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((Y/N)'s POV)

After the bad doggy was taken away yesterday, Mommy told me that Daddy won't be home for a while. I was sad about that, but on the bright side, Bonnie doesn't have to hide anymore since she saved me. Breakfast this morning was amazing and I took the girls outside with me to play. Bonnie just wanted to relax on the porch railing while Angel and Belle played with me. I tried to play fetch out here, but I think they are still confused about the game because I keep on having to get the ball when they take it from me to throw it. I soon got tired and they still wanted to play, so we changed the game to something else to let me get some strength back.

(Y/N)'s mind-How hard is it to learn that I have to throw the ball and they go get it?

We played by just finding a tree to climb, but Angel didn't let me go too high or on a lot of other branches. I just rested on the big branch near the bottom and Angel hung upside down and poked my nose. I wanted to poke her back, but we saw someone walking up to the house, so we got out of the tree and I remember that girl and her blue doggy from yesterday.


(Y/N)'s mind-What is she doing here?

(Lilo's POV)

I think this was the house that kid lives out and if not... 9th time's the charm. I walked up to the house and we spotted Bonnie on the porch and she was staring at us, but no sign of that kid. Regardless, we need to make sure that them staying here is a good idea. Bonnie is supposed to be a thief, but we still don't know about the other 2.


Before we could make it to the stairs, the came from the side of the house and Stitch pointed him out with the 2 other experiments he had.


I had to look as serious as possible for this to let him know that this is super serious.

(Y/N)-Ummm... Hi.

Lilo-Hey. I came to see the experiments you talked about yesterday... Mainly... Bonnie.

(Y/N)-Experiments?... About what?

Lilo-The dogs you have are not really dogs. I'm just here to make sure they are good.

(Y/N)-Well... Angel, Belle, and Bonnie need time for new people, but they would never hurt me... You blue do-... experiment is acting a little funny.

I looked at Stitch and he was drooling while looking at the pink one named Angel. I clapped in front of him a few times to snap him out of it and when he did, he went over to Angel, but Angel just grabbed (Y/N) and pulled him close when Stitch got too close for her liking.


Angel-*Hmph* Hi.

Stitch took one step closer and Angel turned (Y/N) away from in, so it looked like she was being protective. Like a mother cat would defend her kitten or something. Stitch was just being friendly though... Maybe it's because of yesterday.

Lilo-Can we talk to your... pets?



Bonnie-What's goin' on over there?!

(Y/N)-Um, I guess that's a no. Sorry.

They really seem to be in control of him and with Bonnie being a tricky one, that alone makes this look bad. We need to keep an eye on them. I grabbed Stitch by his arm and tugged on him a little.

Lilo-Come on Stitch. We have other things to do. We can try again later.

He never took his eyes off Angel and when we made it down the driveway, I looked to see Angel carrying (Y/N) back inside the house, like he was a baby to her.

Lilo's mind-Please, just let this be a misunderstanding. 3 on 1 doesn't look too good for Stitch.

((M/N)'s POV)

(Y/N) was playing with those things in the living room or mostly just cuddling with them while I tried to figure things out myself. I know one of those little monsters hurt my husband, but I can't just get rid of them now. They'll most likely come back and cause bigger problems if I don't do it right. I wrote down a few places where they could be taken and watched securely, but I'll wait for tonight before I call.

(M/N)'s mind-They'll be in his room and asleep. Plus, with that last one kidnapping my son, they will gladly take these things off my hands too.

Just then, I was getting a few texts from Barb about coming to visit. I tried to tell her that now was not a good time, but before I could send my text to her, she sent me...

Barb's text-Just boarding the plane. I should be there tonight or in the morning.

I hung my head a little since I had to deal with her without my husband putting up with her and defusing her.

(Timeskip 3 Hours)

((Y/N)'s POV)

The girls and I were watching a move in my room and they had me on their laps and would not let go. They would even get mad if I move to much, thinking I was trying to get up... Just like Bonnie just did when I stretched my legs and took one away from her.

Bonnie-Ay! What are you doing?!

(Y/N)-S-Sorry. I was just stretching.

Bonnie-Well, hurry and put yer leg back. I was comfortable leaning over them!


I finished stretching and gave Bonnie my other leg again, so she could hold them together and lean over them to rest. Angel and Belle held me tighter too, to make sure I didn't go anywhere... Angel flicked my nose earlier when I tried to get up and even growled at me when I ignored her flicking me... Now, she was doing it a gain when I was rolling my head to crack it.


(Y/N)-Angel, no more growl-. Eep!

She pulled my head into her tummy and had my face buried in her fur. Belle rubbed my waist, and with Bonnie still using my legs to lean over on, I think it's just best if I just take a nap right here until the movie is over.

(Lilo's POV)

From what I saw from the camera that Stitch had when he was spying on the house was that those three clearly have control over him. Now that we have a video of the other two experiments, Jumba can easily pick them out and let us know what they could do. We went straight home and I knocked on his door before entering his room and saw him making some invention, but it can wait.


Lilo-Jumba, Jumba! We saw the other two that kid had! What can these two do?!

I pulled out his computer from my bag and gave it to him for him to check. When he did, the expression on his face said it all.



Jumba-I got good news and bad news. Only one is just meant to scream at high pitches to scare others from a distance, but experiment 624 has an enchanting song that can turn other experiments before her evil or good. She also has 626's strength, eyesight, hearing, and ability to climb nearly any surface.

Lilo-What?! That one is in there with 2 other experiments!

Jumba-Hehehehe, I know. I am actually somewhat proud for her to be sabotaging on the inside if she turns out to still be evil.

I ran out of his room and had to go back to that kid's house with Stitch right now.

Lilo-She's a ticking time bomb!

(Timeskip 1 Hour)

((Y/N)'s POV)

When I woke up from a short nap, Bonnie seemed a little achy from leaning over me for too long, so I gave her a massage. She didn't like it at first, but now, she doesn't want me to stop.

Bonnie-Ahhhh... Lil' higher there... Lil' more and-. Ohhhhh, you got it. ~

I pressed down on her lower back and the others looked a little mad, so I guess they were gonna be next... That was until I was done and Bonnie pulled me down with one arm and I fell between her arm and chest for her to trap me there.

Bonnie-I hit the jackpot with you kid. What else can ya do that you ain't telling us? ~

(Y/N)-Ummmm... I don't know.

Just then, my Mommy walked into my room and Bonnie just turned me into her, so I couldn't see her. I just turned back and I had to fight with her a bit, but I won.

Mommy-Your aunt Barb is coming for a visit tonight or tomorrow morning.

(Y/N)-Really?! Is she bringing her pets?!

Mommy-No and I don't think Angel, Belle, and Bonnie should be around her, so maybe we can keep them outside or in a room she won't be going into.

Bonnie looked angry, Angel pouted at her, and Belle looked like she was ready to scream.

(Y/N)-Um... I don't think they like that.

Mommy-Well, it needs to be done... I'm gonna get in the shower and make a few calls tonight, so stay in here.

Bonnie forced me to turn back to her and Belle got on top of me while Angel got behind me.

(Angel's POV)

Can she not take a hint and get out of here?! Who does she even have to call and announce that she's calling anyway?! Who even cares?! After a while, I decided to go see what she's been up to if she has to bug us about it and I found phone numbers to labs, pounds, and other things that I don't know about like F.B.I. and C.I.A. I don't know what those are, but I don't trust them given this other stuff.

Angel's mind-If anyone is going to leave, it's going to be you!

I can't just make a bloody mess by just destroying her, so I need another plan that won't make things worse for us. I saw a few other experiments out in town, so maybe I can use one to deal with her for me. The others can watch him while I'm out tonight, so I left right away.

(Lilo's POV)

Stitch and I were almost back to the house, but when we got to the last few blocks, Stitched tackled me into the bushes when he saw something. I was going to ask him, but he covered my mouth and pointed down the road where we saw Angel come out of the bushes, so he must've heard her coming.


Lilo's mind-Why aren't you with (Y/N) after you cared so much about him?... What are you up to?


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