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((Y/N)'s POV)

I tried to play with Vernal during bath time since we were in a lake and at first, she didn't want to play until I tried to tackle her. I ended up getting tired after running in the water and she carried me back to the camp, but when we got back... Everything was destroyed and Vernal just dressed me and then held me against her chest before we walked into the camp, but she wouldn't let me see anything. It was quiet except for the sounds of fires, bugs, and birds around us.

(Y/N)-Is everything ok? *muffled*

Vernal-... We're gonna go on a hike. Now.

She kept on walking and soon let me see again when we were out of the camp, but I wonder where the others went... Wait!

(Y/N)-Vernal, I'm grounded remember? Mommy will get mad if-.

Vernal-Your mom will understand. Now, keep walking and don't look back.

Now I really wanted to look back, but when I tried she stopped me and we kept on going. Soon we started to hear a noise and it sounded like a rocket before something landed right in front of us and made the ground shake... It was Penny.


I was scared from the last time when she had a big fight with Weiss and Winter and Whitley kicked me really hard. She didn't look happy and Vernal pushed me behind her then pulled out her weapons... They were going to fight too?!

Penny-Ma'am, put down your weapons, and give up my little brother peacefully!

She brought her swords out and I just ran out in between them to stop this fight.

(Y/N)-Wait, stop! We shouldn't fight each other, we should only be fighting the Grimm!

Vernal-(Y/N), get back over here or you're in more trouble!

Penny-He will listen to his big sister and proceed over to me!

They both looked pretty mad and I felt so scared, but it got worse when we all started to hear growling. It sounded like it was coming from everywhere then we all started to see beowolves come out from behind the trees and there were seven of them. I wanted to scream, but dad told me that's the worst thing I can do when Grimm are around.


One of the beowolves got hit when Vernal shot it and it looked hurt, but it charged at us which made the rest do the same. Penny blasted three of them with one laser and killed them while Vernal cut off the head of the one she shot. I thought they were going to work together, but I was scooped up really fast and flew into the air with Penny, so Vernal was fighting the three beowolves that were left all by herself.

(Y/N)-Penny, she needs help! She'll d-!

Vernal got surrounded and the three beowolves jumped at her, but she did a spin attack that killed all of them at the same time. She looked at us and for a moment pointed her weapon at us until she put him down.

Vernal-If you know what's good for you! Put him down!

Penny-Consider this your first and final warning... Stay away from my brother.

(No POV)

Penny flew off and Vernal could not do anything without hurting (Y/N), so that left her furious and with no way to contact Raven or keep up with Penny, she had to wait for Raven to get back. (Y/N) felt dizzy from the take-off at first and was scared of heights, so Penny turned him into her as she smiled and headed to the safe location she had set for with no military soldiers... Menagerie.

(Whitley's POV)

The military finally left our home and I just felt so mad that the only one who could make me into anything was dead. I was now stuck in the shadow of my 'sisters' and by the side of Mother for the rest of my life as a nobody... That is until I went into Father's office to get into the computer and if I can do this right, I would steal the company right under from Mother and take everything for my own. While I was on the computer the door opened and I saw Mother come in and she had another drink to no surprise.


Mother-Hello Whitley... I saw what happened.

Whitley-Ugh, I'm fine Mother. I'm also busy.

Mother-Actually, I saw something else... What are you doing on your Father's computer?

Whitley-Nothing Mother. I think I saw an unopened bottle in the garden you might've missed.

Mother-Believe it or not, I recently gave up drinking. This is actually a tropical punch.

Whitley-How wonderful.

She walked closer to me then went on her scroll and did something before she stood in front of the desk and I was sure to keep what I was doing hidden from her.

Mother-I know you despise me my son and your sisters.

Whitley-Oh really? What gives you 'that' impression?

Mother-... Did you know even while I drowned my sorrows in wine, I never stopped looking out for our safety in case your father ever put us in danger?

She put her scroll on the table and showed me live footage... of us. This caught my attention and made me stop what I was doing on the computer.

Whitley-You went as far to put a camera in Father's office?

Mother-I put on in every room...Including the backyard, so I saw the fight on the footage, but I noticed something... Upsetting.

She played a short clip of me kicking that little pest off my leg, so I could run then I noticed a grim look on her face when she swiped the page and revealed what was on the computer screen. She knows everything and I was furious with all this spying.


Mother-I knew you clung to your father for his approval and looked up to him to one day take over the company and continue his corrupted practices... No morals, no compassion, and greed. Like how you were going to try and take the company for yourself... What would you have done with me after already having so much?

Just then a glyph appeared over the computer and a giant paw smashed it, so I jumped back a little. I never saw Mother so angry before.

Mother-You even hurt a defenseless baby after yelling at people to take out your anger... Just like your Father AND I AM SICK OF HIM!!!

She did a full summon, but while it was forming, I ran for the door with the beast roaring as I slammed the door shut. My body acted on its own as I ran down the hall as fast as I could, but when I made it around the corner I saw Winter and she turned to see me. She didn't look happy either.



Whitley-Winter! Mother is trying to-!

Just then she pulled out her sword and popped the second one out as she glared at me, so I turned the other way to run again down the same hall as before where I saw the summoned Grimm from mother running down, but things got worse when Weiss stood in front of me with her weapon out.


Weiss-... You kicked him.

I looked all three ways, but each of them was blocked and closing in on me.


I backed up against the wall trying to look for a way out or at least call for help, but all the staff left for the day. My sisters looked super angry about me hurting that kid...

Whitley-I-I'm sorry! Alright, I'm sorry!

Winter-NO YOU'RE NOT!!!

I flinched and before I could make a run for it the Grimm lunged at me and...


(Blake's POV)


Ilia just did something to pop my back and make my muscles a lot less tense, but that really hurt. I just rested and mom went to get me an ice pack then Ilia went on the computer in my place.

Blake-I'll get back on there in a bit.

Ilia-You sat at this desk for 2 days straight trying to find (Y/N) and your back was a mess. Hands off this computer and lay there.

Soon my mom came in with the ice pack and a towel then put the ice pack in it before she placed it on me.


Kali-Oh sweetie, just look at you. You look exhausted from searching city-wide networks and the CTT for (Y/N). You even smell bad and your clothes are worse. After you get up, go take a shower and I left new clothes in your room for you to try on.

I wanted to keep looking for any leads, but I guess if he saw me like this, it would be embarrassing. I just rested for a bit until I felt like I could get up then went to take a shower that I took my sweet time with and it felt so refreshing. When I got out of the shower I headed straight for my room where I saw my new clothes and got them on before I looked in the mirror.


Blake's mind-... Where are you (Y/N)?

(Penny's POV)

We just landed in a non-populated area of the island and will proceed on foot. I accessed my global GPS and found an inn nearby and a good distance away from a White Fang headquarters. On the way there, the residents looked at us and even avoided us which I do love, so nobody will touch him. When we made it to the inn, I got us a room with one bed and one bath then labeled the payment as "Military Housing" in my records. He still seemed scared and constantly told me that his mother would be mad and find us, but I am combat-ready and will deal with her. I just pulled my little brother into my embrace and then looked up lots of activities siblings do, but since he didn't look like he felt like playing, I narrowed it down to the ones that help provide sleep and comfort. After careful consideration, I laid his head down on my lap and started to gently rub his ears and checks.

(Y/N)-Penny... I really think we should go back before my mommy gets angry. I'm supposed to be grounded.

Penny-I think you did nothing wrong and have been through more than enough. You just need love, nutriment, and comfort. And guess what. ~


I slipped my hands behind his neck and just below his skull to give him a massage, but he was tensing up until I got him just right. After about 30 minutes of his massage, I moved to the rest of his body which took 4 more hours and he was ready for a nap, but I kept on going while I was at forehead massaging his sides.

Penny-You're being so well-behaved for your big sister. ~

(Y/N)-*Yawn*... C-Can you stop? I don't want to sleep.

Penny-But you'll look so adorable sleeping in my arms. How about you show me how you like to sleep, so I may apply it every single night?

(Y/N)-Well... Lay down then.

I did as he said and lied on my back on the bed and he crawled on top of me to start the process of his sleeping position. He grabbed my chest area a bit and moved it around a bit until he found a spot that he liked then nuzzled into my chest. Most actions would call this inappropriate, but I looked past this since he showed no signs of sexual arousal and instead the look of a child that just wanted to cuddle. This gave me a warm feeling and that gave me the idea to heat up for him a little for extra warmth. Soon I saw him snoring and that meant he finally fell asleep on me.



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