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(Sienna's POV)

With guards out in the streets, I decided to stay in the shadow-like areas since that will be how whoever has my baby will move around or they might slip up and go out in the open. I was on a rooftop to get a better view and peeked into windows. Later, I saw a cloaked figure at the market that looked a bit suspicious. This is the best lead I got to find my pet, so I had to tag them for a bit.

Sienna's mind-I have a good idea of who you are... You will lead me back to my pet.

(Joanna's POV)

We have to wait for a window to get out of here until we come up with a plan, but so far nothing ends without the White Fang spotting a boat or airship leaving and them chasing us. When I got all the food we needed for a few days to bunker down in a hotel room and plan, I took the quickest and least populated route back to the hotel. I felt like I was being watched, but then again, White Fang were everywhere and any human-hating Faunus can tell them I'm here while my back is turned. When I made it to the hotel room with the food, I saw Fiona and May playing tug of war with the kid a little... and (Y/N) was the rope while Robyn just looked out the window.


When I put the food down, (Y/N) wanted to come to see, but Fiona pulled him back in the middle of them.

Fiona-No, stay here... You're so cozy.

May-Here, more over a little.

May pulled herself in closer to them and squished him in the middle and he scooted down and put his ear against May's chest area and relaxed. I got the food out to cook now and put the rest in the small fridge then heard my scroll beep. I checked the message and it was from... Robyn.

Robyn's text-Be honest... How do you feel about bringing him back with us?

Joanna's text-Back with us where?

Robyn's text-Mantle.

I looked at her not very confused by what she meant and when I took a look at (Y/N) cuddling with our other 2 teammates. He looked so adorable and the thought of him leaving hurt even more than before...

Joanna's mind-... I-.


The door flew open and 2 gas grenades came in, so we all acted fast and went out the window, but Robyn was the only one that had her weapon in hand. We heard lots of footsteps and White Fang soldiers were coming.

Robyn-Take (Y/N) and go May! We'll hold them off!

(Sienna's POV)

They reacted too quickly for the sleep gas to work, but now they were on the move. I got to the roof and saw the huntresses fighting my men, but I only had 2 targets in my sights.


I followed them by the rooftops to avoid the fight, but then I saw them go invisible, so I reacted quickly to throw a few flash blades to the ground. When they went off, I managed to get them both and blind them to undo this invisibility semblance.

Sienna's mind-Gotcha!... Finally, I get my pet back!

((Y/N)'s POV)

I could only see white and my ears were ringing for a bit. It was all I could hear while May held me tighter and I think we both felt so dizzy. When I could start to hear a little again, I heard a voice that sounded almost like a whisper. I didn't know who it was.

???-Munchkin. ~

I think I heard that name from somewhere and when I felt May suddenly fall back, I was ripped away from her. My vision started to come back and when it did, I knew who it was that had me.


Sienna gave me a few kisses then poked my leg with something and gave me another kiss when I flinched. She looked happy until she looked at where May would be then tossed something that made smoke come out before she pressed something on her ear.

Sienna-I got my pet and one of the huntresses. She can join the robot below the base.

I started to feel tired and dizzy again when I felt like I could just barely talk. The last thing I did before I fell asleep I tried to reach for May, but it didn't work.


I started to open my eyes and saw a metal ceiling and bars. I tried to sit up, but when I bent my neck, I felt a piece of cold metal that made me lay my head back down. I felt my neck and knew the collar was back on, and there was a lock on it. I sat up to see I was in a cage then looked around Sienna's room and saw that I was alone. The cage was locked, so I could not get out, but then I started to worry about May and others. They were fighting and now I am here, so they might have been caught.

(Y/N)'s mind-Where are they?

The door opened and I saw 2 animal people walk into the room to do some cleaning. They both ignored me the entire time they were in here then one of them went on their scroll for a bit before they left the room. I was alone again but heard footsteps coming down the hall until the door opened again and this time, Sienna came into her room.


She looked into the cage and smiled at me then reached in to poke my nose and grab the tag on the collar.

Sienna-Morning Munchkin. ~

(Y/N)-Wh-What did you do with May?!

Sienna-Don't stress about her. You won't look as cute for the camera.


Sienna-That's right. I got you a bath, all dressed and brushed for the big announcement on the emergency broadcast channel. It won't be ready until a few more hours, but we won't do it until tonight.

She opened the cage and grabbed me to carry me to her mirror and showed me what I look like. My hair was brushed, and my eyebrows were a little small I think, but the only part I hated was the tag that said...

(Y/N)-P-Property of-.

Sienna-Me... Everyone around the world is going to see you wearing that tonight. ~

I tried to get out of her arms while my face burned up and she only got annoyed before she put me down and then got the leash to attach it to my collar. I pulled on the leash and tried to get it off, but she just smacked my hands to make me stop.

Sienna-No! Bad!... *Sigh* This is why we are waiting for tonight. I need to re-train you to do tricks tonight.

(Y/N)-I don't wanna do tricks!

Sienna-I didn't ask if you wanted to do tricks r the announcement tonight. Everyone needs to see you submit to me, so you can either do tricks tonight or your hands will be tied behind your back and your leash will be attached to a pole. Either we, the world will see you as my pet, and be warned if they so much as touch you, they are my enemy.

(Y/N)-I'm not doing tricks like a pet and you can't-!

(Timeskip 3 Hours)

Sienna-Roll on your back and shirt up.

I did what she said or she would spank me again. When I finished the trick, she rubbed my belly. She gave me a piece of fudge with peanut butter in it for a treat. She wanted me to do 30 tricks for tonight, but we just got done with the last one. She finally let me rest on the bed then I watched her go to her dresser and take out a dog toy.


Sienna-Open. ~

She grabbed my chin a little and I slowly opened my mouth. She put the ball in my mouth and it wasn't that big for my mouth or too small, but just where I can hold it without it hurting me.

Sienna-You look perfect! I'm gonna go see how they are doing. Stay. ~

(Sienna's POV)

I left my pet in my room with 4 guards at my door, and I made my room impossible to break into without me knowing our 40 armed guards near the outside of my room. We did manage to subdue the huntresses and I gave them a T.V. in their cell to watch the broadcast tonight then be tortured in the morning to be made an example of. A shame one of the is a Faunus, but if you touch my pet, Faunus or not, you will feel my wrath.

Sienna's mind-I just can't wait for tonight!... I should record their reactions in their cells.


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