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((Y/N)'s POV)

Mika went out to go shopping or something, so Christa came over to watch me and I thought it was weird that a dog was watching me. I just stayed in my cage while she just lied in front of my cage and listened to ocean sounds from that speaker in my room. She tried to talk to me, but I didn't talk back to her then she did something when she heard a beeping sound from a tablet Mika left in here before she left. Christa went over to see what it was before she tapped her paw on the screen. I think it was an alarm for a schedule, but I already got a bath before Christa got here, so what was the alarm for?

Christa-Alright little one. Looks like Mika wants to try and get you out of that cage for a little bit at least... Let's try this.

She left the room for a moment then came back with some chocolate and put it by her in front of my cage, but just at the other side of the room.


Christa-It's up to you if you want some dessert. Just come out and get the yummy chocolate then you can go back into your cage to eat. Sound fair?

I looked at the chocolate and she sat next to it while smiling at me. I did like chocolate and wanted some dessert... I don't think she'll hurt me, but a talking dog was still pretty weird to see, so I slowly got out of the cage to get the chocolate. The closer I got her, I started to wonder if she was making this up or if she might try something when I get too close. When I got the chocolate, she brought her paw to my side which made me flinch and jump a little. She giggled and then looked back at me while I went back to the cage with my dessert.

Christa-Awwwww. I'm sorry I scared you. I just couldn't help myself and wanted to pet you. You're just so cute. ~

I ate my chocolate while she watched me then wondered what Mika was doing right now.

(Mika's POV)

I found 15 cute outfits for my pet his size. Six pairs of pajamas and nine outfits for the day should be a good start. After I left the store to start the walk home I saw a few monkeys handing out papers and talking out loud.

Monkey#1-We got a new holiday coming soon, everybody! Any day now!

Monkey#2-We will celebrate taking over the last human ran towns, cities, and such with the last of their weapons destroyed!

Monkey#3-There will be a parade! Bring your young, your new pets, and your loved ones!

Monkey#1-Don't got much time and still adjusting?! It'll be live on T.V. along with a speech that will be given by the leaders of F.O.N.!

Monkey#2-Spread the word!

I smiled, thinking about my pet and if he behaves enough then I can take him out to this parade, but I wouldn't mind doing something smaller if he's still nervous. On the way home, I saw a few cars bring in stragglers in from running away then wondered if they will be pets, slaves, or food. It's none of my business and they will get what they deserve, but I just have to get home. When I finally made it back, I dropped the bags by the door before I went to (Y/N)'s room to see Christa trying to call him out of his cage by clicking her tongue.


Christa-Welcome home. I got your little guy to come out for a moment.

Mika-Hm... How?

Christa-When I told him some notification about stragglers spotted nearby, I convinced him you wanted him to step out and laid out some chocolate.

(Y/N) looked surprised by this through his bars, but at least he got a treat for his troubles. I spoke with Christa in my living room for a while to thank her for watching my pet and told her about a new holiday coming soon and what it was going to be for, but not sure when. She finally left and I took (Y/N)'s clothes into my room and put them in small cubbies for later, but got something comfortable for him to sleep in.

((Y/N)'s POV)

I still can't believe that I got tricked by a dog! I had to go to the bathroom again, but I just wish Mike wasn't home since I was naked after the bath. She wasn't here right now, so I'll just sneak off to the bathroom, but I ran into her in the hallway and she had a bag in her mouth. She smiled at me before she put the bag down.


Mika-I got some clothes for you, sweetie. You can put them on when you feel like it. ~

She gave me a kiss on the cheek then turned back to her room while I went to the bathroom. After I was done, I wanted to go back to my room, but wondered what the rest of the house looked like. If I was super quiet, maybe I can think of a way out of here and find my parents.

(Mika's POV)

I was happy to see that he's taking trips out of his cage and thought about taking the cage out of his room tomorrow morning. While I was thinking about that, I did some reading on the book and it was just trust exercises. I already know about sleeping together and we will be cuddling him again tonight, but I also learned more on different positions. When I looked into other things then found a chapter called "Play Time Can Be All The Time". Children are known to love games and toys, so it's not as hard as getting an adult pet to warm up to it again. I just have to figure out when they like first before I can get the right toys and such.

Mika-Puzzles,... sports,... pretend,... affectionate.

That last one I looked into had what I saw (Y/N) do such as cuddling his toy for comfort. I looked deeper into this part and learned that humans that love affection turn cuddling into playtime with playful gestures such as moving around a lot to give quick peaks, gentle wrestling, tracing with their fingers, and much more. This is meant to fill playtime when they are tired and for cuddlers, this will be an ideal pet, but they will most likely want more playtime to burn off energy or distract them. During bath time, bath toys are a nice way to distract a child. Since that was the closest thing to my pet I clicked on a video I saw to see Christoph with the son of his humans in a bath while he was operating the machine to wash them.


Christoph-Hello, it's me again. Pardon the water everywhere, the father Paul did not adjust to bath time so well when given by me. This time I will be giving Austin a bath before I move on to Lilly. Now, for children, they may not like bath time, but once you get them in the water, most will still throw a fit, pout, or in this case, become very docile.

The camera moved to the human child still whimpering in the water and reminded me of (Y/N)'s first bath.

Christoph-Paul is still adjusting to a mental regression, so he is not fond of toys that much, yet. As for Austin, I will be giving him bath toys while carefully scrubbing him and trying my best to not take his attention away from the toys as much as possible. Playtime can be any time of the day and is critical in bonding to not only provide comfort and health, but to let them know that you are not a threat and are friendly. What you do also matters. When they are in a pouty or sad mood, small games if any at all will be your first go to then work your way from there.

Someone put toys that floated in the water and even added bubbles then Austin did look in a slightly better mood, but still looked sad and at the camera. The bath in the video went on while I heard (Y/N) get out of the bathroom, so I turned off the tablet and went to his room, but he wasn't in there. He wasn't in the bathroom anymore either then I soon found him in the living room then panicked a little when he saw me... I think we could try to play before bed, but I don't think he's going to feel like running around the house or outside to play yet.

Mika-He sweetie, don't be scared. I'm not mad at you... Here, up on the couch. ~

He looked nervous and for a moment he tried to walk past me to get to his room and I won't physically stop him, but if this works...

Mika-Hey!... Noooo. Come here.

He stopped and looked at me with his (E/C) eyes before he slowly came over to the couch, but tried to lie down with my head to his chest, so I had to get him to scoot down until his head rested on my belly while I curled up.

Mika-Good boy. ~

I gave him playful nuzzles and nips in between cuddling, but while I was caught up and playing with him a little, my tail brushed on his feet which made him jolt and curl up.


Mika-*Chuckles* You have a cute laugh. ~

I kept on calling him cute and playing with him until he seemed relaxed and tired, so I just gave him nice kisses and wrapped myself around him until I felt tired too. I didn't want to stop though, so I think I might try to have my pet sleep in my room.

Mika-Come on hiney. Bedtime. You get to sleep in my bed with me tonight.

He looked nervous again, but I nudged and herded him to my room then gave him a few more nudges to get in the bed and under the blankets. I remember the control lessons, but also knew I need to be up when he gets up to make sure he doesn't try to run without me easily capturing him. I just lied by his side and pulled him into my full grasp to where my tail was wrapped around his legs.

(Y/N)-... M-M-Mika.

Mika-Hm?... What?

(Y/N)-I... want mom and dad... Where are they?

That reminded me about his parents and that I had to find out about them. Christa is going to the hospital no doubt, so I can't ask her to watch him and I don't want to leave him here all alone...

Mika-(Y/N), you can nod or shake your head for this, but if I take you out tomorrow, you need to stay on the leash, don't try to run, and be good at the hospital. Can you do that while I find out about your mommy and daddy?

I wasn't looking forward to some bad news for him because if they were not with him at adoption. They are either out in the wild, but regardless, if they are enslaved for being bad, I will not have my baby anywhere near them. That's if they were killed for food. He looked out the window and looked scared before he started to cry, so I guess he was still scared about what happened.

Mika-*Shhhh* You don't have to go... I'll figure out something. ~

(???'s POV)

I headed home for the night after the stragglers were all captured and I was sure the humans inside were safe. This was a 24/7 daycare for humans for new owners that were still hunting down the stragglers, innocent and scared women, men, and children. I helped start this business and I won't have something bad happen the night we start putting papers out. When I got home I just went to my bathroom and looked at myself in the mirror.


I was at the daycare for 12 hours today, so my co-workers said for me to get a human. I want to, but I don't think it's time and I don't want to go to a pet store just yet just to see those sad human eyes I see at the daycare when they get dropped off. We have to put most in kennels, so they don't try to run and only 2 humans could play on the floor today and they were just babies that the staff played with. I just know the second I see all of them in need of a loving home, I'm just going to want them all.

???-*Sigh*... Calm down, Autumn... The time will come, but your job needs you. You can't let those mean-looking slaves near the good pets. *Yawn* Just a good night's sleep and you'll go right back there.

After that self-pip-talk, I went to my room and got into bed. Before I quickly fell asleep, I wondered if those papers would work and bring in more owners that just need help. Plus, even the grown humans can be cute as long as they are sweet. This full-grown male had to be sedated a little for his own safety and after I lied next to him for comfort, he cried into me.

Autumn's mind-Poor thing... So cute. ~

(Timeskip To Morning)

(Christa's POV)

Mika wanted to go to the hospital with me, but won't tell me everything with (Y/N) around. We had these papers on our door handles when we woke up and she came knocking on my door to join me. Right now, Mika had (Y/N) in his cage to pull him with us to make a detour. We soon made it to a building that still had a sign being put up, but some ads on the windows mentioned a human daycare, but it was basically a kennel. When we got inside, (Y/N) looked scared, but didn't have a blanket to hide under while we went straight to the front desk that had a short line of owners dropping off or picking up their pets. When we got to the front, we just saw a cheetah working the desk.

Cheetah-Good morning. Is this a drop-off?

Mika-Yes, but I have questions. What does this place do while my pet is here?

Cheetah-Well so far, they are put in a fair-sized kennel if they are just scared and out of control. We do offer basic training when calm as well as a play area in the backyard. They will be given food and water and medical care if hurt. With slaves moving products around in the back, our volunteers and staff are the only ones allowed to interact with the pets until you arrive to pick yours up.

This sounds like a good place in case something comes up and I want my baby taken care of. Mika just filled out a form on the tablet while I walked over to a window and saw animals going inside some of the kennels... I might want to volunteer here too when it's not the holidays. I saw Mika trying to comfort (Y/N) as he was heading to these kennels with fear and tears in his eyes. Mika had tears too from her pet looking so sad and scared again. We soon left and I had to cheer her up a little by reminding her that she wanted to come.

Christa-Why did you want to come again?

Mike-It's h-his parents. I want to see if there is a chance for me to take them in or... They just won't be near him anymore.

(Autumn's POV)

I made it to work and I could just hear more humans in the back room crying which made me happy, but also broke my heart. I checked in with the Cheeta at the desk and he showed me we had 12 more humans more than yesterday, but only one child. I read his form and they seem to be very timid.

Autumn-Where's the human child that came in 10 minutes ago? (Y/N).

Cheeta-Cage D-4.

I looked at his description before I went to the kennels and saw a few workers comforting adults since we don't have any other children or babies right now. I would want to stay at home with a cute human baby or child to play and cuddle with. I made it to the cage I was told of and the description matched from his (E/C) eyes, his (S/C) skin that looked so soft, and his (H/L) (H/C) hair... He looked adorable, but was crying and holding a toy that I think was playing music, but was drowned out by the cries around him.

Autumn-Poor thing. Don't cry. ~

((Y/N)'s POV)

I turned when I heard someone talking to me and they were a girl deer and she looked sad for me until she put on a smile then opened the cage by pressing a button.


???-Hi there little cutie pie. My name is Autumn... Awwww, those tears don't look good on you. Let's take care of those. ~

She came over and rubbed her hoof on my eyes and they felt so smooth, but I still backed up to the wall. She still touched me while I cried and put my toy back in my lap. I want my mommy and daddy, but I think I would rather go with Mika right now.

(Christa's POV)

We made it to the hospital and Mika went to go wait in line for the medical records to look up the parents while I went to a different window. I was so happy to see my baby and see if I could bring him home and...

(Megan's POV)

I kept on yelling at this stupid fucking ape to let me go because I don't want any filthy animals touching my baby AND ANOTHER APE WAS PUTTING MY BABY IN A BASKET!!! My screaming and yelling was making Marcus cry, but I didn't care!


I didn't listen to a thing they said then the door opened and I saw a dog come in...



She just looked at me then rolled her eyes before she walked over to the basket with my baby inside and got way too close to my baby!


This made her perk up and look at me with a glare. I know she can talk now like these other furry freaks, but this still felt weird to hear my pet talk.

Christa-Marcus?... You named him after that stripper you hired for a private job at home?!


Christa-Here's the thing 'sweetheart', he's my baby. New laws and I legally own him, so I will be taking 'Angel' home with me and not back to that run-down hole you crawled out of.

I kept trying to break free and take my baby and run, but they kept me pinned down.

Megan-What do you know about caring for a baby?!

Christa-I looked at parenting videos online a little while you were out then erased them. As for you, you don't have a place in the new world after I saw all the crap you did at home alone along with that bad attitude.

Megan-You can't keep me from my baby you fucking bitch!

Christa-Don't worry. You have one final purpose in this world. Very bad humans and animals become food and that's what you'll be on a tray in my new fridge at my new home. Rest assured, I won't feed you to Angel.

I felt my heart sink when she said that then looked at the other animals and noticed a needle on a small metal table. Christa just wagged her tail before she picked up the basket with my baby in it by the handle and walked out.

Megan-W-Wait! Christa!

A small monkey grabbed the needle on then jumped on top of me while the others worked to expose my arm.

Megan-G-Get the hell away from me! No! AAAAHHHHHH!!!

(Mika's POV)

The people here managed to find the parents and it turns out the father was a crooked cop and killed for meat already, but the mom was enslaved and placed on a farm for milking and breeding for when we need more humans born and keep the population stable. Still, I can't tell (Y/N) this and there is no way he is seeing his mother after she scammed so many people and ruined lives. I'll just tell him they are in the wild and we can't find them. Just then Christa came over and was excited to show me what was in the basket she was holding as her tail wagged really fast. She had a bag over her filled with baby stuff and when I took a peek and what I saw made my heart melt.


Christa-Say hi to Angel. ~

It looked like he just got done crying a little, but now looked curious and reached for us, so Christa went in to nuzzle him.

Christa-There's mama's baby boy. Let's get you home, so I can just spoil with hugs and kisses. ~

We both left the hospital and I wondered and worried if this daycare's volunteers were actually taking care of him, instead of leaving him alone to cry. They all did look friendly, but I just felt so nervous about leaving my pet somewhere I didn't know much about or who would be watching him. I was getting hungry, but I can eat later.

Mika's mind-I'm coming honey.


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