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(Millie's POV)

Today was interesting enough already, but when I got out of my long bath (Y/N) already had my clothes ready for me in his room and told me not to come out into the living room for a surprise. I nearly had time to get dressed before he rushed in and almost saw me naked. He kept me in his room all day to play games and I watched my 'show' mainly because I wanted to see my husband If another episode comes out, will I even be in it? Are Blitz and Moxxie looking for me? Loona might be able to track my scent and I hope to Satan that they can portal here. It was nice to see parts I was not there for and a clear look at Moxxie's fucked up childhood. (Y/N) just didn't watch since he said he can't watch things with bad words, so I took breaks to watch episodes. There just wasn't a whole lot. There were only 10. When (Y/N) came in after the last episode, he said the surprise was still missing just one piece from in here. He went behind his T.V. and pulled out a USB before he took my hand and pulled me to the living room.

(Y/N)-Come on, you're gonna love it!

Millie-What's this surprise anyway?

(Y/N)-If I told you then it would be-! TA-DA!!!

He stopped when we made it to the living room and I saw blankets covering the couch, extra pillows, and a mini popcorn machine in here with all the windows and curtains closed to make it darker in here. I can already see the writing on the wall.

(Y/N)-Surprise! It's a movie night on your first night!

He seemed excited about this and pulled me to the couch and got the USB hooked up to the T.V. and it felt nice to relax in a fancy ass house. He wanted me to get comfortable on the couch while h got things ready for the movie. Like popcorn and stuff which reminded me of Moxxie wanting to do something sweet on date nights. When he was getting the popcorn going he sat a few inches away from me on the couch and stared.

Millie-What are you doing over there? Come here.

(Y/N)-You mean like cuddling?

Millie-Is there a problem?

(Y/N)-Mommy said that boys are filthy creatures and are only good for 3 things.

Millie-Well, I don't care, and your mommy an idiot.

I grabbed him and pulled him into me for cuddles and he looked surprised by this. It took a moment for him to process and he rubbed his body against mine and pressed his hands against me. Not to push away, but like he was testing a pillow or something and it was cute... He even pressed on my boobs and scooted down to use them as pillows for his head while he rested on my belly and thighs which were thicker than before.

Millie-Hey, watch those hands!

(Y/N)-Huh? What?

Millie-You touched my boobs like that!

(Y/N)-Did I hurt you? They were just so soft. I never cuddled before.

I tried to say it was ok to cuddle but to not touch some areas directly and I thought it would be easy for him to understand... But when he cooked and we finished the first bath of popcorn during this conversation the best I got was...

(Y/N)-But I have those spots too and I saw boys touched there in movies and stuff sometimes. Is that bad?

Millie-It can, but with a girl, it's just more important not to touch specifically there.

(Y/N)-I... think I get it.

The innocent look on his face showed that he didn't get it and his next question sealed that fact.

(Y/N)-So if I can't touch your boobs or butt then I also can't hug or cuddle without touching one, I can't do either... Mommy was right then.

Millie-No, no, no! That's different! We've been over this!

He looked even more confused now and curled up a little to stare off into space with an adorable little thinking face. This kid makes those cherubs look like insensitive perverts given he has zero understanding.

Millie-Let's have you take a bath first before the movie.

(Y/N)-Can I pick first?


He picked a movie called "Cinderella 3: A Twist In Time" before he brought the remote with us o help him get ready for a bath. He stripped down in front of me all of a sudden in his room and wrapped himself in a little towel that had a hood on it. I looked away as soon as I could, but before he left his room to go take his bath, he looked like he just had something pop into his head.

(Y/N)-I get it! So Mommy and Grandma only like their massages on their backs, hands, arms, legs, and feet because it's the parts that they use a lot! That's why they smack me if I got the spot wrong, so the knees are private on my grandma's body, and my mom hate's having her sides touched!

He walked away looking proud of himself and as cute as it was, he made no sense.

Millie-... *Sigh* How can he be this clueless?

(No POV)

Millie sat on (Y/N)'s bed to think for a bit but also sat on the remote to click the "OK" button. In the living room, the screen on the T.V. turned static and it took a moment for something to form while a few tiny balls of light came out and vanished after a few seconds. When the screen turned back there was a thud of a body hitting the ground, but that was drowned out by...


((Y/N)'s POV)

I was itching so badly and there was some powder on me that was on my towel, but I didn't think it could do this. Suddenly, the door swung open while I was scratching my arms and belly a lot and I turned to see Millie.


Millie-What happened?!

(Y/N)-Everything itches so much!

She saw the white powder on me and picked up my towel with two fingers and held it away from her. I was starting to cry a little because this was starting to burn a little in the spots I scratched a lot.

Millie-When was the last time you used this towel?


I went back to scratching myself a lot before I was picked up and taken into the shower with Millie. She sprayed me down and helped me get the powder out of my hair and off my body. When all the powder was off me, she washed me a few more times before she sat down on the seat in the shower with me.

(Millie's POV)

One of those fucking bitches put itching powder or something on his towel for a cruel prank on him. This seriously pissed me the fuck off! I snapped out of my thoughts when (Y/N) helped himself onto my lap and snuggled into me while I was completely naked. I hung my head a little before he looked at me with his cute little (E/C) eyes.

(Y/N)-Thank you... I guess my sister got me again.

Millie-Your sister did this?

(Y/N)-Yeah. She likes pranking me sometimes, but doesn't like it when I try to do it back to her... and I get grounded.

I got even angrier inside and wrapped my tail around him before I took us to go get dried off and dressed in new clothes. I put his old clothes and towel in the wash and he watched me do it, but when I looked at him, I thought of his sister.

Millie's mind-You like tormenting him, huh bitch?

Millie-... (Y/N), you said your sister's room is two doors down from you, right?

(Y/N)-She's a bit farther down. You are thinking of the make-up room.

Millie-If you get the movie going and more popcorn before I come back to the living room, I'll make some cookies after the movie. ~


He ran to go get things ready and I went to his sister's room and picked the lock which wasn't hard because it was the kind that a fucking coin could get the job done. When I got in, I searched her room and found the itching powder she fucking used and lifted her blankets and sheets to sprinkle it on the mattress until it was completely empty and covered it back up.

(Y/N)-Millie! Something happened in the living room!

He sounded found and I didn't hear anything break, no alarms went off or smelled anything burning.

Millie-One minute, hun! I'm almost done!

I found some bottles of skin-softening lotion, so I covered most of the ground with it as I made my way out and used her robe on the door to whip the lotion off. I made it back to the living room and saw (Y/N) looking at something on the ground.

Millie-What is it?

He only pointed at the ground to where I couldn't see until I got closer and found a woman closer to my texture from this world passed out on the floor. She looked old too.


(Timeskip 2 Hours)

I just put the lady in a spare room and continued the movie night like he wanted and he changed his mind on the movie. We went on something called Disney+ and watched "Avatar The Way Of Water" and it was good... He fell asleep after an hour and a half and there was still a lot more to this movie. I paused it because I was getting tired and took him to his room to sleep with him tonight. I wrapped my tail around his body to cuddle him.

Millie's mind-So cute... You are for sure coming back with me when I find a way home. I can keep you as an extra cuddle bug in my apartment with Moxxie. ~

I gave him a kiss and tightened my tail around his waist a little more before I closed my eyes.

(Timeskip To Morning)

(Lady Madonna Tremaine's POV)

I started to wake up and feel so dizzy with a headache while I was in a bed. I tried to remember the last things that had happened. I was forced to slave away with my last loyal daughter when I came across my old clothes from when I was living like a proper lady. I tried them on a day off and I cursed Cinderella for ripping everything away from me again and wished I had the magic wand back or something will happen to her. When I made that wish and put on one part of my dress there was an earthquake. I tried to rush out of the castle but fell into a hole with light in it before... I passed out.

Madonna-*Groan* Guards... Drizella.

My vision was blurry and when I feared that I would be blind for the rest of my life, my vision cleared. Everything looked weird and when I could finally get up, I noticed a few things different about my body as well.

Madonna-Magic?... Fairy Godmother.

As if me turning myself into a toad and becoming a maid wasn't punishment enough! I have no idea what this room was, but I was not going to stand here and let her change my body anymore, and she better hope I don't get the wand again or I will turn her into a bug and squash her. I left the room and... this wasn't the castle.

Madonna-Where... am I?

I walked down the hall with my bare feet touching the cold floor. This place looked so different and when I checked a few rooms, I saw flat black boxes on the walls and other weird stuff. I went to an odd-looking living room that looked a tad bit messy with blankets and pillows on the couch. I looked around the house some more and when I opened one room, I saw something that I could not explain and froze.


Whatever that red creature was, it was cuddling a child that matched the odd way this world looks like. Toys littered the floor a little and the light coming from the door thanks to the closed curtains shined in the child's face.


They opened their eyes and I wanted to hide, but my feet would not move. He stared at me with groggy (E/C) eyes until he snapped out of it and jolted up to make that creature wake up a little.

???-Millie, wake up! She's awake!

The creature pulled the child closer to her before she opened her eyes and looked at me.

Madonna's mind-What kind of magic is this?!

Millie-... Who are you?



The last 2 Void stories had Cartoon themed Mom's or Women figures but this one is throwing me for a loop since Millie isn't exactly child recommended to watch and Lady Tremaine is a villain? Is this one about badass villain ladies? >_<