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((Y/N)'s POV)

My mommy should be coming tomorrow, so I tried to talk to Weiss about letting my sisters come over to let us be together, but she does not like talking about it still. I think she just needed hugs and kisses to put her in a better mood than before and I pushed her down to get her cheeks while she laughed. Winter took me off her and sat me on her lap, but just then we heard lots of people and footsteps in the hall, so Winter held me while she walked up to the door and we saw police in the hallway. That's when Weiss came over then Winter gave me to her.

Winter-Stay here with him and I'll be right back.

(Winter's POV)

I left my sister in the room while I looked for the crime scene and got directions from the other officers since they knew my rank. The crime scene was my father's office and when I peeked in I saw a body bag on a gurney, so I walked in and up to the officer in charge here.

Winter-What happened?

Officer-Oh, Special Operative Schnee... I'm afraid someone attacked your father. We're shakey on the details, but so far a lot of signs point out to an animal attack.


Officer-And a big one, but we're not sure how it got in and left undetected. A maid came in to clean and was horrified by what she saw. *ahem* Sorry for your loss.

I was not torn up about this one bit, but a simple animal attack, and nobody has seen an animal in the manor, let alone near my father's office. I walked up to the bodybag and unzipped it a little to see the face completely mangled and smashed in. No way that this was an animal... This was a Grimm attack and more specifically, a summon. I'll keep the facts to myself for now, but I think I need to pay someone a visit.

(Willow's POV)

I was trying to find a clean substitute for a drink for (Y/N) to drink from me later. When I poured a cup of fruit punch my door suddenly opened and I was expecting another police officer... It was an officer.


Willow-Hello dear. I heard the news about your father.

Winter-Let's not pretend we're that hurt... Apparently, he was attacked by an animal... that nobody has seen. Any ideas?

Willow-I don't have any.

Winter-Personally I thought it was a Grimm attack, but of course, it wouldn't just sneak away after claiming one victim... Unless it was summoned.

My daughter knows I can summon and I guess I wasn't thinking this far when I finally got rid of a thorn in my side. She was going to report this to the police and I know if we were to fight, she would have more experience and was trained more than me.

Winter-Lucky for you I don't wish to cause more of a scene, but get us involved and I will make you regret it.

After her threat, she left my room and I wasn't sure if she was going to stay true and not tell on me, not like she had evidence. I deleted the footage from my secret cameras that she doesn't even know about. I just took a sip of the homemade fruit punch and it actually did taste good. I prefer wine, but I prefer my baby, even more, and with my 'husband' gone it'll be much easier to kick wine.

Willow's mind-I'll get him from my girls later.

(Penny's POV)

I searched all military-owned properties for (Y/N), but he was not at any of them. Clover claims to not know where Elm and Harriet are, but they were not at their personal residents. My locations to search were running out, so he should turn up soon or I move on to plan B.

Penny-Winter Schnee is a high-ranking officer and had custody during a job before. I will check her whereabouts at military offices and ask around for her location to see if she knows anything.

((Y/N)'s POV)

Winter and Weiss thought it would be nice to get me out of the house and in the backyard where no police were, so we can just play. Well, more like having a nice picnic out here and just sitting on a blanket out here and we'll get some food later. When I got cold they would hold me close, but that stopped when we heard footsteps behind us then we looked to see their brother and he looked kind of angry.


Whitley-Father is dead and you two are out here on a picnic?


Their daddy died? I know he was a big meanie, but they should be sad still... I looked and they both didn't look very sad which was kind of weird. They only looked mad and Weiss covered my ears.

Weiss-Don't bring it up in front of him. *muffled*

I could still hear them talking and Whitley is just getting angrier at his sisters and I wanted to try and talk to make him feel better, but he looked at me like was mad at me too. Weiss just turned me into her, so I couldn't see him anymore and I wondered why he got mad at me. I started to feel scared and maybe I was hogging his sisters from him, but he could have joined us before, or maybe he wants them to be inside to be with him for their daddy... Suddenly Weiss quickly get up with me and turned me away from her brother, but I could see him.

Whitley-You were both jealous because you knew he planned to pass the company down to me! I don't know how, but you had something to do with this!

Winter-We were with (Y/N) the whole time before the police came.

(Y/N)-It's true.


Weiss-It wasn't us!


Something crashed into the yard and it kicked up a dust cloud before it went away and Penny walked out of it.


Winter-Penny, what are you doing here?

Penny-So you have (Y/N) instead?... I will be taking him to a secret location that I believe would be safe for him to be. I must ask you to hand my little brother over peacefully.

Weiss-Your brother?!


Penny was always kind of silly, but I should tell her that she can be friends with my sister, but that doesn't make her my big sister too.

(Y/N)-Um Penny... I know you and Ruby are friends, but I'm still her brother.

Penny-Not anymore.


Penny-My systems labeled him as my 'brother', so that makes you mine.

I'm confused about how that works, but she started to walk over here, but a circle popped up in front of us and blew a strong wind to knock Penny back... Winter had her sword out.

Winter-Penny... Stand down and leave.

Penny-... I will take him by force then.

Flying Swords came out of Penny's back and pointed at us before they got in groups of 2 to spin in circles and she a green laser at us or at just Winter. Weiss and I got sent flying back from the explosion. My ears were ringing and now I was too scared to open my eyes at first, so I felt around and then found a leg to grab, but when I did I only got kicked when I opened my eyes to see I had Whitley's leg.

(Y/N)-AAAAHHHHHH!!! *sobbing*

I rolled over and held my face in my hand then peeked through my fingers to see Weiss looking at me like she was shocked. My vision got blurry from my tears while I heard more explosions and laser beams. I couldn't stop crying and I didn't know what to do at first. I didn't want to be here anymore! I want my sisters... I also want...

(Y/N)-*Sobbing* M-MAMA BIRD!!!!

(No POV)

A portal opened in front of (Y/N), so he got up to run to it, but before he could make it to the portal Penny took this chance to shoot a tracer tag to stick to (Y/N)'s left ankle while he didn't feel it from the rush he was having then it had active camouflage to hide on him. He stumbled into the portal while Weiss held her hand out to him and cried out for him, but he didn't pay attention since he was crying.

Weiss-NO!!! (Y/N)!!!

The portal closed and Penny flew high up to check the new location of the tag and got a location, so she took off. Winter and Weiss were left heartbroken, but Weiss glared at Whitley while he got on his feet.


Winter-... He did 'what'?

Weiss's hands had small glyphs under them while Winter was about to summon the largest Grimm she could, but the police came rushing out. In public eyes now all they could do without getting in trouble is glare at their brother.

Winter/Weiss's minds-Whitley.

(Raven's POV)

I swear when I find the one that hit my baby I will cut them bit by bit and leave them to bleed out or for the Grimm. (Y/N) was crying into me and tried to tell me what happened, but he only choked on himself, so I lied in bed with him and put my nipple in his mouth to let him feed off me. His cries turned into whimpers as he enjoyed my milk then I started to wipe his tears. I tried to pull my nipple out to let him talk, but he quickly grabbed my boob then got protective over it and kept on drinking.

Raven-Sorry baby... Do you think you are ready to tell mommy who hurt you? ~

He shook his head no and kept on drinking my milk and nuzzled into me,

Raven-How about I get some soup in here with crackers, then some sweets, and have a nap? Would you feel good enough to talk then? ~

He thought about it before he nodded my head, yes, so I let him have a few more sips before I got up and left him in bed. The second I stepped out of my tent I let my anger become visible with one thing on my mind.

Raven's mind-When I find who hurt my son, I will make them beg and plead as they die.


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