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(Bonnie's POV)

I was resting and watching my shows one moment and the next (M/N) and the fuzz are in the house which made me think (Y/N) dropped the dime. That was until Angel and Belle came in and I heard her talking to a few pigs about (Y/N) missing. Something about this just didn't sit right with me and Angel looked furious and Belle screamed out the window from time to time before (M/N) and the cops left. I guess (M/N) hired a few pet sitters for Angel and Belle to come by later. I got them to fill me in and it just made this feeling even worse. He was just supposed to give me a place to hide from the fuzz and buy me time to find Clyde.

Bonnie-Ugh... How long ago was this?

Angel-Not long.

Bonnie-And nobody saw anything?


Bonnie-Never mind. I got it.

Angel-Aka-choota. Don't stop me.

She went up to the window and I knew this mistake all too well, so I grabbed her ankle and she glared at me.


Angel-Let... Go.

Bonnie-You're making a rookie mistake here. You leave and those pet sitters get here, they will notice you are gone and call the mom. If you want to keep the kidnapper in the dark, you gotta keep your friends or whatever in the dark too. The same goes for Belle and if this Mook can intercept phone calls like me, he'll be on alert for mutts or hurt (Y/N) right away.

Angel-What do you know, trog?!

Bonnie-I know it's something I would do if I had a hostage!... If I leave, nobody will know I was gone because they didn't know I was here. You want him back in one piece, sit still, and play pet!


It was like working with something even more boneheaded than Clyde. If this was a target on the family they would want to keep tabs. I got her to come down and I jumped out the window only to be met with glares behind me as I walked away... I don't know why I care so much, but if I want something or want to do something, I will take it or do it. End of story.

Bonnie-Relax girls. Leave this to the pro... Just have something nice waiting for me when I get back.

I got into the woods and started to do some thinking. I had to think of the worst-case scenario for holding a kid for ransom.

Bonnie-Alright, I just kidnapped some kid and asked for a stupid amount of money that could never be gathered... Where would I hide?

I would want someplace secluded, so nobody can hear cries for help, decent enough to keep a prisoner, and nothing flashy or that would grab attention... That leaves it being out of town or in a basement somewhere. I should expand this since this moron asked for 500 mill right out of the gate which will bring the fuzz down even harder... That reminds me that they would want a getaway plan in case things go south to in this case, 'when' things go south.

Bonnie's mind-Who's this idiot anyway?

((Y/N)'s POV)

I could not stop crying and that mean dog man still won't let me go home or at least out of this mostly dark room. When the door opened, I turned to see him walk in and he had a phone with him before he held it up to me.


Clyde-It's your ma.

Just then, I heard my mommy screaming on the phone.



Mommy-Are you hurt?! Can you tell us where you are?!

(Y/N)-I-I don't know! I was in a bag the whole way here!

Clyde-Times up. Bring the money to beat up looking factory on Hazel in 1 hour of the kid gets it.

He walked away and closed the door and then I heard it lock. I ran to the door and tried to open it again, but it would not open, so I went back to the corner. This room was completely empty with nowhere to hide or anything to do but sit and cry.

(Y/N)'s mind-I wanna go home... I want my mommy and daddy!

(Timeskip 20 Minutes)

(No POV)

There were 3 pet sitters at the house for Angel and Belle and they were left with instructions on how to care for Angel and Belle while also being warned about their behavior. They were given pictures of (Y/N) since Angel and Belle seem to only like him and were given times to feed them. All they did though was sit in (Y/N)'s room to wait and the pet sitters thought it was something they claimed as theirs by being attached to the owner that gave them a home.

Lenny-Jeez, the kid goes missing for not even a day and they look grim and angry in that kid's room.

Bea-Well, dogs can be really smart, so they know what's happening... To an extent at least.

Lenny-What kind of dogs are those? Angel walked on her hind legs and Belle legit screams like a human little girl.

Milo-Maybe they are hybrids of a dog and monkey or something. Besides, they do look cute! I wanna hold one!... Hey Angel, do you like upsies?!

Just then, Belle and Angel looked at them at the door like they were not happy.

Lenny-Uh, Milo. I know you love animals, but I don't think Angel is in a good mood.

Milo-Come on, It's not like she came with a warning.

Bea-Ms. (L/N) left a letter where they act violent or hateful to others, but her kid.

Milo-But how can something so adorable be so cruel? I bet she's just sad and needs a hug! ~



Milo held both of his arms up as he walked into the room, but when he engulfed Angel in a hug as his friends couldn't watch, they heard...


Milo-See guys, she's a lovable little ball of-! ~






Lenny and Bea flinched and then saw Milo walking out of the room with bruises, messy hair, a black eye, and a swollen cheek.

Milo-Guys... Angel said she's all good on hugs... Is the room falling?


(Bonnie's POV)

I had no leads until I saw cop car after cop car going to place and even had a few trucks with the word S.W.A.T. on them. That seemed promising for someone holding a kid for that much ransom, so I followed them. When I got there, the fuzz had some rusty old building surrounded and I saw the kid's mom yelling at cops.

Bonnie's mind-Seen any movie ever or gained some experience in the field? This guy has to be stupid, but a getaway plan is something basic. There has to be a way for him to sneak out and that's your way in.

I thought about it for a while and this place looks too simple looked to have plumbing pipes to get through, so my money is on a tunnel. That could be anywhere though, just waiting to be finished, even... If only I had my muscule. Cops are here, and I have no way in...

Bonnie-*Sigh*... Hmm?

I felt my collar around my neck and smiled.

Bonnie's mind-Or do I? ~

I got on all fours and started to crawl, but it was tricky since I never donw this before.

(No POV)

Bonnie crawled over to the police line and when one office looked at her and brushed her off as a weird animal or maybe a kolala. She slipped by as much as possible as she heard cops talk to each other and didn't pay her much mind. She made it to where the police line ended and crawled past it to the side of the building where she saw a hole she could fit through.

Bonnie's mind-Why didn't I think of this sooner? Pigs didn't care.

(Clyde's POV)

I watched the cops carefully to make sure they stay back and the kid is locked up tight until I get the 500 million I talked about to the cops. I thought about answering the phone, but if I don't answer, I can use this as a tactic to show that I do not negociate. It's they show me the money or the kids gets hurt. This is sure to get Bonnie's attention with something this big and I can get our biggest score yet, by myself. I had my gun out and about to fire a warning shot for taking too long, but then...


I turned and saw Bonnie and she had a necklace or something around her neck.



I walked up to her and now with the brians here, the 500 million is in the bag and I get to show her what I already got.

Clyde-Nice of you to drop by. I was getting worried the fuzz had you behind bars.

Bonnie-Those knuckleheads practically let me in here. All thanks to this.

She held her necklace until I saw it was a collar when I got a closer look.

Clyde-That easy, huh?

Bonnie-Enough of the chit chat. I came here to get something.

Clyde-I know, I know. I got some jewelery that we heisted, some gold and silver artworks, all kinds of good stuff.

Bonnie-The kid.

Clyde-Oh him? He's just for ransom that can leave us with 500 million-.

Bonnie-A, this is a terrible plan. B, you got no idea how to do this kind of job on your own. C, give me the kid.

I thought she was joking for a moment, but I knew that look on her face... She was serious.


Bonnie-You think the pigs will give up 500 million for one kid? They're gonna be plotting to get the jump on ya! You got no other lookouts with this big place surrounded. They could be in here right now, right under yer nose!... I'm not gonna ask again because you know I hate repeating myself... The kid... Give him to me.

Clyde-We give him up, and we got no escape route!

Bonnie-There was none to begin with when you made those stuid demands! Have they even called?!

Clyde-I never answered.

She frooze in place before she facepalmed her forehead and then looked past me to see the locked door the kid was in. She tried to walk past me and I knew if I let her have the kid, I'm done for, so I stopped her by grabbing her arm.

Bonnie-Clyde... Let. Go.

Clyde-I can't let you do this. Don't forget, I'm your muscle.

Bonnie-... Yer right.

She backed up, so I let go of her and the phone rang again, so she went to go answer it.

Bonnie-You calling for negociations?

(Lenny's POV)

Milo was on the couch, resting from his tango with Angel and Bea and I tried to feed them, but they didn't even like us near the room they were in. Belle would scream to the top of her lungs when we came by the door and she saw us. I just left food by the door for them since Bea and I didn't want to go near them, but soon, I saw Angel come in the living room.


Milo saw her and screamed a little while Bea and I backed up and watched her go into the kitchen. She came back out with a bowl of strawberries and went back down the hall.

Bea-Should she even be eating those?

Lenny-You wanna go take those from her?

Bea-... I'm sure she can handle it.

Milo-Guys... I'm starting to ache all over, again... Is she thinking of me?

Suddenly the bowl of dog food came flying out of the hall, hit the wall, and made all of us jump and scream.

((Y/N)'s POV)

I kept on crying in this dark and empty room, waiting for someone to save me and when the door opened, I put my face into my knees to not look at that meanie. Why would anyone be so mean even when I didn't do anything to them? I heard the door close gently and they came up to give me a... smaller hug? I looked and I felt so happy to see Bonnie!



Bonnie-*Shhhhh*... Good to see you's still in one piece. Listen, I got something I need you to do. *whisper*


Bonnie-When I leave this room and lock that door, count to 10 and start making a bunch of noise. Got it? *whisper*

She didn't let me answer before she left, but I wanted to trust her and counted to 10 like she said. I went up to the door and started to hit it while screaming. Nothing happened, but I kept on going.

(Clyde's POV)

Bonnie was attaching necklaces together for some reason while we waited for our ride to be here, but that kid is getting really annoying. I can't go deal with them, so I turned to Bonnie for this.

Clyde-Can we do something about that kid?!

Bonnie-Yer the muscle, remember? Go shut him up.

She took over look out and I headed to the door, but when I touched the door, suddenly gold chains and necklaces quickly wrapped around my neck and strangled to me. I leaned on thean from the surprise and felt something on the door and I was stuck to it.

Clyde-*Gag* *cough* *gag*!

Bonnie-When I say to give me something, that means, I wasn't askin'.

I tried to fight her off and suddenly, someone busted through the roof and we expected it to be the fuzz, but instead, it was an experiment with a little girl.


???-Hold it right there, cousins!

They had a net gun and Bonnie jumped off of me to get to cover while I finally ripped the door off, but it was too late. I got shot at and trapped in this net... BONNIE BETRAYED ME!!!

(Lilo's POV)

Stitch got one, but there was still one left that we saw sneak in here on the news. We ran after them to catch up, but then we saw another kid come out and he must've been the hostage. He also looked like he wasn't from here that much. I never saw him before.


???-Bonnie, where are you?!


Just then, the other experiment ran up to him and he held them close as he cried a little.


Bonnie-Hey kid, cut the water works. We gotta go.

Lilo-Wait, you can't go!

They both looked at me and Bonnie got in front of this boy and I noticed she had a callor on with something fancy on it.


Bonnie-Back off, 'cuz'. Ya got this wro-.

Just then the boy pulled her back into a hug, so Stitch pointed the weapon down.

???-Bonnie is my pet! Don't shoot her, please!

(Timeskip 30 Minutes)

We made it back out to the cops and they took away the bad experiment we caught and it looks like the green one has a home already, and he has two more. I just don't think it's a good idea to have experiments that might be dangerous as house pets, so I want to keep a look out for him around town. Right now, he was with his mom and it looks like it's her first time meeting Bonnie and she wasn't talking. They just got into an ambulance to get checked and were gonna go home after.

Lilo-Well Stitch, it looks like our work here is done for now... I still got a feeling about her, so we'll find him later.


We left the scene and I think I should tell Jumba about this to see if he can help tell what this and the other 2 experiments he named Belle and Angel can do.

(Timeskip 1 Hour)

(Bea's POV)

Milo thought squirting Angel with a spray bottle would make her behave, but instead it made her angry. He ended up running out of the house in terror and Lenny and I were cornered by her as she still dripped a little.

Lenny-It wasn't us! It wasn't us!

Angel-*Growl* *snarl*!

Just then the door opened and we saw a little boy from those pictures run in crying a little, and Angel turned and looked surprised and almost worried looking.




She ran to him and actually picked him like a baby and gave him kisses and licks... She did an instant 180 in her attitude when it came to him and Belle came out to join in on the hugs and kisses when a green one walked in and smiled.


When they all left for his room, I felt scared, but also relieved that this was over.

Bea-... Lenny... Next time you want to do petsitting, no more dogs.

Lenny-... Yeah.

The mom came in, paid us, and we left the house secretly vowing to never come back, but I think she saw that from the look in our eyes.

(No POV)

The girls were all doting on (Y/N) before his mom came in and took him for a bath to just be with him, the girls didn't want to cause drama in front of him... They'll deal with her later. Angel and Belle felt like they couldn't thank Bonnie enough and she did love this feeling in her chest now. Meanwhile, in another house Lili and Stitch told their family about what happened and Jumba was confused...

Jumba-Experiment 149 betrayed 150?


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