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((Y/N)'s POV)

We all just had dinner and Judy just took me with her to her room to eat since my dad was mad that he was forced to eat a lot more vegetables in the stir fry Helen made with Judy. I thought it tasted really good, but I cried a little when he got made and the girls got really angry at him. Tigress's claws even came out as she growled at him which made him eat. Judy wanted to feed me while I watched a cartoon in her room and she even gave me kisses after every few bites. We got dessert after this, but that's not what I was thinking about tonight.

Judy-Are you excited to go ice skating with Elsa later tonight? ~

I still couldn't talk, but I nodded my head a little. I was actually really nervous because I never ice skated before and I don't even have any skate. The sun was almost down and I thought about falling a bunch of times tonight and Elsa would just laugh at me. How can I go ice skating if I can't even skate? She saw that I looked nervous and grabbed my head onto her lap to rub my head.

Judy-Hey, don't worry. Elsa is not gonna let you fall and hurt yourself... Do you wanna talk about it?

I shook my head no since thinking about it is already super hard. Soon, I heard my dad yelling and getting when Helen came in with a dessert for me.


Helen-Hey honey. I brought you some cookies before tonight. Elsa's very excited to take you ice skating. ~

((D/N)'s POV)

I can't believe they called my dad and he was furious that he felt that he had to tell me to eat whatever food was on the plate. He didn't care if I liked it or not, even if there was barely any meat with it and my son got dessert while I didn't. This was the worst dinner ever, but I had to eat if I wanted a chance to let my friends in to hang out and start training these girls. Soon, there was a knock at the door and I knew who it was, so I went to go answer it. I told the girls they already know about them, but they don't know about our plan. When I opened the door, I smiled when I saw Trent and Gill.

(D/N)'s mind-Let's get this party started. ~

(Timeskip 30 Minutes)

(Elsa's POV)

The sun just went down and now I can leave without seeming too rude because (D/N)'s 'friends' are just as bad as him. Judy even told us about their disgusting plan and I would never even dream about stooping to such a level. We made an effort to make it clear that we wanted nothing to do with any of them, but to use 'the carrot and the stick' to try to keep (D/N) in line. Helen blew them off after making them I was about to leave, but when I got outside they both started to follow me.

Trent-Hey, where are you going?

Gill-We're just having fun in there. No need to be nervous.

Elsa-I have plans. Leave me and my friends alone.

I tried to walk away, but I heard them both snickering when one of them grabbed me from behind to cup my butt and grope my breasts. I gasped from the shock before I pushed Gill off of me and was furious while they laughed.

Elsa-You beast!


I felt the ice magic oozing off f me and thought about what Ricky did and how they could ruin the night for (Y/N) too, all because his dad wanted his petty sense of control. I was about to send them away and make a scene about it since (Y/N) was not around, but then I thought about it. They'll just come back later to be a bigger problem later... I then thought of an idea, but I just have to convince them for a little bit... How would a woman in their class act?

Elsa-... *Giggles* You know what, you two are a... little fun. It just so happens, I was going to go out for a night swim, but... How does something more... revealing sound?

Gill-Ohhhhh, now we're talking! ~

Trent-Lead the way, 'princess'.

I took them to the lake and I could feel them trying to see through my dress, and when we got to the lake, I put on something a bit more graceful. The reflection in the water was enough for me to fix my hair up a little.


Now, for these two idiots.

Trent-Hey, what's with the extra clothes?

Elsa-I just thought of a game. Um... First one to the bottom of the lake and comes back up with a rock gets to take their time undressing me. ~

I felt a little gross talking like that, but they both gave each other a look before they both jumped in the water fully clothed, but kicked their shoes off. I waited for a little bit to let them get deeper into the water before I started to freeze the lake. I left a bit of the bottom lake unfrozen to let them swim around in their final moments. I never dreamed about doing this before, but... this felt good. I could faintly see the shadows of the men under the ice, so I added a layer of frost over the lake and made the ice glow a nice shade of blue with y magic.

Elsa-Hehehe... Hahahaha! HAHAHAHAHA!!!

I walked away while making a nice pathway out of ice to add to the enchantment of tonight for my baby.

(Timeskip 20 Minutes)

((Y/N)'s POV)

Elsa said that she sent the men home, so we can ice skate in peace. It was very pretty out here, and she made sure I was bundled up to stay warm. She carried me a lot to ice skate and even taught me a little by putting ice skates made out of ice on my shoes while holding my hands.

Elsa-That's it honey. You're doing so well. ~

She waved one of her fingers a little to make the lights move under us and it looked like we were on a rushing river of light.

(Y/N)-... Woah. *whisper*

I tried to get a little faster and almost fell, but she made a slide of ice under me to make me slide and then kept on making ramps to make me slid up and down a little around her until she got on her knees and slid me right into her arms for a hug. She scooped me up and spun me around with her. I felt a small smile on my face while she smiled at me.

Elsa-Isn't this fun?! You get to spend this time with the queen of ice and snow!... I see you smiling. ~

I still thought about that 'thing', but I couldn't stop smiling right now.

((D/N)'s POV)

I just got locked in my room and told to clean it since my friends went home and I tried to text those fuckers, but they were not answering! I just go straight to voice! There were supposed to help me seduce them into submission and it would've worked since they got strict office women to get wasted and wild! I tried to leave my room to go find them outside when I saw them following Elsa, but that fucking bunny pinned me down and Helen dragged me back into my room.


Helen-Yeah, yeah. Listen, if you're not gonna clean your room, just go to bed.


She didn't answer me and I just tore up my room anymore to show her that I was not going to listen to her for shit. She's the employee, so I can order her to clean my room in a skimpy maid outfit or even in nothing at all while I watch. I was too pissed to think about it right now since my friends just bailed on me.


(Timeskip 2 Hours)

(Diane's POV

The others were in their rooms and (D/N) was ranting from time to time in his run until he broke down crying. It was embarrassing to listen to, so I tried to block him out until the door opened and I saw Elsa and (Y/N) come in, and (Y/N) was asleep.


She put her finger to her lips while she gently closed the door.

Diane-How was it? *whisper*

Elsa-It was amazing. I got him to enjoy himself and he even talked a bit and smiled. Now, he's tuckered out. *whisper*

Diane-Awwww. Here, hold him still. I'll get his shoes and jacket off to get him decently ready for bed.

She worked with me and I got his shoes, gloves, and jacket off without waking up. He looked so peaceful until (D/N) pounded on his door and did another one of his rants.


Even through his door, he woke up (Y/N) and thanks to his yelling, he was starting to cry.

Elsa-Oh no. No, no, no, no, no. Don't cry. ~ *shhhhh*

(Y/N)-*Whimper* *hic* *hic* *sniffle* *sobbing*.

Else tried her best to calm him down and I tried to help too, but his dad was just making it worse with his pathetic crying coming from his room. We just got (Y/N) to Elsa's room and it took almost an hour to get him back to sleep. By the time I left them alone, I wanted to go into (D/N)'s room and break a few of his limbs to give him a 'real reason' to cry. I'll just scare him, but I just hate him so much! Just then, I heard the phone ring in the staff lounge, so I answered the stupid thing.


(G/N)-Hello Diane. I need to talk about something and need you to tell my son.

Diane-About your son! He made (Y/N) cry when he threw a tantrum!

(G/N)-Which one threw a tantrum?... Nevermind that.


(G/N)-A have an event in a few days, so just do what you can to put my son in a good mood and I'll make it worth your while.

Diane-What happened to teaching him to be a better man?

(G/N)-Worry about that another day. I need him to be in his best mood and on his best behavior. I need to look good for a couple of business partners. (Y/N) is usually quiet, so just give him a few treats and such and he'll be fine. Kids love that stuff.

Diane-Excuse me?!

(G/N)-As for (D/N), I'll triple your pay for a while if you show him a good time and do teases for him or something. Give him action and I'll triple that triple.

I objected to his claim again, but he clearly wasn't listening!

Diane-This was not a part of-!

(G/N)-Whip him into shape after. This needs to go off without a hitch. Oh, call yourselves 'bad girls' he gets a kick out of it at strip clubs.

Diane-I'm not-!

(G/N)-I got another call on the line. Good luck.

He hung up like he was in a hurry and this made my blood boil. I am not selling my body to anyone like some prostitute! I put the phone down and felt so angry that (G/N) showed his true colors. I know he was greedy and shady, but it's clear he demands to spoil his son to keep him happy in front of the public, covered up his misdeeds, and let him even abuse his son! It's his fault (D/N) is like this and (Y/N) is suffering! He only cares about his image to the public without putting any effort into his personal life other than himself!... It stops now. I had an idea.

Diane's mind-You want me to be a 'bad girl'?

I went to (Y/N)'s room and into his closet to grab something.


I glared at it as I went to my room and got my suitcase that turns into a motorcycle and got changed into something for the occasion.


Diane's mind-Then I'll be the 'bad girl'.

I raced the location of the phone calls after I called his receptionist and acted like I was a customer trying to complain about a hotel. When I got to the location, I put my mask on and went out. He was too far to go to in person, but let's get his attention to a hotel of his that just got visited by a thief.

(Timskip To Morning)

((Y/N)'s POV)

It was breakfast time and Poppy wanted to make a game out of it by trying to throw gumdrops in my mouth for a treat sometimes while Elsa fed me some bacon, eggs, sausage, and toast.

Poppy-3 pointer! She threw a gumdrop at me from the other side of the table and it was heading for me. I opened my mouth and moved back a little and then it landed on my tongue.


Judy-Poppy, I think he had more than enough candy for breakfast. His diet is not like yours.

Poppy-What's the worst that could happen? A little candy never hurt anyone.

Helen-But a lot can make him sick. That's enough candy for a while.

Poppy-... Fine.

Diane was still in bed since she felt a little tired after staying up late last night. My dad was not even allowed out here after everyone grounded him... Mostly Tigress and when he tried to come out, he got yelled at and I guess spanked or something because he cried when he was taken back to his room. The girls even wanted to talk about some new rules after we ate. We all sat in the living room and Helen got in front of me while Elsa had me on her lap.

Helen-Ok, we need to add a few things due to last night. You're not in trouble... The opposite. From what Elsa told us, you are slowly getting better, but from now on, your dad just can't be in the same room as you... period. We will also be working on his yelling because what he did to scare you was not ok.

Judy-I even heard Tigress get super mad when she heard that he made you cry... We were all mad.

Poppy-It's just a big meanie.

Elsa-And Diane said that even your grandpa was being mean.

Tigress-So later, we're going to send him to be with his friends. He can be there as much as he likes.


Helen-No, no, no! Please, don't cry! This is a good thing!

I tried to tell them that my daddy always comes back drunk and scary, but I almost broke out in tears again.

Judy-Hey, hey, hey... It's going to be ok, sweetie. We only want what's best for you... You, Poppy, and I are going to take a nice long soak to help you relax, and then we'll do whatever you want. ~

Judy leaned over and rubbed my cheek a little and then Elsa put me down. Poppy hopped on Judy's head and she led me to the bathroom... I guess if they are sure... My dad might like to stay with his friends better before a thing with grandpa anyway... I think that's a few days at best.

((D/N)'s POV)

They took my phone, called a limo, broke it, told me to pack up, TO KICK ME OUT OF MY OWN HOUSE!!! Tigress nearly killed me and the others didn't stop her and Diane even yawned during it earlier. I was not going to pack anything because this is my house and I will tell my dad on them. My door opened and Tigress, Elsa, and Helen came in looking super mad.


Elsa-Time's up. Your ride will be here soon... And it looks like you failed to pack.

(D/N)-Because I am not going anywhere!

Tigress-... Get... Out.

(D/N)-Did you forget whose house this is?!

(Timeskip 2 Minutes)

I was thrown outside and crashed into a bush as Helen threw a bag of clothes at me and they closed the door! They won't get away with this because my dad will call the police on them or even better! A private task force to really fuck them up!


(Timeskip 1 Hour)

((G/N)'s POV)

I was beyond furious when I heard the news and I asked my security, 'How could they let this happen'?! My hotel in my hometown was hacked and robbed to where most of the systems were shut down and priceless artworks were stolen! My receptionist came in with a phone in hand and the sound of the door made me throw my glass to the ground!


Receptionist-Sir, it's your son. He said the new workers threw him out of the house... Just him though.


I unmuted the T.V. to let the news be heard instead of reading subtitles.

News-Footage was unable to identify the thief at this time or track the where about of the paintings that were stolen. Tech teams at the hotel are working fast to restore the systems such as security, accounting, and many files were lost in the system purge.

I turned off the T.V. and showed them how angry I was, so they hung up the phone.

(G/N)-Do you know how this makes me look and it can affect the upcoming business deal?!

Receptionist-Yes, sir.

(G/N)-How am I supposed to fix this?!

Receptionist-Well... Maybe you can use this. Change the business meeting location to that hotel, invest in tighter security, and it will show how safe their investments will be. The thief is bound to get caught soon enough.

(G/N)-... Give employees there, mandatory overtime, and find the best systems possible! This deal needs to go smoothly!

Receptionist-Yes, sir!

(Diane's POV)

After I rested for a bit, a cup of coffee woke me right up. I went over the plan and I remember that Tigress's chi from her movie is life energy, so I have a plan to get rid of (G/N), (D/N), and many other rich snobs and greedy pigs. All in the name of keeping our baby safe and happy. If he cares about his image that much, he'll try to turn a disaster into a blessing no matter the cost... He'll be at the place I hit. They all will.

Tigress-Are you sure this will work?

Diane-Not entirely, but if it meant being rid of all of them and being set here for life... Will it be worth it?

Tigress-... A few days, huh?... I'll do it.

(No POV)

Back at the hotel, something was going on in an office full of monitors and computer systems...





Whose about to show up this time