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((Y/N)'s POV)

I spent the night with Lala last night and in the morning when we woke up, she wanted to stay in bed longer with me which was nice since it was just so cozy. That lasted until Centorea came in and took me out of bed and into the cold air to start getting me ready to go somewhere. She promised me that we were not going to the hospital again, but somewhere else. After everyone got up and we had breakfast Centorea took me to my room to dress me in some basketball shorts and a t-shirt while she changed into something new too.

(Y/N)-Where are we going?

Centorea-Yesterday the doctor said you need to be more active and stretch some parts of your body, and the same could go for a few more of us, so we got a membership to a new gym.

I pictured myself lifting weights and doing push-ups and stuff with super big muscles. This made me smile a little then, even more, when I thought about my moms loving how strong I got, but snapped out of my thoughts when we made it outside and all started walking to this gym. We had to make sure Papi didn't try to take off and during the walk, she tried to run off with me a few times since she thought flying would be faster. She was right, but that could also get us in trouble. We made it to the gym and someone ran outside almost like they were watching and waiting for us then she started to shake everyone's hands kind of hard.


Her tail wagged pretty fast then she made it to me.

Polt-Hi there little guy! My name is Polt and it looks like you need to do some stretches! I got a few that are fun and will have you feeling loose and lighter before you know it! As for the rest of you, there's the free first-month membership and since you're amongst my first, I'll pay you in exchange for tips on what I can learn about running my special gym! I'll watch the security footage later too to see if I can find improvements.

Miia-Are these stretches going to make him feel sore after?

Polt-That just depends on how tense he is, but it shouldn't be that bad. He'll be fine. Come on in!

She led us inside the gym and I just held Miia's hand when we got in, we just got a little tour until we saw Ms. Smith and the girls were here already working out... Tio was lifting some pretty big weights.


They turned and noticed us and Tio looked really happy to see me and even came to pick me up then held me high in the air while she spun around.

Tio-Hi there! I missed you! Did you miss me?!


She did give fun rides like this, but she had to put to me down when Ms. Smith came over.

Ms. Smith-Don't forget why he's here.

Polt-I made instructional videos in case you all want to do stretches too while I tend to your son. Rest easy knowing he's in good hands.

Rachnera-I'll be observing if you don't mind.

Polt-I don't mind at all

Rachnera walked with us to a room while my other moms spoke with Ms. Smith and went to do other things, but I think Papi and Suu wanted to play at the pool. We got to a room with Yoga mats and Rachnera went to the side of the room next to rubber straps and stuff, and it did make me feel a little better that one of my moms was here.

Polt-Ok, we'll start with something easy. I want you to spread your arms and legs wide like you're making your body an X then twist while going down as far as you can. Like this.

She started doing the stretch and I couldn't really touch my toes, but I got close each time without bending my knees. After we did that for a few minutes she took me to some kind of hammock or something and strapped my feet to it.


Polt-This is called an inversion table. You're just gonna be upside down and this will help your back and legs since all your weight is now going to pull your muscles instead of pushing them.

She did flip me upside down with this table and it was kind of fun to see everything upside. I pulled my arms over my head then I felt my back, legs, and even my shoulders being pulled... It actually felt kind of nice. I saw Rachnera playing with some rubber rope by pulling on it like one of her webs.

Polt-After this, we'll get you on a treadmill and jog for a bit, then finish off with 3 more stretches then you can go play in the kid's room while your moms work out.

Rachnera-What kind of stretches does he need to do?

Polt-Just leaning over to stretch his legs, walking on his heels, then on his toes.

Rachnera-So he can do these by himself? Do you mind helping me with a few exercises as well?

Polt-Oh, with the bungee cords? What do you need help wi-?

(Timeskip 3 Minutes)

I was doing the exercises Polt wanted me to do while my mom Rachnera tied her up as fast as she could, but the cords made it harder for her. She still got her tied up into a ball while hanging her from the ceiling.

Rachnera-Damn, not my best time. I wanna try to match my best with something harder than webs.

Polt-How is this helping you?!

Rachnera-I wanna develop more arm strength and precision.

I tried to get Rachnera to stop after she untied her just to tie her up again, and again, and again. She wouldn't listen to me and even used her webs to tie me into some kind of hammock she can wear around her, so I was laying in front of her.

(Timeskip 45 Minutes)

(Polt's POV)

She tied me up so many times and my shorts and underwear dug deep inside me to where moving my legs would rub me, so I pulled them out again. I was soaked in sweat while Rachnera was even dripping a little while rubbing her arms.

Rachnera-Back at home, Arachne have dummies to practice bondage on in their gyms. You can also get rubber cords that are harder to pull on.

Polt-G-... Got it.

Rachnera-I couldn't reach my goal and I'm spent, so it might be a good idea to get what I just said... Not that I would mind practicing on the girls at home or here.

I'll be sure to order some right away to prevent this from happening again, and I might edit the security footage in here to cut this part out. Can't risk having one of my first members doing this to me again and having others know. She helped me up and even got us some water while she cuddling her son in her swaddle wrap made out of her webs.

Rachnera-I think I'll lift a couple of weights for the rest of the time I'm here. You don't mind watching my son, do you?

Polt-He'll be in the Kids Area.


She unwrapped her son before she put him down then left him in here with me and he seemed a lot more quiet now that his mom was gone. I just took him to the Kids Zone and since the staff won't start until next week, I have to stay in here and keep an eye on him. I'll go over the footage later. He looked around and I had things like ball pits, a trampoline, balls, jump ropes, and a rock climbing wall that was still under construction. I just didn't expect to have a kid in here so soon.

Polt-Hey, how about we play a game of catch on the trampoline?


(Miia's POV)

Mero, Centorea, and I had a race in the pool to see who can have (Y/N) in their room tonight... Only for me to freeze up with my blood thickening in the cold water and Mero getting sick from the chlorine in the pool, so Centorea won and we left a note of what happened for Polt. Right now, I'm in the steam room to gain heat back and even work up a sweat. I still couldn't believe a slow swimmer like Centorea won the race. We were gonna leave soon and she was going to pick him up from the Kid's Area.

Miia's mind-We should come here more often. I need to watch my weight.

(No POV)

Meanwhile, someone was at their house and tried knocking on the door, but with no answer, they slipped a big envelope in the mail slot. There's no label on it or anything, so the question is... What were the papers inside?


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