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((Y/N)'s POV)

All of my sisters wad me on a leash in the dining room and Coral had me wrapped in a blanket to keep me warm while Kinsley fed me pancakes for breakfast. I still remember what Alesha did last night after Ms. Caine left her room. She would not let me out of her bed for anything and even make me nuzzle into her to where I was buried in her chest while she played with my hair until I fell asleep. Ms. Caine is in the shower right now and planned to spend her day off with me in her room after I eat.

Coral-Can we get some milk over here? (Y/N) is running low.

A servant went to get me more milk while I ate more of my pancakes. On my last bite, Kinsley got a little syrup on my chin, so Coral licked her finger before she wiped my chin to clean me.

Coral-Be cleaner with him.

Alesha-I just got him out of the bath so he could be wrapped up in that blanket.

Kinsley-Well excuse me, but syrup appears to be a liquid that can drip on people. I'll give him another bath.

Coral-He's comfortable in his blanket. He just needs his face wiped clean. Just don't get anything on his blanket.

They kept on feeding me and giving me more milk until my plate was empty. Coral took me to the living room after to clean my face again by licking me and I couldn't stop her since my arms were trapped in the blanket, and she also held my face still. After she put chapstick on my lips she picked me up and took me down the hall to her mom's room, but just as she was about to knock the door opened.


Ms. Caine-Oh, I was just about to come to get him.

Coral-I was about to head out for a bit for some shopping to get new crystals for my room and more minerals for my baths.

Ms. Caine-Is he feeling better from last night?

Coral-Alesha seemed to calm him down. I still prefer to give him a gentle touch and make it to that he really can't break the rules.

She gave me to her mom then she took the leash too and wrapped it around her hand a little, but that did nothing right now because she is already holding me. She sniffed me before holding my face still to lick it like Coral did since I guess it has something to do with smell. They talked a little more about Coral going out shopping before Ms. Caine closed her door and then put me on her bed.

Ms. Caine-I know you must've been so scared last night when you got my punishments and your old father's... methods mixed up. Honestly, he was such a lazy parent in every way.

(Y/N)-What are you gonna do?

Ms. Caine-Well first we're gonna train on obeying the rules, then when more of my workers come in, we get to have a spa day.

She took me out of the blanket then put me in a playpen in her room and poked my nose. She got one of the bags of candy she got me before.

Ms. Caine-I want you to call me 'mama' a lot more now. I know you try to avoid it for your dad, but he gave you to me after he treated you wrong. I also don't want you calling him dad anymore.

(Y/N)-Ok... mama.

Ms. Caine-I'm going to keep an eye on that and you will get punished my way even if I have to take you out publicly with help from your sisters... Do you want to 'really' be treated like a baby in front of others?

(Y/N)-... No... mama.

Mama-Very good. ~

She fed me a piece of candy and then went on her phone for a bit before she looked back at me.

Mama-I just gave the staff notice and we are going to get massages, sit in a steam room together for a while, then a sauna, and finally soak in mineral water. We won't be needing these clothes when we get to the spa area.

(Y/N)-N-No clothes?

Mama-I won't be in any either and don't worry. It's to keep them from getting in the way of the treatments and clinging to our bodies. This can also get you used to baths with me.

I pictured the both of us naked in front of other people and my face burned up at the thought of it. She started asking me about the rules and trying to trick me and it worked, so I got punished... It wasn't that bad since we were alone, but if she did this in front of others it will be a lot worse.

((D/N)'s POV)

I found a pair of binoculars in the gutter somewhere and cleaned them off, so I could scoop the house from a bush just down the road. One of the lion girls left in a limo and thankfully didn't see me. I still couldn't get in there with police still around the damn place then I felt someone tap my shoulder. I panicked then pulled out my airsoft gun then turned, but my wrist was grabbed to keep me from pointing my weapon at them.


???-Woah there... I just couldn't help, but notice you were scooping the place out.

(D/N)-Who are you?

???-That depends... Is Zoe an enemy to you?

(D/N)-That bitch tricked me and stole what little I had left!

???-Well then, I'm your friend since she has something of mine too. We can help you, but we need you to be a small distraction. After that, we can slip in and get what's ours.


Just then I looked behind her to see 2 other panda girls and a thought came to my mind of all pandas are supposed to live in luxury or be very protected or something.


(D/N)'s mind-What do they want what Zoe has?... Who cares? I just know I get my son back by the end of this.

(Timeskip 1 Hour)

(Cop's POV)

Standing here and just waiting for some idiot was easy money that some lion lady gives us. I just had to stand by a gate and if this guy wants to wave around an airsoft gun like it was a real gun, I have goggles and a mask on from my games of airsoft.


I looked off where the screaming came from and all the cops came with me in case it was the guy we were looking for, and so he couldn't escape all of us. When we made it out in the woods we saw not a man, but a panda girl and she was laying on the ground crying.


Cop-Ma'am, what happened?! Did someone attack you?!

Cop's mind-Wait a minute... What's a panda doing out here?

Me and a few other officers tended to her and she slowly stopped crying.

Cop-What happened? What are you doing here?

???-A-A crazy man with a g-g-gun *hic* k-kidnapped me and brought me here. *Sniffle* H-He got mad when my mom's friend wouldn't answer the phone and th-threatened to shoot me.

Cop-That's the guy we're after! Where did go?!

???-He ran up the hill.

Cop-All of you go get him! I'll stay with her!

They took a K-9 unit with them and I brought the panda girl back to the manor and let her sit on a bench in the yard.

Cop-What's your name?

???-*Sniffle* M-Ming

(No POV)

Cops and dogs were running up the hill after the dogs caught a scent of (D/N) they had from one of his belongings from his home. They made it to a cave and went deep inside to look for him, but were only met with tear gas then Yuna came behind them and knocked the police out one at a time while throwing the dogs out of the cave then heard them yipping as they fell down the hill. Meanwhile, Mai stayed by the manor and had a flashbang then when Kioko saw her from behind the cop's back she curled up while fake crying to cover her eyes. Mai tossed the flashbang and blinded the cop, so Kioko took this chance to pull out a needle and then stabbed him in the neck to knock him out. They had to wait outside and made sure to get the cop out of sight in case the girls look through the windows. Everything was coming together.

((Y/N)'s POV)

Ms. Ca-... Mama's workers weren't here yet and all I could think about was this training or else she trick me again and the next punishment is when she'll take me to my other sisters and treat me like a baby in front of them. We were still in her room and I was resting in the playpen while she put on some music and then sat in here with me to make me cuddle with her. Her phone rang earlier, but she ignored it to spend time with me. Soon there was a sound of the doorbell then I looked at her, wondering if she will go answer it.

Mama-Don't worry honey. Ivan will get the door.

The doorbell rang again and again until she got annoyed then got up and out of the pin.

Mama-Stay here in your pen. I'll find out if you do.

((D/N)'s POV)

Loved how this panda lady just knocked out the door owl douchebag and got a hold of his tablet to check cameras. It was my idea to ring the doorbell until she came out, so it was time to take back what was ours.

???-Good luck finding what it is you want. I'm going to find my baby.

(D/N)-Wait... Here's my number. You know, just in case you wanna hook up after.

She just took the paper while rolling her eyes then her daughters left with her and I didn't know Zoe would kidnap a baby panda... This works out because she'll go to jail and I'll get my son back legally. We all ran up the stairs and the pandas went one way, so I went the other way and then heard footsteps, so I hid behind a corner until Zoe walked by without seeing me.


(D/N)'s mind-Dumb bitch.

I waited until she passed then ran the way she came from to check her room for my son or some stuff to sell... Why not both? I made it into her room and when I did I saw my son in a baby's playpen wearing a child's leash and he perked up when he saw me.



(D/N)-(Y/N)!... We gotta be quiet. No more talking right now! *whisper*

I ran over to get him out then got the leash off him and picked him up. He held on to me then I grabbed a few necklaces and ran out of the room and tried to find another way outside. Thankfully I found a backdoor to go out of and slipped away.

(D/N)'s mind-Thank you, panda ladies. Hope you find your son... She'll call me later, right? I wouldn't mind having a sugar mama. ~

(Timeskip 2 Hours)

((Y/N)'s POV)

My daddy took me to a Mcdonald's and said we have to stay at a hotel for a bit until Mama goes to jail for doing something bad. I hoped I could just go back to my room, but he said no. He still had the necklaces he took when we got to a hotel, but compared to how my other room was and to this... This place did look a little dirty.

(D/N)-Go eat your chick nuggets at the table and stay here. I'm gonna try to sell these necklaces at a cash-for-gold place.

(Y/N)-B-But those are ma-, I mean Ms. Caine's necklaces... Shouldn't we give them back or something?

(D/N)-We need money more than she does. She can easily buy these back and then some with what she can consider change in her pockets. Maybe later we'll get more Mcdonald's or something. I'll be back in a few hours.

He closed the door and I was alone, so I just got in bed and tried to find something on T.V., but I couldn't watch anything without buying it. I didn't want to buy and risk getting in trouble and punished by my dad since his punishments really hurt or are really scary. This made me think...

(Y/N)'s mind-What's mama doing right now? How did she do something bad if my dad gave me to her... Is that still against the law?

(Yuna's POV)

After Zoe caught us I was about to get rid of her for good until she ran to her room where (Y/N) might be, but we couldn't go there first without getting caught. Only for us to discover that (Y/n) was gone, her daughters didn't have him, and he wasn't in the house. When she checked the footage she saw the man and told me he was his deadbeat father then showed me footage of other times he was here or at the casino in her office. She went off on how he treated my baby and what he was like even after.


After everything, we heard my daughters were in shock and I was so mad at myself that I gripped the metal security table so hard to the point I bent it and left an imprint of my hand. Just then an idea came to mind and I pulled out the number he gave me that I was going to throw away after, but now... He's gonna wish I did.




I really like y/n's character development in this chapter I won't spoil it in case you read this before you read the book but it's really good.