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((Y/N)'s POV)

I'm just snuggling on the couch to watch a cartoon with Miia and Lala while Rachnera is in the kitchen with Centorea making breakfast. When Breakfast was done we all ate at the table and we had French toast, eggs, bacon, and orange juice. Rachnera said she wants me to learn to swim some more in Mero's room and we can all go in for a swimming day at home, but I didn't feel like swimming, so I asked if we could play a game outside or play video games, or just anything that's a game. We decided on video games since we have a sports game on the Wii in the living room and even some other games, but we still had to swim later since I had to learn how to swim, or at least that's what Arachne says. We got out in the living room and the first game will be tennis, and Papi verse me.

Papi-Does the winner get anything?!

(Y/N)-What do you want?

Papi-I want... Oh, I want you to sleep in my room if I win! I always love a cuddle puggy!

(Y/N)-I think you mean buddy.

Rachnera-Well if I win, this tournament, I would love for my son to sleep with me tonight.

Miia-Hey! What if he wants to sleep with me?!

Rachnera-Then you better win.

Lala-I wonder if darkness can seep into his soul given enough time... I will participate.

Mero-It would be so heartbreaking if I were to lose! Not being able to have fair with my own child just sounds awful for a mother!

Miia-Then why are you smiling?!

Suu-Win... (Y/N) cuddle!

(Y/N)-So what do I get if I win?

Rachnera-You didn't want to do swimming lessons today, so if you win, we'll skip them for now and let you pick who you want to be with tonight or be in your own room.

I smiled and I'm gonna try very hard to win against Papi then the others. The match started and Papi served first and it was a single round to win the game. I got the first point which was 15 love, but I don't understand why one point goes to 15. Can it just show one point since it's more simple? I made it to 30 love before Papi caught up to me then made it past me to 40 points and after 3 minutes of going back and forth... she beat me then danced a little before she picked me up.

Papi-I win! You get to sleep with me tonight!

Centorea-Are you forgetting about the rest of us?! This is a tournament!

Papi-... What about peppermints?

(Timeskip 2 Hours)

(Flint's POV)

I walked up to the house of my future harem and thought about who to go for first. Papi is adorable and a very energetic partner, but Miia... the things she she do on a very hot night is making me smile already. So many choices and they will soon be mine to make when I get into this family. I knocked on the door and opened it to see Arachne holding (Y/N) while he looked a little pouty.


Rachnera-Well look who it is.

Flint-What's up with him?

Rachnera-Oh, don't mind him. He's just a little sour that he lost our little game and we're just about to get ready to give him swimming lessons.

Flint-Swimming lessons?

Flint's mind-That means they'll all be in... swimsuits. Bikinis!... Thank you God!

Flint-That sounds like fun... Mind if I come in?

Rachnera-I invited you yesterday.

I felt blessed when I walked into the house and now they will soon be mostly naked and I didn't even have to ask. I waited in the living room while Rachnera went upstairs to get changed and I couldn't wait.

(Timeskip 30 Minutes)

Flint's mind-What's taking them so long?!

I just got up and down a hallway to hear splashing and voices and I knew what that meant.

((Y/N)'s POV)

Rachnera climbed in through the window to get in here with the others to start my swimming lessons. I might as well do them and Miia and Suu were only laying on towels in Mero's room and not getting in the water. Why even wear your swimsuits if you are not even going to swim? Centorea just held me up to move my arms and kick my feet before the door suddenly opened... I thought he left.


Flint-Hey, when did you get in here?

Arachne-Oh, it looks like it slipped my mind. Sorry, I tend to forget things.

Papi-*Gasp* Really?! Me too!... Wait, I thought you had a good summary?

Miia-It's memory.

Flint-Well, i'm not too mad... Sup little man.

He just took off his shirt and sat next to Miia and Suu while smiling in a weird way. Mero made me focus on my swimming lesson while Papi played in the water to try and splash people and even took me away from my lessons sometimes only for Centorea to take me back after a little bit of playtime.

(Flint's POV)

I'm trying to work my magic on these girls, but Miia was really moody right now and the slime girl... Well... I don't even know if she could really understand me or just copying some words I say like a parrot. I jumped in the water to get a shot at the other hotties. Papi was really hyper right now, so I'll wait until she calms down a bit to make a move on her. Meanwhile Centorea, Rachnera, and Mero were focused on the kid's lessons, so that left one last candidate... Lala.


I treaded in the shallow part of the pool over to her and she noticed me coming, so I whipped my wet hair a bit to give her a show.

Flint-Hey. I couldn't help but notice you're standing here by yourself. Maybe we can fix that. ~

Lala-Death's subordinate does not need company. I'm mysterious, so we are clearly from different worlds.

Flint-All the more reason to get to know each other... I happen to know this great restaurant and I would love to take you out. ~

Lala-Rules won't let me.

Flint-We can just say I'm your escort. Nobody has to-. ~


Ok... Maybe Centorea will be better and her chest is huge. I would love to play with those jugs. Rachnera is big too, but the extra eyes and the body of a black widow spider... that's a real turn off. I went up to Centorea and since (Y/N) was with Rachnera and I went by Centorea's side while floating on my back in the water to also get a good view.

Flint-Hey, mind if we talk for a bit?

Centorea-I'm a little busy with my son at the moment.

Flint-Rachnera's got him. Hey, level with me... Being here under strict rules has to get in the way of you 'womanly needs', right?

Centorea-... Excuse me?!

Flint-Woah, woah, woah, I didn't mean it like that! I just meant like we could start out on a date. I heard the organization is trying to make a marriage clause in the exchange program.

Centorea-I'm in the adoption program!

Flint-You can be in both. I'm just saying that even single moms have needs too and your... kind of like a single mom. You know what I mean?

Centorea-... Let's be done talking now.

She nudged me away and I was floating to Mero now and she was doting on her son until she looked at me. They way it felt in her gaze kind of felt like I was being looked at by a respectable boss or even a queen or princess. She just gave off that vibe somehow.

Flint-Um, hello.

Mero-Why hello. You must be Flint, correct?


Mero-My apologies. I would like to get to know you, but I have a role to fill as a mother. It'll be quite irresponsible if I neglect my child's swimming lessons. Especially when he's starting to show progress.

Flint-I mean... A tiny break wouldn't hurt... Rachnera's got it.

Rachnera-Oh, I do, don't I?... I'm a good multitasker, so I got some time to talk. Anything you want to say to me?

Something about her eyes made my easy feeling gone and made me feel like I was prey to her, so I got on my feet in the water. When she licked her lips and showed me a fang, it was hard to tell if she was teasing or doing something else... I think it'll be better if I just back off her for now.

Flint-Actually, you both look busy with the kid. Keep up the good work.

This was a tough crowd, but I noticed that Papi was slowing down and she was dense, so I can get a little more handsy and play it off as an accident or something. She looked fine too when she was bent over the edge to give me a nice few of her cute ass.


I went up to her and nobody was looking at us, so I snuck in a hand full of ass and she felt firm and I could even shake her ass a little.

Papi-*Gasp* Hey!

I almost got scratched and everyone looked at us before Papi turned to me and got mad.

(Y/N)-What happened?

Papi-He grabbed my butt!

Flint-What, no I didn't! I just accidently bumped into you.

Papi-Do you think i'm stupid?!


(No POV)

Suu was curious and while Flint turned his back to talk to the others she stuck a tentacle on his head that he didn't notice because he was already soak. When that happened everyone heard...

Flint-I just bumped into her while back peddling! I swear.

Flint's mind out loud-Damn her ass felt so nice in my hands. Only wish I can get more than just a hand full later.

Flint's eyes shot open wide then Rachnera climbed out of the pool to spin a web and yank him out. She held Flint close and even made him look into her rageful, yet sly eyes while she had a grin on her face.

Rachnera-Well, look who finally caved in... Just wanted to be a father figure, huh? I don't think you'll be getting a little warning from this. ~

Flint-I-I... You have no proof! It's my word against-!

Rachnera pointed somewhere in the room and I saw a camera in the top corner of the room on a shelf flashing red to show it was recording. I know how strict these laws are on both sides, even for first time offenders.

Flint-W-Wait, we can talk about this!

Rachnera-The only I have to say is that you don't mess with a spider mommy... I can get 'really' protective and possessive. If I were you... I would run. ~ *whisper*

Flint's spine shivered and Rachnera let him go, but when he opened the front door to go outside, there was a trap waiting for him. He got snared and hung upside down while Miia called Ms. Smith and Mero asked Rachnera how long that camera was there because she had no idea she put that there. All she had to say was...

Rachnera-Next time you have (Y/N) and I want him... I suggest you just give him to me. *chuckles*

Mero-How much did you see last night?!

(Timeskip 10 Minutes)

(Ms. Smith's POV)

I was looking at video evidence of the sexual assault on Papi as well as harassment that violate the laws between species. This guy is in the back of a police car and he might not get prison time, but the fines he will for sure be getting will put him in a prison of debt for a while. He'll think twice before he comes near the girls now. We took the toy he gave (Y/N) as evidence and plan to give him a new one since he kind of liked it. Finally, I was dealing with Papi and...

Ms. Smith-Papi, think hard about what he did to you.


Ms. Smith-Flint. The man that sexually assaulted you.

Papi-I was insulted?

Miia-'Assaulted'! It happened not even 30 minutes ago!

Papi-But we were swimming.

Mero-That man was there and grabbed you in a bad why.

Papi-What man?


Papi-... What happened again? Where's (Y/N)?

Lala-In his room until this people leave.

Papi-Did he do something bad?!

Ms. Smith-You know what, i'm just gonna use the video and toy as evidence in court.

Papi-Like a tennis court?! I won against (Y/N) in the peppermints and he gets to sleep in my room tonight!

Rachnera-I'm the one who won the tournament!

Papi-... So what's Ms. Smith doing here?

I just packed up and left to let the girls sort this out at home while I deal with just another problem. After I drove off, I got a text that the girls will need a check up soon for a physical.

Ms. Smith's mind-I'll just schedule it for tomorrow.


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