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((Y/N)'s POV)

I woke up to something tickling my nose and making me sneeze a few times until I rolled over, but then felt soft and tall grass stick to me a little. I opened my eyes to see the grass with some pink trees, and the light from the sun stung my eyes. I tried to keep them open and got up to explore while rubbing my eyes to see if this was real. Next, I tried pinching myself and splashing water on my face, but nothing was working. I'm starting to get scared and tried to look for my mommy and daddy or a house.

(Y/N)-Mommy!... Daddy! *echo*

I walked around this forest and found a place with no trees and the just looked so weird while the sun was coming up.


(Y/N)-M-MOM, DAD?!?!?! *echo*

(Amelia's POV)

I was in the waiting room for this human and the clock was at 3 hours before the game starts. I head knives to cut vines and wood to make traps. Because of the knife, I gotta wear a chip that'll shock me if the blade gets too close to the human. I saw the cute baby human crying out for someone to help him, so I looked at the ropes and nets I already had on hand before I looked back at him running into the valley. I had them in storage capsules, just to keep them safe from being tangled, and the camping gear this place gives you.


Amelia-Just wait, little guy. I got a net with your name on it... What should I name you? ~

Just then the door opened and I thought it was gonna be that desk guy, but it looked like someone from the countryside coming in. She stopped when she saw me just lounging on the couch in here to wait for the portal to the reserve to open.


She had storage capsules too and we looked at each other while she took a seat in a chair far away from me. The only sound in this room was the whining sound from the human on the screen. The silence soon broke between us.

???-Howdy. Names Maisie.

Amelia-... Hey... I'm Amelia.

Maisie-Looks like we got the same critter in our sights. How much experience ya have in huntin'?

Amelia-Plenty. In case you don't know my race We're extremely agile.

Maisie-Well, I got farm work and huntin' vermin on mah farm.

This can be a problem, but I will still win this even if I have a lawsuit after this. I just gave her a look that told her to back the fuck off.

Amelia-I got sending my ex to the hospital for getting on my bad side... Door is still open.

She looked offended and glared back at me while leaning forward.

Maisie-... Ya'll 'implying' something tah me?

We both had a staring contest, but it broke when someone else came in and they didn't look like a hunter at all.



(Lilly's POV)

There were two other ladies in her for the little human and they both looked upset with each other. This made me a little shaky to enter the room. I didn't think any other hunters would be after a baby human. They can't carry anything lethal with the intent to harm them, but then I spotted the lion girl with a knife.


I put my storage capsules off to the side and just hoped I could get to the human first. I just can't have as much time as I hoped.

Lilly-U-Ummm... H-Hello.

Maisie-Lookin like ya'll saw a ghost there sugar. Problem?


I just looked in my bag to triple-check that I had everything. Medkits, treats, camping gear, voice audio clips of humans, water, and a few toys to give them. This made me wonder if the others were gonna be rough with them. My heart ached at the thought of them hurting and scaring a poor baby that already looks scared from being lost and confused. Just then, the door opened and another hunter came in with a sniper and darts.


She just went straight for the wall on the other side of the room before she started to mess around with her gun and ammo. She even took glances at the screen to see the human baby crying out for his parents.

Lilly's mind-I gotta get to the human first.

(Roza's POV)

I had 3 kinds of rounds. Tranquilizers, smoke, and flash. Smoke more to mark a location and apply for wind, but flash works just as well as a simple flash grenade. That should stun the infant long enough for me to get a clear shot. I saw 2 women glaring at each other while the smaller bunny girl tried to look small. When the lion girl looked at me, I tilted my head a little.

Roza-Can I help you?

???-You're using a sniper to hunt at a level 0 game?

Roza-Tranquiliers. They are allowed as long as the dosage is right for the target to prevent an overdose. They are also very picky about what you use. 1 to take him down in seconds, and 35 to actually kill him, but I'm not sloppy.

I loaded the gun to where I will shoot a smoke round first, then a flash, and finally the tranquilizers. I'll finish this quickly when I spot him. Maybe while he stops for food at a bush or a pond for water. We all sat in silence and I closed my eyes for a little while until we heard something coming... Something fast and the door swiftly opened for a wolf woman and her jagger with a saddle she was riding on.


The jagger jumped around the room and off the walls while the woman was laughing, and while the bunny dove under the table, the rest of us got ready to fight for a moment. The jagger stopped and the woman hopped off of him to put her head against the jagger's nose while petting him.

???-Settle down Lienal. You have to be a good be and be patient. Yes, you do! ~

She turned to all of us and smiled so innocently at us like she didn't just bring a predator into the room. I read the rules and it'll be nearly impossible to be allowed to use a predator like that in a game like this. They don't even have a shock collar on!

???-Hi everyone! I'm Velvet and this is birthday boy Lienal!

(Timekip 5 Minutes Before The Game)

(Maisie's POV)

We tried tah make a case tah get the jagger banned, but they showed they were trained, docile, and the only one who snapped was Velvet when she said, 'Lienal is self-conscious about his size'. The best we got was a high pitch siren that the jagger will find annoying if his body shows signs of being hostile tah us or the human. A man came in and he had a tablet with them when the clock struck 5 minutes and the screen zoomed in onto the human.


Man-Maisie, Amelia, Lilly, Velvet, and Roza. You have all been cleared to hunt to capture, not kill. Once the human is captured, they are yours to take home to do as you please with so long as it follows their protection laws and rights. The game ends when the human is captured and brought back here. You were each given camping supplies, S.O.S. beacons, and bracelets to track your locations, and cameras are all throughout the reserve to record and catch attempts of violating the rules or in need of assistance. You may also receive copies of the footage of all the best angles of the hunt. Any questions before we start?

Maisie-Yeah. How did a jagger get cleared for level 0?

Velvet-*Hmph* Don't listen to the mean bee, Lienal. She's scared that we'll win. ~

Lilly-U-Um, excuse me. W-With the jagger aside... I'm worried about the knife.

Amelia-I'm gonna get electrocuted if the gets too close to him. Can we just get this started already?!


He gave brief answers before the clock reached 10 seconds and he got out of the way. The screen turned into the clock and it soon hit 0 for the portal to open and cover the wall. The girls rushed through and in a flash of light, they were brought to different checkpoints on the planet... The game begins.

(Timeskip 20 Minutes)

Drinking from a river was so hard to do like my dad showed me, but I did get some water. I went back to looking for anyone or anything in the forest. I couldn't cry anymore even if my feet hurt really bad and I just wanted to rest. I just lied down next to a tree, but my feet still felt so sore. I tried to rub them, but nothing was working.

(Y/N)-*Whimper* M-Mommy.

I just stopped and reached for some berries in a bush. I hated this and just wanted to go home to my mom and dad. After a while, my feet started to feel better enough for me to walk, but I stopped when I smelled something... And it smelled like...

(Y/N)'s mind-Brownies?

I looked around to where the smell was coming from and thought I would sound a house since they had to be made in a kitchen... I was also so hungry and my stomach growled. When I found the brownies, I remembered something my mommy and daddy told me... Don't eat any food from strangers or there all alone. It could be dangerous.


My stomach growled and they look so good. I have to listen to what my mom and dad said to me.

*Stomach growl*


I just turned and walked away until I heard something in the trees. I looked up to see if there was something there, but I didn't see anything... Had to be a bird.

(Maisie's POV)

I almost had him right out of the gate! Dang nab it! I waited for him to go out a little further before I stored the bait again and then thought that the critter might not have a sweet tooth. Luckily, I got more than just sweets for him.

Maisie's mind-Ya'll ain't gettin' away from me little fella. I dealt with stubborn critters who didn't take the bait before... I can still lead ya to where I want'cha.

(Velvet's POV)

I was riding on top of Lienal to let him sniff the ground to look for a trail and I made sure to give him love and attention while he searched.

Velvet-Remember Lienal, the human is delicate. When you pick him up, be sure not to nick his skin.

Lienal-*Deep purring*. ~

Velvet-Good boy. ~

(Lilly's POV)

I played human sounds on my player while I walked around the reserve to try and find the baby. He should hear this and feel somewhat attracted to it, but only if the file online had a recording of the parents or an adult they trust. Humans can be simple-minded and hateful in the wrong environments, but a soothing voice and some TLC can easily tame them. Babies are much more influential in that regard. I should try to make some calls myself that are louder.

Lilly-*Whining sounds*!

(Amelia's POV)

I made my way back to the building to set snare traps, nets, and cages around the area before I moved on to the rest of the reserve. I ran as fast as I could and felt the wind hitting my face as my hair and fur flowed in the wind. I kept on running and came by a crystal wall where I saw my reflection in it.


Amelia's mind-You're mine, little guy. ~

(Roza's POV)

I was lucky to start at the top of a big hill where I can see a good amount of the reserve. I just sat down in a tree to stay hidden in case the human was close by. I have a pistol in case that happens.

Roza's mind-Alright... Where are you?


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