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((Y/N)'s POV)

I fell asleep on the way here from being extremely tired all of a sudden when we started to fly super fast. When I woke up, I was in a room and tucked into a small bed. I looked around a little and noticed my vision was a little blurry and when I tried to get up, I hit something which made my vision get better after a bit. I saw tiny metal bars around the bed and on top of it, so it was more like a cage. After pulling and pushing the bars, they would not move at all and the door to them would not open. It had a piece of metal blocking me. Suddenly, the door to the room opened and I saw the bunny lady walk in, and she had food with her that she put next to a camera.



She came over to the cage and I thought she was going to open it, so I backed up but was ready to break out. She did open the door that had a second lock, but only a little to reach in and move the blanket. I saw my foot was in a cast and I didn't feel hurt anymore, so I forgot about it until now. I tried to get up, but she quickly and gently pushed me back down.


I was forced to lay back down and she got the food before she opened the cage and brought the food over. It was just some chicken and potatoes, but I felt so hungry no. She held a bite of the cut-up chicken to me and I took it, and it tasted so good.

(Lilly's POV)

Poor thing was out for 2 days from that hyper jump that I yelled at the driver for. A human could not withstand a sudden jump at hyper-speed, and Nibbles was just a baby. I took care of him by feeding him formula in his sleep, giving baths, and making sure his foot was elevated while the girls were getting settled in. Maisie has her farm up and running with a few works from her old farm with some new ones, Velvet was out playing with her pets in a gated area, Roza was using my animals for therapeutic reasons, and Amelia constantly tries to help me with Nibbles so I let her feed him formulas and help with his baths. I'll get his daily check-up all done before I bring Amelia in and tell the girls that Nibbles is awake.

Lilly-This will only take a few moments, Nibbles. Let's start with your temperature.

I reached for the equipment under his bed and grabbed the thermometer and showed it to him to let him examine it. When he saw that nothing would hurt him, I put it on his head and pressed the button to turn it on. When it was done and beeping...

Lilly-98.1. Very good.

Next, I grabbed a tiny flashlight and shined it on his eyes to see if he still had proper brain functions after what that wreckless pilot did.

Lilly-Follow the light, baby. ~

I tapped onto it to grab his attention before slowly moving it a little. His eyes moved just fine and his pupils dilated normally. So far, the only thing wrong with him was his poor ankle. After I put the flashlight equipment, I still had to check his heart rate, his breathing, and his reflexes.

(Amelia's POV)

I had pictures of the game and my sleeping pet with me up on my social media pages and people are eating him up. Mom and Dad still call to check how I am doing at helping on this reserve, but Lilly is very controlling when it comes to her animals. You have to know what portions to give, the baby animals that don't have mothers have to be given to a mother willing to adopt them and until then they have to be fed from bottles, if the temperature is off by just one, she acts like it will kill all life in that area, and even playtime is a chore sometimes. It's fun, but when you have to throw 23 different balls or shoot them out of a machine until nobody wants to play anymore, you tend to be out there for hours.

Amelia-How does Lilly do this on her own every day? One pet or three is enough, but I can't keep track of all these animals.

I flopped back on my bed and wondered how Nibbles was doing... Still can't believe we stuck with that name, but Lilly said he needs to start getting familiar with his name. I wanted to go check in with Lilly and heard her doing a few things in her room, and when I got in, I saw her doing another exam on Nibbles, but when I got a closer look, I saw that he was awake!


I got to her side and leaned on the cage which made her jump a little while she had something on our pet's chest. He looked at me and cutely shrunk down into his blanket from Lilly suddenly jolting a bit.

Amelia-Ohhhh, Nibbles. ~

I reached in and offered him a finger of mine to grab. He looked hesitant, but he did take my pointer finger, so I wiggled my finger around to play with him.

Lilly-Next time, can you wait until after I am done with his examination? I told you that I get lost in my work when it comes to health check-ups.

Amelia-Sorry... How long was he up?

Lilly-I came in with my lunch and saw he was awake, so I got to work on him before he could get fussy and hurt his ankle. He still looked groggy, so maybe he just woke up.

I looked at his cast and outside of the window, I saw Maisie talking to Velvet and Roza like she just got here.


Amelia-Looks like the others are here. They'll wanna see him too.

Lilly-L-Let me finish his check-up first. I d-d-don't wanna be swarmed wh-while I work.

Amelia-I want my one on one time with him. I'm not telling, yet.

Lilly-*Sigh*... Just keep him in bed. His foot needs to stay elevated. He'll be h-healing for the next few weeks.

When she finished her examination on him she gave him some loving and headed out to give me some time alone with Nibbles. He looked nervous and blushed a little when I rubbed his cheeks. He turned away from me, but I made him look at me to see his cute little face.


Amelia-Oh, Nibbles... You're gonna make my boyfriend jealous from all of our pictures online, and I'm gonna be your favorite around here... I'm sure holding you for a bit wouldn't hurt. ~

I took him out of his cage carefully and I think he tried to run, but he could only move one of his legs. I guess Lilly gave him something to stop his pain. He nearly fit perfectly in my arms and if his ankle wasn't sprained, I would pin him under me to adore, coo, and toy with him. His hair looks so soft and fluffy, so it was perfect for playing with as well as his arms, fingers, legs, toes, ears, and nose. Not to mention his little belly.

Amelia-Just wait until you're healed. ~

I put him back in the cage when I heard footsteps and he tried to grab the bars to not go back in, but he was in no condition to put up much of a fight about anything.

(Timeskip 2 Hours)

((Y/N)'s POV)

The bunny lady put me in the living room, in what looked like a playpen for babies, but she also strapped me down by my belly to make me lay down. Right now, I was in the middle of the living room with everyone, and the bee lady had a cat toy on a string over me that she wanted me to play with... I would only smack it away if she made it touch my face and the feathers on it annoyed me.

Bee-ҏһҹұѬһҺѸѬҟӁҳҭҾѭѬғұӀѬҵӀѬҺһӃѭѬӊ! ~

Every time I touched it or it touched me even a little, it would squeak and everyone loved watching me being forced to play with it. I got tired of this and just grabbed the stupid toy and pulled it close to me. She tried to pull it back to her, but I held onto it and pouted at her while she smiled.



The kitty lady walked over and leaned over the pen before she reached down to lift the blanket and scratch my tummy.

(Y/N)-*Gasp* *moan*! ~

I tried to turn away, but the belt wasn't letting me. I heard all the girls 'aww' at me before they surrounded the pen and the kitty lady would not stop. I had to let go of the toy to stop her, but I still couldn't stop her.

Bee-ҍҴѬҳһӀѬӀҴұѬӀһӅѬҮҭүҷѺѬӊ. ~





They keep on talking while playing with me in here, but the only part of me they would stay away from is my legs. After a while, they took the playpen outside on the pouch and when I looked out from the net of this playpen, I saw lots of animals running around at a place that looked a lot like a farm or something. Suddenly, the bunny lady put a pacifier in my mouth, but it tasted like an (F/F) jolly rancher. I bite down a little and it was rubber or something chewy, but strong. When I sucked on it a little, it tasted so rich and good, so I kept sucking on it to get the flavor out while she rubbed my cheek.


She looked a little sad for some reason as they kept on talking and then I thought of something...

(Y/N)'s mind-When are my mommy and daddy getting here?... They have to be here with me.

(Velvet's POV)

I wanted Nibbles to sleep outside with me in a tent by my jaggers and other pets to say hello, but Lilly said that tonight is already going to be really hard for him. He is never going to see his parents again and when he slowly comes to terms with that step by step, he will spend a lot of nights nearly restless and crying. She said she will put up with that and be there to comfort him, but I wanted to do it too. We all did, but...

Lilly-We can't move him room to room or to Maisie's farm every night. He needs to settle into a spot where he can feel safe before we can try another room.

Maisie-Why yer room then?

Lilly-I will have plenty of medicine and know how to tend to him if he hurts his foot or needs more painkillers. We can take him to other places in the day, but nothing too extreme. My reserve to Maisie's farm. That's it.

(No POV)

The girls all stayed on the porch with 'Nibbles' still strapped down in his playpen and sucking the flavor out of his little treat. Lilly wanted to enjoy how happy and relaxed he looked right now, despite clearly still adjusting and being nervous. Knowing that tonight, being his first time to really sleep here, is going to be heartbreaking for the both of them.


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