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((Y/N)'s POV) Age: 6

Today was just a normal day at school. Wake up, go to class, recess, back to class, lunch, back to class, go home, and do homework. Right now, I just got to school in the morning for breakfast. I heard others talking about Spider-Man on the news yesterday when he took down Doc Ock and some saw that old gut that blames Spider-Man for everything and thinks he is the bad guy. I joined in on the conversation and brought up the time he defeated Rhino all by himself. Everyone was talking about his big battle from yesterday and one kid was playing the news or something on his speaker and I think he listens to this guy too much.

Jameson-Well folks, once again another street and a few buildings have been reduced to rubble. Doc Ock may be safely behind bars and the money he tried to steal has been returned, but at what cost? With that money, it could 'repair' all the damages that SPIDER-MAN CAUSED!!! Ohhhh, yes! Do you find it strange that Doc Ock robbed the very bank Spider-Man happened to be next to at the time?! It was no accident folks! With all the money that had been blown into the air during the fight, I bet Spider-Man picked up all that cash and kept it for himself, and will break out another so-called 'enemy' to pull another stunt like this! Do not let him get away with this! He is robbing this city blind because I bet he doesn't even have a real job! We need to expose him for the masked menace in pajamas he is!

The bell rang and he turned off his speaker before everyone started to line up for class. My first class was math and why does 1st grade math have to be so hard? I like P.E. and art better. During 1st period we were doing boring addition in math until...




It was getting faster and faster until an alarm went off and we heard the noises getting louder until...


The wall was busted down and we saw something huge run across the edge of the room and they took the whole wall with them. The teacher tried to get off of us out of here. I knew who this had to be, but being so close to the battle was scary and a few of us ran off. Something caught on fire and exploded, so I ran the other way to get away from the school... I didn't see where I was going, but I realized I was deeper into the school when I saw the flag pole in the middle of the school. I tried to get out of here, but more buildings came down and caught on fire. This place smelled like gas, and there was nowhere to go.

(Y/N)-HELP!!!... HE-!!! *cough* *cough*

The smoke made my throat scratchy, but things just got worse.


I looked to see Rhino coming out of the heavy smoke, but when I saw him... He looked different. Is this a new Rhino?


This new Rhino looked really mad and looking for something until he saw me. My body felt like it was already being squeezed when he charged for me and I just screamed and waited to be killed, but... I was grabbed and moved before I was put down. I opened my eyes and saw...


(Y/N)'s mind-SPIDER-MAN!!!

Spider-Man-Wow, a new kid at school, and you already got yourself detention. You need a counselor... or a warden... They offer both in prison, right?


Rhino charged for Spider-Man, but Spider-Man took off with me to get me away from the fire, but he couldn't put me down again because Rhino was chasing us. Just then, we saw another villain that looked new.


???-New suit, Spider-Man? ~

Spider-Man-Ugh, I already got a copycat on my hands, I don't need more on my plate!

???-Let me help with that!

Spider-Man-Sorry about this, kid!

He dropped me before this new guy shot lightning out of her hands and flew up, like Electro at Spider-Man. While I was falling he shot another web at me, but it missed... until I landed on a Spider-Web. I calmed down a little but tried to look for a way down. I looked at where I was and I was in the middle of the monkey bars. I could easily just climb down, but... I saw the new Rhino coming for me and Spider-Man was busy with this new villain that is almost like Electro.



I tried to climb down as fast as I could, but I knew he was going to get me. Just before he could reach the monkey bars...


He didn't fall, but he did turn enough to miss me and crash into a full cargo tank. I got saved by Spider-Man twice on the same day, but when I looked again... It wasn't Spider-Man and even looked like a girl.


???-Two villains could have been dropped anywhere in the multi-verse and they land at an elementary school?! What kind of luck is this?!

Rhino-Another Spider?! I will crush you like bug!

???-Fun fact. Spiders aren't bugs.


I watched Rhino got for whoever they were and she flipped over him at the last second and quickly webbed his feet to only slow him down and look wobbly.

???-Hey, pop quiz! How many spiders does it take to take down a Rhino?

Rhino-SHUT UP!!!

He ran for her and she stayed still and just raised one hand and shot something out. It rolled on the ground until Rhino stepped on it. A red wall that almost looked like electric glass formed around him and started flashing when it shocked him. He screamed and tried to get out, but it didn't work and he couldn't build up speed like that... He passed out.

???-Just one. Class dismissed.

She looked up and saw Spider-Man winning his fight, so she turned to me. I never saw her before on the news or even heard of her. She knelt down to me and held out her hand.

???-Hey kid, are you ok?

(Y/N)-... Are you a new superhero?

???-Call me Spider-Woman... Come on, let's get you to the-.


She reacted before I could even finish and got me out of the way of a random lightning bolt traveling across the ground, and coming right for us.

(Gwen's POV)

Again. Why out of all places in the infinite universes, did they have to land at an elementary school? Would it be so bad if they landed in a desert, abandoned small town, or abandoned building in the middle of nowhere?... A high maximum-security prison cell, maybe? The lightning bolt seemed to be the last when our second anomaly glitched out and Spider-Man landed the final punch. Rhino was even glitching out while the kid watched and looked a little confused. I put him in front of me and nudged him a little to walk.


Gwen-Lets go. Nothing more to see here. Bad guys are taken care of.

I looked at the school which was now a flaming piece of rubble, so I called a crew to come get one Rhino and Electro and have them brought back to their universes. I'm just gonna bring this kid back to the teachers and away from this flaming mess. I led him out of campus grounds and saw him look at me in awe. Not every day that you see another version of your friendly neighborhood superhero.

???-My name is (Y/N). Are you Spider-Man's sister or girlfriend?

And now, he made this short walk a little awkward. We were about to make I around this rubble and to the teachers, but my spider sense started to tingle. I grabbed the kid and looked around for more anomalies, but I didn't see anyone. I looked at the flaming rubble and my sense got a bit stronger which made me realize something... I bet there was a gas line to this school that was about to blow. All those people will get caught in it and by the looks of things, the crew that showed up and this world's Spider-Man knew this too. They started rushing over and webbing people away and using our webbing to help slow down the flames. I got the kid and a few other people away that didn't have time to room before...


In the midst of that rubble that I had to protect (Y/N) from... I got hit in the head and landed on the roof of a burger place before things got blurry and dizzy.

Gwen-*Groan* *echo*.

(Y/N)-Are you ok?!... You're not bleeding. *echo*

Bits of debris were still coming from the big explosion, but nothing too since we were under a big AC unit to protect us. He still tried to pull me deeper under to protect me and stayed by me until I could see straight. I sat up and heard police sirens and fire trucks which meant it was time for us Spider-People to clear out. I tried to get up, but my ribs screamed at me thanks to that explosion.

(Y/N)-Are you ok?

Gwen-I'm fine... Just a few bruises. Nothing ice and a good rest can't fix.

I limped and he held my side wanting to help. It felt good to have someone really supporting me that wasn't another Superhero, but someone who is a fan of mine... or just any Spider-Man.

(Y/N)-My Mommy and Daddy work at a hospital and keep medicine at home to help when people get hurt.

Gwen-That's sweet kid, but-?

Watch-*Beep* Alright everyone, we're in damage control mode and it looks like a big one, so clear your schedules for the day and-.

I silenced the watch and knew if I used it to make a portal, it'll be easier for them to notice I left the scene to help with this mess. They got enough help from more experienced Spider-Men anyway.

Gwen-Go get accounted for and we'll take off.

(Timeskip 30 Minutes)

(Y/N) told me that his parents were doctors, so I expected a decent area in Queens or Brooklyn or something... He lived in Bronx and the place looked decent... until we got inside. It all looked clean, but when he showed me the medicine 'basement'. There were all sorts of hardcore drugs and even a lab that did not look legal.

Gwen-Uhhhh, (Y/N). Which hospital do your parents work at?

(Y/N)-They say they drive and supply mostly, but they help people around here for some money... Found the painkillers they give people!

Gwen-Drive and supply? Did you ever see badges for a hospital they worked for or anything like at Oscorp?

(Y/N)-You need a badge?

Ok, so either this universe has a very faulty and risky medical system or his parents are secretly smugglers and drug dealers. They are pretty good at hiding it by having a nice house and the lab seems clean too, so a kind-hearted child, like (Y/N) could be fooled by this act. I pried into more questions like how they treat him, but it sounds like they love him. So much for hearing they are shitty parents to make calling the police easier.


(Y/N)-Is everything ok?

Gwen-Do you like being around other family members? Is anyone close?

(Y/N)-Well... my grandpa and grandma are mean, my uncle is in jail, my aunt hates my dad, and Mommy hates most of the family that starts fires and stuff.

Gwen's mind-You gotta be kidding me... Come on, just find something that tells me what they are doing is legal and it saves a kid from an orphanage.

((Y/N)'s POV)

I thought of how cool it was to have a superhero in my house. I thought she might be hungry since sometimes the medicine makes me a little hungry or tired. I went to the kitchen while she stayed in the basement to rest or something, but I thought the living room would be more comfy. I made some ham and turkey sandwiches for us and by the time I made it back downstairs...


She was looking at my Dad's computer and he doesn't like it when people touch his computer.

(Y/N)-What is it?... Daddy doesn't like people touching that?

Spider-Woman-Sorry, I just... got some news that saved me a whole lot of dread... Oh, you made sandwiches?

(Y/N)-Yeah. Mommy gets things straight from the deli. They are really good.

She took one and lifted her mask a little to eat while she looked back at the screen for a bit and look confused before I took her upstairs and got her an ice pack. I thought some T.V. might help, but the channel was from when my dad watched the news and...

Jameson-Folk, I have disturbing news! There have been sightings of not one, not two, but over a dozen Spider-Men and Women! What were they doing, you may ask! Oh ho ho ho, they were attacking and blowing up an elementary school and putting INNOCENT CHILDREN in danger! This started when a new Rhino and Electro were found on sight and taken by the Spider-People! These are actions of a cult that wants to take education away from us at such a young age, so we know only how to praise their cult leader SPIDER-MAN!!! Our only defense is to listen to my podcast for normal updates! We shall not fall in line to this Spider-Man cult! Not as long as 'J Jonah Jameson' is around!

I changed the channel and I know everything said was a lie.

Spider-Woman-So this place has one too.

(Y/N)-I know he's lying. You saved my life and beat the new Rhino and helped Spider-Man.

I scooted closer to her while we finished our sandwiches and gave her a hug to show her that I know she is not a bad guy.

(Y/N)-That old man is just a jealous dummy head.

Spider-Woman-*Snicker* He sure is, kid.

(Y/N)-Are you feeling better?

Spider-Woman-I am... feeling a little tired.

(Y/N)-I have a big bed you can sleep in and my parents don't get home until super late at night on work days. You can take a nap and I promise to leave your mask alone.

Spider-woman-Aren't you just a sweet- *yawn* heart, but-.

(Gwen's POV)

He took my hand and this medicine made me feel super tired, but I don't think sleeping here is a good idea. Also sleeping in a kid's room sounded like a bad idea. Not that he unmasks me and worst case I just go to another dimension and don't come back, but someone bad might see me and attack. Wouldn't be the first time I got ambushed during a power nap. When we got to his room, it looked a little plain aside from some toys, a PS5, and a Spider-Man poster over his bed. I even saw a mirror on his door when he closed it and he looked... cute holding my hand and standing in front of me like I was holding him close.


(Y/N)-Come on. There's room for two when my parents slip with me sometimes to keep your villains away.

Gwen-My villains?

(Y/N)-Oh, I mean Spider-Man's villains... I guess yours now. It's mostly The Lizard that scares me the most. He came when we did river rafting and almost knocked us into the water.

This made me think of my best friend, Peter that I couldn't save... It set me on this path from my Dad unknowingly hunting me, and joining this team. I looked at the gadget on my wrist and snapped out of it when I found myself already laying on (Y/N)'s bed... It was comfortable. He was even cuddling my side and nuzzling into me.

(Y/N)-I used to have a friend too, but... A bad guy took him and Spider-Man wasn't around that time... It's good to know there's more of you. Saving people and doing the right thing to make us all safe.

Gwen's mind-If only that were true kid... Sometimes, the best or right thing to do doesn't always feel good.

I didn't want to think of my hard past about Peter or what Miguel told me about Miles. I can't bring myself to face him until I know how to tell him the bad news. I couldn't keep my eyes open anymore, but I managed to bring my mind to something else before I fell asleep.

Gwen's mind-Why would there be a file on their own child in their lab in the basement... Calm down, Gwen. I'm sure it's medical stuff. Not every Oscorp scientist is a bad one.


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