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(Muller's POV)

Hours spent out here and nothing has happened. The sun was coming up and at this rate, we will be here for who knows how long while people are probably suffering. We were now scrambling for ideas on how to get a man on the inside or close to the house without raising concerns. They are nannies, so we can't do childcare services. We wanted to intercept the phones for food deliveries and take the spot of the delivery guy, but no calls have been made. This search warrant is not going so well despite these people being the main suspects and if it wasn't approved now, it most likely might not be happening with little to nothing else to go on. We need more to go on. I said no idea was a bad idea because I believed none of us would say something stupid until...

Hues-What if we dressed as a priest and wanted to give out pan flips and or come in to bless the house?

Muller-So a priest somehow found a house out here by happening to walk by and wants to bless the house... Do you need a moment to hear how suspicious that sounds?

Hues-Not my fault you called them and put them on alert.

Hudson-Shut up about blaming anyone and focus on the task. I say we do a full investigation on the property and land of this place. If we can find one thing out of code in regard to that house, we can at best get them outside to talk.

Muller-We're not sabotaging a house.

Hudson-I didn't say sabotage. If we can even find one pipe that's faulty up to the house, then we can report this and have it declared as a safety hazard. That will give us an excuse to go up to the door.

Hues-For a warning that the plumbing or something will be out for a bit.

Hudson-Not if one of us is undercover as an inspector.

Hues-I already threw out CPS inspector, but you both shut that down.

Hudson-They have papers that put the kid in their custody. We can't say anything. Looks like house inspectors is the first option on the table. Any others?


(Poppy's POV)

I woke up this morning in my room alone and I think either Tigress or Judy has my scrapbook of the pictures I took of (Y/N) posing. Right now, we were all taking a bath together again and (Y/N) still looked very tired and Diane had to keep him above water.

Poppy-Why does he look so tired?

Judy-Did he have another nightmare?

Diane-No. He just woke up in the middle of the night and got me up. Said he couldn't sleep, so I found something to give him. I guess it's still running its course.

Tigress-What did you give him?

Diane-Just some Kid's Niquil to help him sleep.

I guess that is just some medicine to help him sleep. After we got out, Helen and Judy started to make some breakfast for all of us. I miss the sunlight coming in, but everyone was clear that we can not go outside, even if it was going to get boring in here eventually. I'm not even allowed to throw a super big party except on holidays. That's too long without a party and now we can't even go outside. I went into my vents and got to one where I can peek outside a little, but then I saw something happening down the hill. Some humans were digging and using something that waves over the ground that they can hold.

Poppy-What are those things?

I tried to get a better look through this vent, but the screen was in the way. I know this is why we can't leave, but is there anything we can do to make them leave or something to help us hide, like some tech Diane has or...


((Y/N)'s POV)

I was trying to not go back to sleep and because of that, I was up when Poppy wanted us to make a tall fence to help us hide from other people. I was too tired to think about it a whole lot, but I think it could work. I got up to go out into the living and leave the gym everyone was in, but then I saw a shadow on the curtain, so I peeked out to see a man walk up. He can't see the girls, so I stepped outside to try and get him to leave, and when he saw me, he put his tablet aside and smiled at me.

???-Hey buddy. My name is Jackson Kent from ASHI. Can I speak to an adult?

(Y/N)-U-U-Ummmm... They're... b-busy an-and... umm... I-I-I can't-... N-No, I mean-.

Jackson-Hey, I don't bite, but I do need to speak to an adult here. Can you bring one of them out?

I shook my head no since I really can't do that and my chest was starting to feel heavy. I hate talking to new people alone... Don't cry... Don't cry... Don't cry. A tear was starting to come out and the man got even closer to me and the door.

Jackson-Hey, I just need to do a little check inside and I'll be on my-.

Diane-GET AWAY FROM HIM!!! *Speaker*

I jumped and screamed a little when I heard Diane speak from the doorbell speaker. Jackson stopped and looked at the doorbell.

Diane-(Y/N), get inside and we will talk about this later.

(Y/N)-B-But Mom-.


(Hudson's POV)

The kid went inside the house and I heard the door lock behind him with smart locks, so this place has tight home security. Nothing to help our warrant, but something to be taken into consideration when moving forward if we do get our warrant. All I can do right now is talk face to... speaker on a ring doorbell.

Diane-What were you doing talking to my child? Who are you?

Hudson-My name is Jackson Kent from the ASHI. I'm here to inspect your property for a check of faulty or out-of-date equipment.

Diane-If that's true, then let's see a license and hear this report.

This lady knows her stuff, but I came prepared. I showed her my fake ID, license, and read the report to her. She however points out something.

Diane-Where was my notice in advance, Jackson Kent.

Hudson-We sent someone here the other day. Perhaps the kid brought it in or something.

Diane-I don't think I believe you.

Hudson-Please ma'am, I am just trying to do my job.

Diane-Well, so am I, and my job is to keep this house and my son safe. Letting a stranger in without having valid reasons would make me pretty bad at my job.

Hudson-I need to do this inspection. We have it on file.

Diane-Then I suppose you should have no problem printing out a notice in advance and penalizing the one who did their job incorrectly because of footage recorded yesterday... 'Noboby' came to my door to do anything.

Hudson-... Then I will have a talk with someone about this.

Diane-You do that.

She fucking had me and I didn't count on a ring doorbell and her checking the footage on account as a safety inspection for the house. She has to be hiding something if she was so desperate to get the kid inside and still not be seen. I pulled out my walkie and went onto channel 3.

Hudson-Muller, we're moving to plan B.

(Timeskip 3 Minutes)

(Elsa's POV)

I was just supposed to give him a little talk about his safety and what he did may have been out of good intentions, but could've put him in danger. I didn't even raise my voice, but he still flinched when I came into his room and cried while almost having another panic attack. Now, he was sitting in my lap as I held him up close to me to calm him down. Bouncing him too seemed to help until he was ready to leave the room with me. I meet up with the others in the living room, but Diane was not here.


Elsa-Where's Diane?

Judy-She's in the office. She'll be busy for a while, trying to deal with the outside. Looks like we'll be doing that fence after all.

Helen-She said that she'll be designing it with us later.

Well, at least we'll have more wiggle room and privacy around here if something else like this happens. I sat down on the couch and we all saw (Y/N) was too ashamed to look at us and flinched a little when Helen stroked his head.

Helen-Honey, we're not mad at you. We were just concerned. You don't need to be afraid of anything right now. Just stay inside and don't answer the door anymore. ~


She kissed his head and Judy leaned into us to comfort him while we watched a cartoon for him. I saw he still looked scared, so I shot up a bit of snow and made some snowflakes to dance in the wind. One got out and landed on his forehead to turn into water, so he shook his head while whipping it off.

Elsa-*Giggles* Awwwww. You look so cute. ~

(Diane's POV)

I had my computer notify me if anyone got too close to the house while I was getting in touch with the city about these surprise inspections and looking up the laws about this area. I can't stop them from checking what land we do not own, but they need a permit and give me a heads-up to check mine unless there is a clear reason. I will start the perimeter of the fence from there and have a main gate for cars, a drop-off building for orders we have brought here, and have the fence be 9ft tall, with the top being electrified. We just need to talk about the best materials for it and find the highest legal voltage you can have here. While I was on the phone with the mayor of this city I noticed 'Jackson Kent' and some other guy coming up to the door.

Diane-Excuse me sir, but it seems two workers from the ASHI, one that goes by the name 'Jackson Kent' are walking up to my door. May I please call another time about this inspection?

Mayor-No need. I can't do much about it now, but if this is to go on for too long, I will look into this.

Diane-Thank you, sir. Have a good day.

He hung up and I sighed while rubbing my head a little before going n the Ring Doorbell app on the tablet. Before they could knock on the door.

Diane-Can I help you, gentlemen?

Jackson-... This is David. My boss and leader of this inspection.

Diane-And you brought him here, because?...

David-It's come to my attention that one of my workers failed to notify you properly.

Diane-Guess so. Still, the result is the same.

After more back and forth with these too, I made it clear that they were not coming in and I just need to hook my A.I. up to the house and I will know if something is wrong or not before I can fix it myself. These people were desperate to get in, so they can't be normal workers which rolls them out as our stalkers. I fooled detectives and officials for years from my world and played it normally. Just a new adoptive mother that wants her child to be safe. Now, they wanted to play this card...

David-I have a kid that I want to adopt too. I'm just having a bit of trouble with the process.

Diane-Well, I was just a nanny before the father signed him over to me, so I don't know much about the process myself.

David-Well, maybe some parenting tips you can help with after. Crack out some coffee.

Diane-I don't let strangers in my house. Good day to you both.

They walked away from my door and there is no way they could expect more talking to work. They are detectives if they are with that guy or at least experienced officers, so they are not stupid.

Diane's mind-Alright, so where were you two really up to?

I over the footage of our conversation from the ring doorbell, but there was nothing. I went over the other few cameras I hid outside, and with careful observation, I noticed something after going over the footage 7 times. Jackson reached into a pock to pull out a pen and I think he just clicked it. Some people do that to just relax, but if it was something else...

(Hues's POV)

The tiny camera and mic that Hudson shot into a window seal has a 4-hour battery life and when we turn it on tonight when we stage a blackout while they are asleep, we should have a 1-minute window before generators turn that place back on to open a window a tiny crack to get the camera in without being spotted by her cameras.

Hues's mind-Tonight, we're gonna see what you're hiding. Just keep your eyes on us until you go to sleep.

The point of this plan is to make her wary of us so much, but know we won't break in. She watches our car, but overlooks our friend, and BAM!!!... We're in right under her nose.

Hues-... Think we'll get lucky and see her in the bathroom.

Hudson-Knock it off, perv. Stay on point.

When we got to the car, we were greeted with the sweet smell of food, and I had a steak with my name on it.

Muller-How did it go?


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