I can't blame her because this child actually did a good job. He just kept on looking at me with sad eyes until he was done with both of us and took the wet hot washcloths off of us.

(Y/N)-Dawn... I felt some swelling coming back from the knots that were 'really bad'... Did someone hurt you?

Millie-I'm sure she's fine now, Sweetie. Come on. It's bubble time with Mommy. ~

(Y/N)-Oh. J-Just take a hot bath right now and put ice on it later.

Millie started to carry him out with her while he was giving me more tips and looking concerned. I could tell that it was real concern and the fact he knows who I really am from my worst deed... It made me feel weird, but I still despised the predator to an extent. Kitty got up and looked blissful.

Kitty-Ohhhh, that felt nice.

Dawn-What is with that child?! He touched my ass and he thought it was ok while still having the sense to act like... Like that!

Kitty-There's a story around it... I can talk to you from here while you get in that bath. I'm trying to get the hang of this T.V. thing still.

Dawn-Look away.

Kitty-Didn't you just come from jail? You should be used to-.

Dawn-Look away!

She just covered her eyes, so I got up while feeling a sharp pain in one part of my back as I headed to the bathroom. I don't know why I am so interested to hear a story about this kid. Someone so happy and in a big house like this has to get the silver spoon fed to him daily.

((Y/N)'s POV)


I got in the water first while Millie took her clothes off and put in the bubbles before she got in. I gave her the cuddles she wanted for helping me by getting things I needed for Kitty and Dawn. Her chest felt so soft and squishy to lay on while she gave me issues on my face. The bubbles came up, so I put some on her head to make her look silly. She just picked me up a little and blew on my tummy.

(Y/N)-*Giggles*! ~

Millie-You are just the cutest thing ever. ~

She used her tail to scratch my back until I could barely move while I lied on her. Next, she put bubbles on my head to start sculpting, so I held still for her. My face was mostly in her chest, but I could still breathe.

(Y/N)-Millie, do you think if we had a big enough bath, we could all have a bubble party when my family gets back home?!

Millie-Well... I'm gonna talk to them about that.

(Y/N)-Please! We're already using my sister's bubbles, so she should have fun with them too!

Millie-I'll let you in on a little secret... Your Mama and Sis have been naughty.

(Y/N)-... *Snickers* That's silly! Girls and ladies can't be naughty! Hehehe! Only boys can, so they get punished!

She tried to tell me that it was true, but I know she was just joking. It's like when my sister hurts me, I can't hurt her back or I get spanked and grounded. One time (S/N) even made a mess and I got in trouble for not cleaning fast enough. After that, I had to sleep outside like a 'filthy animal' I was. When it was my turn to sculpt bubbles on Millie, I used her head, boobs, and tail. I was having so much fun that I forgot about Dawn in pain and got a little sad. Millie didn't like it when I stopped smiling.

Millie-What's wrong? Do you like the bubbles?

(Y/N)-I do, but... I wanted to play with Dawn too. She's just hurt and she just never had a real friend. I still know Holli and Madonna want to be with me too just as much as you do. I don't want to hurt anyone's feelings to pick one person to be with.

Millie-Awwwww. That's so sweet. ~

(Y/N)-I feel like I should be punished right now for making others sad. I guess this means I'm grounded now.

Millie-What? No... No, no, no. You can't ground yourself. ~

(Y/N)-But I hurt Madonna and Holli's feelings and didn't help Dawn better. That's bad.

Millie-*Sigh* You're not grounded.

(Y/N)-But I-.




She won't let me be grounded and this never happened before. I was so confused about what to do now that I wasn't allowed to be grounded. It means I have to think of something that's fun and everyone will love. A movie or game is not going to be enough, and Dawn is still hurt.

(Millie's POV)

I lied back down in the water with (Y/N) and buried his face in my boobs, so he could not see how pissed I was at his family again. They will be back in a few days or so which I can't wait for. My tail rattled in fury under the water until (Y/N) started to push around my boobs until he placed his head on them like pillows. He looked like he was thinking until he jolted up in the water while looking at my boobs and then at me with a big smile on his face.

(No POV)

Holli was in (M/N)'s room on the computer to see where their stuff was, not knowing asking Alexa was much easier, but (Y/N) never told her because he was not allowed to use her. Madonna was reading a book in her room that she found inserting to read, but still thought of (Y/N) and how she was cheated out of lessons for him thanks to Millie. She had someone else in mind to give lessons to that she knows Millie or the others won't care about, even if she uses the horse crop. Kitty and Dawn were having a conversation about (Y/N) as Dawn learned more about him. Everything was interrupted when this echoed throughout the house...



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