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((Y/N)'s POV)

Senko was very serious about my massages, but I didn't say anything because they felt so good and relaxing. I think I might even fall asleep again. After she did my back, I let Shiro play a game by herself to keep her from getting bored while Senko massaged my legs. It tickled for a bit until she did it just right and out of all the times I watched someone else have fun... This felt nice for some reason. Shiro sat on my bed and her tail and ears looked so cute and fluffy. I wonder if they'll let me fluff them because I never got to pet anything before, so I wondered what the fur would feel like... I don't want to make them mad. My chest felt a little heavier when I thought of Senko and Shiro being mad at me. Suddenly, Senko looked at me a little confused.

Senko-Hmm? Is everything ok, sweetie?

(Y/N)-I'm fine.

Senko-... Here, let's get your feet and please let me know if you feel any pain.


She moved down to my feet, but before she did we heard a door open. It was the front door and my mom was in her room... That has to be my dad! Shiro paused the game while looking at the door, but then leaned back on her hands. She looked calm.

(Senko's POV)

My darkness was coming off him now and I still don't know what caused the spike before. His dad will be in here, so it'll make it worse. I can't put him to sleep so suddenly of course because he'll get suspicious afterward, but I can't let his dad come in with his authoritarian attitude and undo all my hard work. Me going out there to be stern with dad will end up with the same result. Darkness was growing on (Y/N) by the second, so I can't set here and do nothing about him either... Maybe a little white lie will do the trick.

Senko-(Y/N), sweetie. Would it be ok if I go out there and have a talk with your father? He may be angry at the truth at first, but he needs to learn. Shiro will be right here with you. ~

(Y/N)-A-Are you gonna fight with him?

Senko-No... No, no, no. I'm just going to scold him a little, so he learns. Dan't forget that I'm an 800-year-old fox demi-goddess, so I can tell him what to do. ~

(Y/N)-You're 800 years old?

Senko-Shiro, watch him, please.

(Shiro's POV)

I guess I can pause the game for a little bit to make sure the darkness doesn't skyrocket. Sen left the room and (Y/N) looked like she was marching off to her own death or something, but it'll take a lot more than some angry human to even be considered a threat by us. I decided to use my mind control power on him by putting a fireball in front of his face. Instead of putting him to sleep, he'll just be in a sleep-like state and make it seems are as if they are normal and calm. I just don't wanna do this for long.

Shiro's mind-Please hurry Senko.

((D/N)'s POV)

I was about to head to my son's room to see what was going on, but I stopped when I saw Senko in the hallway. Despite her cute stern face, I was furious about how she got into my home and why (M/N) let Senko stay here. I just pulled out my phone and was ready to call the police.

(D/N)-What are you doing in my-?!

She raised her hand up and my own shirt collar started to choke me and pull me back to the living room. I tried to scream and figure out what was going on. Is someone behind me?! I hit the wall and nobody was behind me as Senko got closer and (M/N) out here from our room and got in the middle of us.

(M/N)-Senko, stop!

Senko-I do not receive or acknowledge orders from you.

(M/N)-Pl-Please, I can speak to him about this! You don't need to hurt him!

I was left barely breathing for a few more seconds before my phone flew out of my hand and caught on fire which was sort of blue.

Senko-If he does anything to hurt or intimidate (Y/N) again, it will not be a warning next time. I also demand that he apologizes to (Y/N) later on. Do you understand me?


I was finally let go and fell to the ground before she held a fireball in her hand for a moment and went into my son's room. (M/N) ran to me and helped me up as I still caught my breath.

(D/N)-What... is going on?

((Y/N)'s POV)

My head felt a little fuzzy for a moment, but suddenly Senko came back in the room and she looked happy and ok. She took her pot back next to my feet to continue with my massages. I was still worried about how everything went out there because my dad can be really mean and scary.

(Y/N)-D-Did he yell at you? I zoned out.

Senko-*Giggles* No, he didn't yell at me. I just told him the truth and he can apologize to you later. We need to focus on getting you relaxed. If there's anything you want or don't like, just name it.


I still don't know if it was ok to touch their tails since a lot of animals hate that.

(Senko's POV)

I saw the darkness going away slowly, but when I was finished massaging his whole body, there was still some left. I think he needed some more play time, treats, and cuddling. I'm really good with tofu, but perhaps I could try a few other recipes that I picked up from the past. I pressed him against my chest to let my heartbeat soothe him and put my tail around his legs.

Senko-Why are you so stressed sweetie?... Are you hungry? I know a good recipe for fluffy and soft cheesy garlic bread and some lasagna. ~

Shiro-... Uh, Sen.

I looked over to Shiro and saw her sway her tail in an objective way like she was hinting at it... I think I finally pieced it together and confirmed it by bringing my tail between us and gently placing his arm around it. I could see the remaining darkness disappear on him, his cheeks were blushing, and... my heart skipped a beat.

Senko's mind-He... He likes fluffing my tail too... Just... Just like... Nakano.

A few tears were coming out of my eyes from thinking about him and (Y/N) panicked a little before he tried to let go... I swiftly put his arm back around my tail and scooted closer to him.

Senko-I-It's ok, really... Just enjoy some nice fluffing and I'll make dinner later. Just for the 3 of us.

(Y/N)-U-Um... Are you sure you're ok with me touching your tail?

Senko-Just... Don't stop... Please.

I wrapped my arm around him to pull him closer and give him kisses on his head to show him that he could fluff my tail... Just like Nakano, he was a baby when it came to this stuff. Shiro watched us and smiled a little as I snuggled with (Y/N). The time we spent alone in days made him feel more love in his little pinkie toe than his parents ever gave him in years...

Senko's mind-My baby. ~

(Timeskip 3 Hours)

Shiro was playing with (Y/N) while I was finishing up cooking dinner for us and I think I wrote down the recipe correctly, so this should work. They just have a bit longer in the oven. I also made it clear to his parents that they are not to go in there and bother him and I saw an irritated look on (D/N)'s face, but I will give his wife the chance to keep him in line. I was completely serious about my next firm action with him will not be a warning. When it was time to take the food out, I was happy at how they looked until (M/N) and (D/N) came in.


Senko-What is it? If you've come to ask permission to enter his room and apologize, you can do another time.

(M/N)-You made dinner?

Senko-Dinner for Shiro, (Y/N), and I. After the horrible acts and blind judgments lately, I believe you do not deserve such blessings.

(D/N)-The 3 of you are going to eat all of that?!

Senko-We will eat what we can. After, I will store the leftovers for later when (Y/N) is hungry or I heat it up for much more 'pleasant' company. Rest assured that I did not use your gasoline to cook, but my fire, all thanks considered... Also, I prepared a dessert in the freezer that I labeled... Do not touch it.

I simply used my magic to take the food back to the room where I have my own plates and forks waiting, and they are wood, so there will be no metallic taste, but rather a smoky taste after Shiro gently heats them up. I made it back to the room and saw Shiro and (Y/N) set up the small foldable table that he had and had the wooden utensils in place.


I could see his mouth water, but wait until he sees his dessert.

Shiro-Sen, you never made this before! It looks and smells so good!

Senko-Well, I did more research on other styles and cultures of food before I came... Now, as for you (Y/N). Let's make you a plate and to avoid a mess... I will be feeding you. ~

(Y/N)-... Wh-What?

((D/N)'s POV)

The never of that arrogant little bitch! I know my son did what he did because he confessed to doing it! He has to be tricking her, demi-goddess or not, this is still my house, that is my son, and I never prayed to anything like her! We were stuck going out to eat while they were in my son's room. When I see him again, I am going to tell him that he is to stop lying to her this instant and will have his toys and games sold as punishment!

(Sora's POV)

I watched as Senko fed (Y/N) the food she made and it did look very appetizing. Another reason to visit soon, but what sealed the deal is when a little sauce got on his chin and Senko scooped it up. She fed it to him and he curled up a bit and looked so shy about it, but with not even a spec of darkness coming off of him, meant only one thing...

Sora-You are enjoying all this new attention a love deep down, are you little one?... Perhaps after you're meal I'll get ready to introduce myself... How should I make my introductions? ~


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