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((Y/N)'s POV)

I woke up still in my blanket burrito and someone was picking me up then I opened my eyes to see spider legs. I knew it was Rachnera and I saw the other girls were asleep with clothes on now even when I saw them go to bed naked. Rachnera made me snuggle into her as she got into the hall with me and started to scratch my head and it felt nice. It was almost like I could fall right back to sleep on her then we got back to our room, and she sat of the couch. She pulled me away from her and had me lay back in her arms to look at her.


Rachnera-Sounded like you had a fun night last night and stayed up past bedtime.

(Y/N)-Oh... Am I in trouble for staying up late?

Rachnera-Come now sweetie, it's a vacation. I even had some fun late at night with a new friend. She even gave me this.

She reached into her boobs and pulled out a small stack of $100 bills and poked my nose with them. I was amazed and confused where she got the money like that, but all she would tell me is that "She won a game".

Rachnera-Can you put your arms behind your back and hold your elbows, please?

(Y/N)-Um... I guess.

I did what she asked me, and I knew she was going to tie me up, but it never hurts, and I just need to ask her to untie me, and she does. Next, I had to put my legs together and fold them behind me for her to tie them up then she made a harness around me to hang me from the ceiling above her. She laid on her back to use her spider legs to poke and tickle me while I could not stop her and just laughed and swung a little. While we were playing a door opened and Centorea came in and saw us and they hate it when Rachnera ties me up and it doesn't matter if I try to say that it's ok because she makes it fun.


Centorea-Again?! Release him right now! He's not a toy!

Rachnera-Lighten up. You all know i'll let him out when he wants too. We're just playing. It's like a routine now.

She just gently pushed me with one leg to swing me while looking at Centorea and she was walking over.

Rachnera-You see me having fun with our baby boy, you get mad, you want me to untie him, I say I will wait for him to say, you try to untie him yourself, and-.

Just then Centorea tried to mess with one of the webs and Rachnera gave her a look.

(Timeskip 10 Seconds)

Centorea was hanging upside down, her legs tied together, gagged, and blind folded. Rachnera was holding me on her tummy while she was pushing Centorea to swing her.

Rachnera-Then you end up like him, but I decide when I untie you. Oh, and I have some toys coming in the mail to our home, so next time you girls want to interrupt my play time with our son, i'll use some toys to play with you on the sidelines.

For some reason that made Centorea blush. Rachnera just covered my face in kisses when all the sudden a door opened and we saw Papi and Suu come out.


Papi-*Gasp* A swing!


They both jumped onto Centorea and she wiggled around to try and get them off her, but that didn't work.

(Timeskip 45 Minutes)

We were all in the lobby and having some breakfast with each other and nobody had a camera. I was on Miia's lap, eating some waffles, and everyone was with us. We even had music playing while we ate and when we were done, I thought we were gonna go to the beach again, but I guess we were doing something else since the guards gave us robes.

(Y/N)-What are we doing with these?

Ms. Smith-We're having a spa day. For some reason, dolphins are near the coast.

(Y/N)-That sounds fun. Why can't Mero take me to swim with them?

Mero-They are um... getting to know each other and I think it'll be better if they had privacy.

Papi-I wanna swim with dolphins too!

Mero-Not today.

We all went to private rooms to get changed and I had to be naked under this robe and Miia helped tie my rob. We all had white robes, except for Lala, she had a black robe.

(Haley's POV)

That monster I paid half of the $10k was not showing up, but it serves me right for trusting a monster. I also lost trust in the men that got raped by dolphins and food poisoned me. There's a saying that one can take from all of this.

Haley's mind-If you want something done right, you do it yourself.

I just took a spa staff uniform and thought about what I could do to make these monsters look bad. That bird one was stupid... And just my luck, she was taking him first.

Haley's mind-This is going to be too easy. ~

(Papi's POV)

Suu went back to the hotel room because she was tired from staying up late last night. It was nice to have more alone time with my son and there was this crystal bath thing we can splash in. When we got in the room, we took our robes off and got in what was really a mini pool then (Y/N) sat on my lap. I splashed the water on him a bit and he did it back to me to start a splash fight. Soon someone came in and they were a worker here.


???-Good morning. My name is Carly, and I will your personal attendant for the day to make sure you and your son have the best experience possible. After this, would you like have a nice stone massage.

Papi-What's that?

Carly-Oh, we just put hot stones on you. Not hot enough to burn you of course.

Papi-I think after this, we'll just get regular massages.

Carly-Are you sure? It feels really nice.

Papi-We're sure.

I son just curled up on lap and I wrapped my wings around him to hold him close. Later when we got out, we went to get the massages and when we got there, we laid on our own tables with towels over us. Carly came in and she had a table with a steaming pot on it then pulled out a rock.

(Y/N)-H-Hey! She said no hot stone massage!

Carly-Yes she did.

Papi-I did?

Carly-Of course you did.

Papi-... What did I say yes to?

Carly-The hot stone massage.

Papi-What's a hot stone massage?

She tried her best to explain what it was to me, but I had one more question when she was done explaining.

Papi-Who are you again?

(Miia's POV)

I was with Lala after we just got out of the steam room and just as we were walking down the hall I heard Papi talking with someone and when I peaked in I saw my baby laying on a massage table and... ARE THOSE HOT ROCKS?!?!?!


Papi just had a hot stone put on her and she looked relaxed, but (Y/N) can't have a hot stone massage. He's too young and his skin might not have a good reaction! Lala was the first to run in and take him off the table then I checked to see the stones were way too hot for children.

Miia-What were you thinking?!


Miia-Giving our son a hot stone massage with stones that hot?!

(Y/N)-I-It wasn't her idea. It was that lady's idea.

Papi-I thought she said it was my idea?

(Y/N)-It wasn't!

That's when we all looked at this lady and I just got Papi and Lala out of her with (Y/N) and I left in silence after to go report this woman for trying to give my child a treatment that could hurt him at his age. And against our will no less.

(Haley's POV)

That snake woman was no doubt going to report me and when the hotel finds out I don't work here, that's gonna be a whole other mess. My plan was to give the boy red marks the take a picture and say they were hitting him. I had no time to come up with something else. I had to get out of here and think of something some other day.

Haley's mind-I will get rid of these ridiculous programs and get that child into a proper home or orphanage with other humans... Just not today.

(Timeskip 5 Hours)

(Lala's POV)

(Y/N) was holding my head and playing with my hair while my body carried him back to our room after the spa day. I felt lighter, cleaner, and looser. Like most of my darkness has been put at bay, at least for now. We heard earlier that the lady that almost hurt our son did not work here, and she slipped out in the crowd to leave. Footage was even taken, so she covered her tracks well and Ms. Smith was handling it. When (Y/N) got more playful from tensions going down for him, he squished my cheeks together before Suu took him off my lap, but he held on to my head. She sat with him on the couch like how I was, and he played with her hand to make it bend and twist. Others found this adorable.

Mero-So what are we doing next?

Ms. Smith-Since we have no idea when the dolphins are going to stop out there, we'll be having lunch here and dinner at a restaurant nearby. Press will still be on us, but at a safe distance. I'm doubling security to check who serves us there as well as others who will be allowed in our reserved areas for the rest of the trip.

Tio-If anyone else is found near us, just report it and we'll take care of it.

(No POV)

Right now, Haley was long gone and the man that was raped by dolphins requested time off for therapy. With security being airtight around the group she had to wait for another opportunity. The rest of the vacation was going to be smooth sailing until it was time to go home. Meanwhile, someone watching T.V. somewhere was admiring the mothers, thinking they all looked hot and looked envious of (Y/N).

???'s mind-Maybe you can be my ticket in... Every kid needs a father figure.



Oh god, the horny idiot is coming back.