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((Y/N)'s POV)

Lala got her own room built, so all my mommies had their own room, except for Suu, but she always slept in Papi's room. When I woke up this morning, I wanted to go on my swing in my room, but I could not swing myself no matter how hard I tried. This was getting annoying, so I went to see if anyone was up to push me for a bit. I was gonna carefully peak into rooms to see who was up, but I heard footsteps going downstairs when I got out into the hall. When I followed them downstairs, I saw it was Lala and she was making coffee.


I went up to her and she didn't notice me until I tapped on her leg. She jumped a little before she turned me which made me laugh a little.

(Y/N)-*Giggle* Morning.

Lala-What are you doing up so early? Did I wake you?

(Y/N)-No. I just wanted to see if anyone can push me on my swing in my room... Can you do it, please?

Lala-Death's servant does not push children on swings.

(Y/N)-Well... What do you do?

She does love this act and it was kind of funny when you got over the fact, she can remove her head whenever she wanted. I was still trying to get used to it a little, but I knew she didn't get hurt by it. She told me things like summoning darkness from her soul, able to judge others by looking into their soul, just a lot of stuff with souls and spells. When she was done, so was her coffee and we went to the living room where I got to lay my head on her lap and watch a movie with her about superheroes again, but she wanted to see Moon Knight, since he looked like a superhero she would like. During the first episode Mero came out with Papi and Suu then she gave me one look before she came over.


Mero-(Y/N), let me see your hair.

(Y/N)-Um, ok.

I got closer to her for her to run her fingers through my hair like she was trying to fix it until it got to where she liked it then kissed my head before she went to the kitchen. Next Centorea, Miia, and Rachnera came down and saw me with my head on Lala's lap.


Centorea got started on breakfast while Rachnera helped. Miia wanted to help too, but I think she was banned from the kitchen without someone with her... I guess they just didn't feel like helping her and just said no. Now she was kind of said when she sat down next to us, and I just crawled over Lala a bit, so my belly was on her lap and my head was on Miia's lap.

Miia-Morning sweetie... You like my cooking, right?

(Y/N)-I mean... it is a little burnt.

Miia-I can cook just fine. It's just that I put more though and imagination into my work.

She wanted to act proud of that and even turned her head up, but the others just looked at her, but the only one that doesn't get it yet is Lala. I saw Miia glaring into the kitchen, but I tried to hug and play with her a little to make her happy since she does love to play with me.

(Lala's POV)

This was all still a lot to take in and while breakfast was still being made, he was being very affectionate. I didn't know what to feel about this and he was even like this during breakfast. It was him mostly goofing around with Papi and Suu while the others tried to keep them under control. After breakfast Rachnera took him with her for a bath after he tried to get out of one to go play outside in the sprinklers. When they got upstairs Papi jumped on my back then knocked my head off and I felt a little dizzy as I rolled on the table.

Papi-Lala, come play with us!

Lala-Ugh. Someone grab my head before I roll off the ta-.

Just then I did fall off and I didn't see who it was I landed on, but when I felt it was wet, I knew who it was.


(Ms. Smith)

Today was a day and now the board wants me to do another event with the adoption program after 8 new families were made over it now. They wanted the biggest one we got to be in this event while the other families settle. To be honest, it was a little harder than I thought finding a non-perverted child willing to be a part of a monster family. I was also iffy about this event they had in mind because if this works then the payoff could be huge, but if one thing goes wrong then it could do more harm than good. When I knocked on the door before, I just unlocked it with the spare key I had I saw something completely unexpected but didn't bother to interfere. Papi and Suu were just playing monkey in the middle with Lala's head, but Centorea came from around the corner and was surprised that I was here.


Centorea-What are you doing here? Is everything alright?

Ms. Smith-I just got some orders from the board. We're gonna need all of you.

Centorea-For what?

(Timeskip 2 Hours)

((Y/N)'s POV)

When I heard about families going to a beach hotel, I always wanted to go too and now we were packing... That was until Ms. Smith said agents, press, and even Zombina, Tio, Manako, and Doppel were going to be there to be guards. This made me not very excited because I don't want cameras pointed at me, so I would be on T.V. because I even hated talking in front of a class. It was already all over the news about the plans for our trip and we had a whole floor to ourselves for the guards and everything. We had 3 days to get ready, so we were going clothes shopping for bathing suits, extra clothes, some beach toys, and other stuff. I was hiding behind Papi and Miia from lots of people looking at us and even some reporters being kept away by our new security.

(Y/N)-C-Could we just order stuff online?

Miia-Don't worry, they won't be able to get to us in the stores... You wanna be held?

I just nodded my head and she picked me up and I buried my face into her shoulder while peeking at the people behind us. When we got into the store, I was put down while Miia looked at bathing suits for her then even got some for me to try on. When Centorea met us at the changing room she looked kind of annoyed while she rubbed my head.


Rachnera-Does the press have any better stories besides just us shopping?

Miia-It's supposed to be a relaxing vacation with the first monster parents with human children. It's another big step for integration.

Rachnera-I don't think any of are getting a relaxing feeling. The press is just going to hound us the whole time.

Miia-We will have a reserved floor and special areas. They won't be able to get that close to us.

Rachnera-Only areas, not the whole resort. I know people too and-.

Miia-Not in front of him.

This just made me feel a little worse about everything then Lala came over with Centorea with bathing suits of their own.


Centorea-Honestly, how can you call this a vacation. It's just some risky PR stunt.

Lala-All these eyes on me. It tortures my soul.

Miia-What a minute... Where's Papi and Suu?!

Centorea-Mero is making sure they don't break anything by keeping them occupied, but it's not that hard. Papi was practically harassed when she went out to the crowd... then a second time already when she forgot about the first time.

(Y/N)-Do we... have to go on this vacation? Can we just go on a secret one somewhere else?

They just sighed before Miia took me to sit down on a bench while the others went to try on their bathing suits and see what we think. I looked back out of the store and even if i could not see the people from here, I could still see flashes from the cameras.

(Zombina's POV)

My team and I were in the van while we were watching a live stream from someone following (Y/N) and the others going shopping and when they left the store, the camera was focused on the poor kid. He was trying to hide behind Suu now which, frankly, was not his best choice.

Doppel-Who even announced the vacation ahead of time like this?

Zombina-The board did if you listened at the briefing.

Manako-Do you think someone is going to try to sabotage this?

Zombina-Of course they are. Why do you think they already have a police escort and us on standby.

Tio-Awwww, look how shy he is. It's so cute, but so sad at the same time. ~

We continued to watch the live stream, but something kept on bugging me.

Zombina's mind-Leaking info like this, putting a kid in the middle of this, reserving parts of a 5-star hotel by a beach open to the public, and all of this in the early stages of this new program. What are they thinking?

(No POV)

Meanwhile at the building of the committee that planned this trip, the one that pitched this idea was packing up to go home for the day. When they made it to their car and were alone, they smiled smugly into a mirror from their plan.


???-*Chuckles*. ~
