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(Timeskip 2 Days)

((Lilly's POV)


Nibbles has been having violent mood swings from sad to angry until he regresses and just screams and cries at the top of his lungs. You can't blame the poor thing either because he just lost his parents to a bunch of greedy and awful hunters to play a stupid hunting game. All he can do right now is cry and I have to try my best to comfort him, even if he pushes all of us away. I even had to sedate the poor thing after he got sick from crying too much. I had him wrapped around in a thin, but sturdy net outside with me, so he doesn't overheat too much and he gets a nice cool breeze.

Lilly-I know Nibbles, I know. ~

Some of my animals even came by to try and cheer him up, but he just wants to push everyone away. I just told them that he didn't mean it and that he was just going through a very hard time in his life right now. I put him down in his playpen to give him a safe space and let him stretch his arms and legs a little where he can't hurt himself. The sight of him like this broke my heart and Roza came out with a cup of black coffee.


Roza-... Should we sedate him soon if this goes on?

Lilly-I d-don't want to keep sedating him to make him stop crying!

Amelia-We can't let him get sick again. We just fed him and you Gooplens tried to eat it last time.

Amelia came out now and she leaned onto the playpen for a moment until it made Nibbles scream louder.


Amelia-I know you keep on saying he lost his parents and we all get that, but you really wanna let him keep on doing this? Losing meals that we feed him? Constantly crying until he gets sick?

Lilly-We can't always sedate him either!

Just then Nibbles went from crying to try and break out of his playpen in a fit of rage.

Amelia-Great, another mood swing. When I signed on to care for a baby human, I didn't picture them being this much of a threat to their own safety. He will need a vet one way or another if this keeps up!

Roza-He liked punching my punching bag. Maybe we can give him something softer to punch and hit.

I don't want a chance of Nibbles turning violent, but I guess if it's to relieve him of pent-up anger and emotions... We can give that a try.

Lilly-*Sigh*... Roza, Lilly, keep an eye on him. Call Velvet and Maisie for a meeting tonight about Nibbles.

(Timeskip To Night)

((Y/N)'s POV)


(Y/N)-TAKE!!! ME!!! HOME!!!

I was stuck in this stupid crib while they all talked to each other and tried to pet me, feed me treats, or have me punch a smaller punching bag. I couldn't take it anymore and cried while laying down in here, so the bee lady came down and took me out to hold me and I was too tired to fight her.



She took me to the kitchen and went into a honey jar to get me a spoon of honey. I slowly stopped crying and swallowed the honey before she gave me a sippy cup of water.


(Maisie's POV)

Lilly can go on and on about this, but a little change of scenery might be good for Nibbles. She's just picky on his bed and wants us to bring his mini crib to rock him to sleep in. Velvet got that packed in the truck already and Lilly was clear on how to care for his foot, make sure not to overfeed him and make sure to have someone by his side. She's like a mother of all mothers to these critters, and last night was a good example when Amelia said she was up until 4 caring for Nibbles. When I carried him outside I just got swarmed by a long-eared woman.

Lilly-If he cries, make sure it's not too hot in the room, he can't overheat or he might catch something, and-.

Maisie-Sugar... Ah know ya mean well an ah say this in the nicest way ah possibly can... This is not the first time ah cared for a critter or someone with a body mostly like his.


Maisie-Go get some sleep now. We got this.

I got Nibbles in the truck by passing him to Velvet and getting in the driver's seat, but the whole time, she looked worried. During the drive back to the farm, Velvet tried to play with Nibbles a little, but t only made him closer to throwing a fit.

Maisie-Hun, knock it off.

Velvet-You can't put something adorable in front of me and expect me 'not' to adore and coo at it.

Maisie-Ah don't want him throwing another fit so soon after we just feed him.

Velvet-Fine... You're no fun.

It was like riding with a child. when we got to the farm, I texted Lilly to know that we made it, so she doesn't worry and I got his crib and playpen in the house. I like the country feel to my home and Velvet wanted to act like a cowgirl the day she moved in until her accent just wouldn't stick. After everything was set, I just got him in a bath with me and I mean inside the bath because he splashed me with water after a sudden mood swing to make him cry.

Maisie-Oh, yer lucky ya'll got a cute baby face.

Suddenly, the door swung open and Velvet came in already naked and I yanked the curtain across the bar.


Velvet-Can I join in on giving Nibbles a bath?!


Velvet-What? It's no different than a locker room.

Maisie-This is not a locker room!

((Y/N)'s POV)

I watched the bee lady yell and the dog lady through the curtain in this bath and it made me stop crying from when she screamed. I was a little scared and when I heard a door closed, she just sighed before she looked back town to me.


She started to wash me before she got herself and when we were down, she wrapped us both in towels and carried me to her room and it looked like it belonged to a cowgirl. The small cribs were in here and she dried me off to wrap me in a blanket to put me in the crib that rocks and put a cage cover on it.


She left the room after pressing a button and having the crib rock me by itself. While she was gone, I thought about my old room and my parent's room. I hated it here and I keep on thinking something bad happen to my parents, but I know it's not true! They have to be looking for me and they won't find me on another stupid planet!

(Y/N)-*Sniffle* M-Mommy... Daddy.

I heard the bee lady coming, so I put my head under the covers to not look at her. I did hear her come next to me there and then I heard the dog lady's voice. They both talked to each other and I bet it was about keeping me here and not letting me go home. Soon I got poked through the bars and I looked ut to see both of them.




Doggy-ҥҭҭҭҴ! ~

She took off the cover to pet me on my cheek and gave me a kiss, but I just turned away. Now, the bee lady worked on my foot and put more cream on it. It felt a lot better, but the bunny lady still would not let me walk on it. Bee lady then gave me a kiss and a drink of water and this one did not have the sweet taste that makes me tired. They want me to go to sleep and I really don't want to sleep outside of my home again.

(Y/N)-*Whimper* *hic* *hic*.


I was about to cry again, but then she grabbed the bottom of the back of my head to scratch me just before my neck and... I felt my mind get fuzzy and it felt so good.

(Y/N)-*Moans* Wha-... L-Let go of... *moans* Ahhh. ~

Doggy-ҠҴұҾұѳҿѬҙҭҹҭѳҿѬҿҹҵҸұ! ~

(Maisie's POV)

I was fully prepared to sedate the little guy, but Velvet not only stopped him from crying, I think she scratched him stupid. My mouth dropped open while she gently flipped him over to expose his back to her and she started to scratch all over it.

Velvet-Now, where is your-?

Just then, Nibbles jolted a little and arched his back.

Nibbles-*Moans* *breathing faster*!

Velvet-*Giggles* Found it.

I collected myself and slowly walked over and knelt down to Velvet, trying to be as calm as possible. She turned to me, but didn't stop scratching Nibbles.

Maisie-Velvet?... Are ya'll having fun?


Maisie-How long did ya know 'bout this?

Velvet-I do it with my animals all the time! Everyone has their sweet spot they can never get on their own.

Maisie-Why didn't you do this before?... You know while he was wailin', cryin', having his mood swings, and getting sick?

Velvet-Well... Lilly said he needed space and care for his foot and he couldn't have playtime, and you all agreed, but I said that sounds 'super' boring. That's when Amelia thought he just needed cuddles and I thought about a food item from my favorite restuant. You see, it's almost like an omelete, but-.

I just ignored the rest to walk over to her wall and hit my head against it while she kept on talking. After my head started to ring, I turned off the light and went to my bed with ear plugs in.

(Velvet's POV)

Now that I got his head and back, I wonder if he loved his tummy scratched. I flipped him over while being careful of his foot and saw his cute little face look up at me like I just scratched his cute little brains out.


Velvet-Let's see that cute wittle tummy wummy of yours. That belongs to Mama now. Yes, it does. ~

I started to scratch and rub his belly while kissing his cheeks and I got to hear more of his cute little moans. I kept on going until he passed out, so I tried waking him up again for more scratches, but I could only keep him up for a few minutes.

Velvet-Awwwwww... Fine, we'll go to bed.

I tucked him in and put the cage cover back on before I made a smaller bed next to him to rock his crib until I tired. When I closed my eyes, I thought about some more playtime scatches with him in the morning before someone comes to pick him up.

(Amelia's POV)

I was clear with Lilly that I will take care of Nibbles... Mainly because I want him to myself, but she's completely exhausted. Roza can be with me too after she finishes her half of the chores since Lilly is gonna be out cold. I got a few cute outfits ready for him and something for a bubble bath together. I most likely will have to sedate him first to get him to let me hold him, but it'll be for his own good to let me hold him.

Amelia-You'll look so cute pinned under me for cuddles... And you'll learn to love it, Nibbles. ~

(Roza's POV)

Amelia and I won't be held back by Lilly's rules tomorrow with Nibbles, so I think I will cuddle with him instead of other animals tomorrow... I wanna dangle toys over him again because he looks cute when he crawls to hit stuff.

Roza's mind-I wonder if we can even take him out on a stroller on another planet... I wanna show off my pet.


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