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(Chang's POV)

It was a nice run while it lasted to own a casino and take bits of money to put into my own bank account, but now I have to find a new place to live that loves pandas. That just lives my dad's birthplace in China, so I ordered a ticket for first class on a plane and plan to leave at noon tomorrow. I ordered some room service since the dumplings looked really good on the menu. I only ordered 3 minutes ago when I heard a knock at the door.

Chang's mind-That was fast.

???-I'm looking for a Chang.

Chang-Be right there.

I got a robe on first since I liked being naked when I was alone then I went to open the, but when I did I noticed something pulling a little on the other side of the until...




(No POV)

3 shotguns hooked to a railing were set off by strings pulling the triggers, so no fingerprints would be found. The shots were aimed at his head, check, and legs with slug rounds in them. Chang's body managed to stop the slug bullets from going through him, but the shot aimed at his head was the one that killed him instantly. People at the motel heard this while a guy in a costume quickly got into a crappy car to then ditch it for a better car. His phone was there too to contact his client while he made a clean getaway.

(Yuna's POV)

I was heading to the vacation home my daughters were at with my son when I got a text from the hitman. It said that "It's done". I smiled knowing that the lustful cheater is out of my life for good, but all those nights forced to use toys and dolls is something I would never get back.

Yuna's mind-I hope you burn in hell.

Later when I made it to the house I noticed how late it got, so my children must be asleep by now. Or at least my son should. I got out of the limo to go inside the house only to hear music blasting in here. Knowing this would keep (Y/N) up made me furious with the girls, so I followed the source and found all 3 of them awake in the karaoke room.


I stood at the door in silence until they noticed me after the song was over in 3 minutes, so they should have no excuse and are going to be in trouble for keeping their brother... AT 2 IN THE MORNING!!! He even looked exhausted while my daughters froze at the sight of me.

Mai-Oh... Hey mom... Something wrong?

Yuna-Why don't you look at the time and tell me what's wrong?

They both went to the menu on the T.V. in here to show a clock and their eyes went wide before they looked back at me. I went up to them to take (Y/N) into my arms.

Yuna-I told you to watch him and you let him stay up this late?!

Mai-We got caught up in the fun.

Yuna-Well you can have fun in your rooms tomorrow, where you will be staying until (Y/N) gets his proper rest.

I sent my girls to their rooms here then I took my baby to my room and he just looked so tired now that I wasn't so angry and focused on my daughters.

Yuna-Poor baby. You need some sleep. ~

He only yawned and looked around, but seemed restless being in a new house... I think he knew what he was doing. He just didn't wanna sleep in a new house, but all he needs is good cuddling, and he'll be out like a light.

((Y/N)'s POV)

I still didn't feel comfortable sleeping in this place and now Yuna was taking me to her room. I just thought if I could stay up longer than the girls then I could call my dad and tell him where I was. When Yuna got me into bed with her she just felt so warm and soft... I have to stay up longer than her then I'll be on my way home to my dad. She stroked my head and that was making me start to fall asleep then I knew there was no way I would stay up longer than her... What if...

(Y/N)-Y-Yuna... Please... I wanna go home to my dad.

Yuna-... I think I misheard you. Can you say that again?

(Y/N)-I wanna go back to my real home with my dad.

Yuna-... Wow, you must be so tired from staying up later that you can think right.

(Y/N)-I can think-.

Yuna-*Shhhh* Sleep.

She pulled me into her chest to cover my mouth then scratched my head until I couldn't keep my eyes open.

(Timeskip To Morning)

(Zoe's POV)

I arrived at Yuna's home only to find out that she was not there, nor was she at her casino working. I informed the staff that she kidnapped my son, so they were going to tell me where my son is or they will be thrown in jail with their boss. This made them mention a vacation home that the girls took him to while their mom went to work. I'm heading there now and when I make it there, she'll be lucky if I find it in my heart to call the police.


((Y/N)'s POV)

When I woke up this morning I didn't bother asking Yuna to go home to my dad because she wasn't going to do it, and to top it off... I was so far away from home. I got lucky she let me be alone outside in the front yard, but I couldn't run because there was a gate and if I unlock the door to leave, an alarm will tell them what opened. They'll just drive a car to get me back, and they won't let me use a phone.

(Y/N)'s mind-If only I could get closer to home and get a phone, my dad will find me and take me back home... He can't get me in Japan though.

I just sat on a chair in a garden at the corner of the yard while Yuna was talking to Mai and Kioko about last night. This was the closest thing I got to alone time in days. I just wish I was in my room. Soon I saw a car pull up to the gate then someone got out. The bars were so close together from the angle I was looking in, so I walked to see who was, so I could go get Yuna, but I was surprised to see who it was out of all people.


Zoe-*Gasp* My baby!

I wasn't happy at first, but then I thought about it and if she takes me back with her then I'll be a lot closer to home then I can get my dad on the phone or the police to take me home. I had to go back with her, so I ran to the gate and she cupped my face through the bars.

Zoe-What did she do? Did she hurt you? She didn't feed you anymore fast food sludge did she? Are you running a fever?

(Y/N)-No... C-Can we go home?... Right now while Yuna is still inside.

(Zoe's POV)

When he said those words my heart skipped a couple of beats that he missed me and his sisters so much that he just wants to leave instantly. He even ran to another gate to open it and come out than I swept him off the ground to hold him close.

Zoe-Oh sweetie! Mama is so sorry she let this happen to you, but when we go back home things will be different, I swear!

I took him with me back into the car and the driver started to back up and drive in reverse until we were able to turn around. I heard my poor baby's belly growl, so I reached into the snack department in the limo and just got some trail mix since that was all we had in here. I got a peanut butter chip and held it up to him.

Zoe-Alright honey, open up and say ahhh. ~

(Yuna's POV)

(Short Timeskip)


I came out to feed my baby some breakfast, but he was gone! I tried searching the whole yard while my daughters looked in the house. With no sign of him still I decided to go inside and check the cameras, but saw that my daughters beat me to it since they were already watching the footage.


I walked past then and only saw a car drive off, but I noticed the logo on the limo... It was the "Chance of Pride" logo...

Yuna's mind-Zoe.

Yuna-Girls, come with me! We have to beat her to the airport!

Mai-She left 15 minutes ago.

Yuna-Then... Then... pack up! We're going back to America the moment our pilot starts his shift tomorrow!

(Alesha's POV)

The staff came back with the supplies and helped us set every last one up. I just got a text from mom saying she has (Y/N) and is coming back home and expects everything to be ready. We had a lot to do, but with how many people we have helping, it should only take a few hours. The second (Y/N) comes back, a new house rule says he needs to be on a leash and with someone at all times or in his room under lock and key. Kensley even made an announcement that her little brother won't be on her streams anymore since a rule we made is to keep him out of public eye as much as possible. Coral was typing more rules down to put in (Y/N)'s room, so he knows what is allowed and what is not allowed.

Alesha's mind-Nothing will happen to (Y/N) this time... Only we will be allowed to see and touch him. ~


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