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(Neo's POV)

(Y/N) woke up around 20 minutes ago and even trying to comfort him in my arms, was hard because he was fidgety. I even almost dropped him and as for his gag, I just used a washcloth I stole from a clothesline. He looked adorable, all helpless while I can kiss and snuggle him all I want. I even tickled his neck to make him laugh for me as we laid in a bed in someone's house. I'm sure the owner of this house loves floating down the river and if he was smart, she would let the water carry him, but last I saw him she was screaming for help when nobody could hear her, and her head kept slipping under the water... Not my problem though, I have a little guy to take care of, so if dies after I gave her a chance to live, that's on her. All I need to do is let (Y/N) burn himself out, so he's limp in my arms from exhaustion. It did take another good 15 minutes before he finally gave up and I just got up with him to go see what was in the kitchen.

Neo's mind-Huh, guess this woman went out to eat a lot. Hardly anything here.

With barely anything to eat, he was going to get hungry soon, so I think I should feed him something then tie him down before I leave to go get food here.

Neo's mind-He should be fine here by himself for a little while.

(Ghira's POV)

I was waiting by the landing pads when I saw a ship with tail flags on it come over then landed in the spot next to me. The first thing that happened before the doors even opened was flies being released when I realized that they weren't flies... they were drones. When the doors opened, I saw the Schnee woman walk down the steps doing some work on her scroll.


I walked up to her and tried to greet her before we get started, but when she looked at me, I can see why Blake liked to call one of her teammates 'The Ice Queen' and she takes after her sister.

Winter-You were the one that called me, yes? I need detailed reports on where you and your group searched for (Y/N) Rose, and any and all information regarding him needs to be brought to my attention immediately. If you have anything to say as well as questions, speak now as I finish coordinating the nano drones, and try to keep the questions relevant.

I knew the Schnee family had some stuck-up members, especially her father that owns the company, but this was kind of ridiculous.

(Timeskip 20 Minutes)

(Winter's POV)

While I was hoping for new information on any clues on (Y/N)'s whereabouts, it was useless, and the questions he had were annoying, but I answered them while drones were flying around the island undetected. When they are done with outside, I will move them into houses to see who has them and arrest them... They will be considered dangerous, so force will be necessary. A broken jaw can't be that bad.

Winter-Alright, if you would kindly escort me to your base of operations.

Ghira-What about your ship? It'll attract unwanted attention from The White Fang, and they will know you are here.

Winter-I have reinforcements coming to make arrests of any White Fang members involved with the kidnapping and emboldening this act.

He tried to argue about my course of action, but it was irrelevant to me. I'm only here to take (Y/N) with me back to the base and keep him from everyone in secret. I just need to convince others that I am going to return (Y/N) to them, but I am done playing by rules other than my own for this.

(Weiss's POV)

Ruby and yang were total wrecks after our many searches came up nothing, and now we lost Blake. I was not far behind them in breaking down. Yang's mood swings would sometimes give others whiplash and Ruby was just shutting down. Soon we heard someone come back in and Blake's dad walked in with someone I did not expect to be here.



Winter-A pleasure to see you sister.

Yang-What's going on?

Ghira-I got her to help when I called Atlas. I just asked for any officer, but she insisted on coming herself.

Winter-And why wouldn't I? He was under my care in the first place. It's my responsibility to make sure he is brought back home. As we speak, I have drones searching the island undetected and will be informed when face ID comes up with a match. It's important we do this quietly and not draw unwanted attention for now.

Ruby-So... What do we do now?

Winter-For now, sit and wait for a drone to find him then we ambush when the time is right then get you far away from The White Fang when droids come to make arrests. I need a place to work peacefully and coordinate the drones.

Ghira-We have a guest bedroom upstairs.


She went off to work alone and I know my sister is one to think rationally, but she wouldn't need to work somewhere alone and quiet for this... Maybe i'm just being paranoid about this. This is my sister i'm talking about.

(Timeskip 15 Minutes)

((Y/N)'s POV)

I was still all alone while Neo was out doing something and I was trying to get free, but Ilia made sure that I couldn't get out from the way she tied this. Neo left a window open, but with this gag, I couldn't call for help. When I saw a fly come in it came around me to start buzzing and I hate it when bugs get too close to me and buzz. It landed on my blanket and there was something weird about this fly because I see it's red eyes glowing. At first, I thought it was a grim which made me scream, but then its eyes turned green before it flew around the room again and landed on the wall.

(Y/N)'s mind-Do flies or grimm flies do that?... Is there even a grimm fly?

(Winter's POV)

I was in the guest bedroom to rest up a little before I got an alert from one of the drones that they found a face match and even took a picture. When I pulled up the picture and live video, my heart fluttered, but quickly sank into a fit of rage when I saw him tied up and gagged to a bed.


I had to sneak out of this house to go get him and get to Atlas, but that's when I heard a door open and close before someone came into the bedroom... It had to be his captor.


She took him out in bed and covered his face in kisses which made me furious that she was putting her hands 'and' lips on him. THAT SHOULD BE ME!!! I opened the window and hopped out of it to land in a tree before I got to the ground. The moment I touched the ground, I went off into a full sprint to the location the drone was at.

(Weiss's POV)

Ruby and Yang were in no mood to talk, Blake's dad was out searching Blake, her mom was probably out doing that too, and my sister was just upstairs. I decided to try and go talk to her and thank her for her help. When I got upstairs, I stood in front of the guest bedroom door before I took a deep breathe before knocking.

Weiss-Winter, are you able to talk?

No response... I tried knocking again before I soon just opened the door to only see the window was opened and Winter was gone.


I ran up to the window to look outside to only see no sign of her. I had no idea what happened, but there was no sign of a struggle, but clearly something happened... There is only one reason I could think of that would make her leave all the sudden.

Weiss's mind-She found him!

There was no time to lose, so I went to where we kept our weapons up here then quickly followed her. I'll contact Ruby and Yang after since this has to be silent and I can't trust them with that right now... I could barely trust myself with that task. I didn't even know where she headed... Maybe there might be something on her ship that can help track her or even (y/N) since she found him.

(Neo's POV)

I had (Y/N) laying on the couch where I could see him as I was chopping up some fruit for us to enjoy and I have a feeling he likes pineapple. When I finished cutting it, I put it all into a pull then went up to him to take his gag off. I heard his little belly growl and for such a little guy, he'll let you know when he's hungry. It only took pressing a piece of juicy pineapple on his lips to make him take the bite, but he still gave me look like he was afraid of me.

(Y/N)-N-Neo, please! I-I just want to go h-!

I just gave him another piece and he was lucky that it was hard to be mad at him. Especially when he was letting me feed him regardless. I even scratched under his chin and he did the most adorable thing when he tucked his chin down and blushed a little while giving me puppy eyes.

Neo's mind-He's just the cutest thing ever!

The moment was nice before I heard the front door open. I was mad someone else might live here and just ruined this moment, but then I saw it was not the case when they made themselves known.


I don't know how she got here, but she made a big mistake not just giving up when I got him the first time. I pulled out my umbrella then pointed it at her with the tip of the estoc coming out.

Winter-First and final warning... Surrender.

I took one step closer, but that's when I heard something buzzing before it landed on my ear then exploded. It didn't break my aura, but the sound really hurt, made my ears rings so loud that it made me dizzy. I was then swarmed by white grimm birds and attacked from all directions. She clearly had the element of surprise, and I was going to lose and be captured... This made me furious, but I had to escape.

Neo's mind-Watch your back! I'll put a knife in it!

((Y/N)'s POV)

I never saw white grimm before and Winter made them. It was amazing and even made Neo run away or just vanish in a flash of light as she stepped back. Winter made the grimm disappear too before she ran up to me to untie me then picked me up. I was so happy she came to help and take me home, so I wrapped my arms around her.

Winter-Thank goodness you're ok! I'm so sorry! I should've known something was off and never left your side!

(Y/N)-I-It's ok.

Winter-... *Sigh* Let's... We have to go. It's not safe anywhere on this island for you.

She was right and we left the house, so I told her that my sisters were at Blake's house then told her where Blake was, so that she could help her too. The only thing she said was...

Winter-I have droids coming to arrest as much White Fang members as possible, and they will help the others too. I'll contact your sister's later, but right now, we have no time to lose. We need to leave, 'now'.

We soon made it to a ship that looked fancy with ribbons on the wings, but when we got there, the ship was open. Winter put me down to pull out her weapon and pushed me behind her.

Winter-Stay close to me.

I was scared, so I did what she said and if anything happens, I can run back to Blake's house. When we got into the ship, we saw someone at the controls, but when I saw who it was, I relaxed when she turned and saw us.



Winter-Weiss, what are you doing here?! What made you think you could just barge into an Atlas airship?!

She only stood there and looked at me for a moment before she turned back to her sister.

Weiss-You were... going to leave with him without telling us?

Winter-Weiss... He can't stay here any longer. Not even for a second or someone else might take him. The White Fang are after him for their leader!

Soon Weiss looked angry before she pulled out her weapon and I was confused... Were they gonna fight?! Why?!

Weiss-Give him to me! He's coming back with us!

Winter-... (Y/N), go in the bay, sit down, and wait there.

(Y/N)-Pl-Please don't fight.


(Winter's POV)

(Y/N) slowly did what I said then I put my weapon down then my little sister did the same to show she didn't want to fight. We don't have time to fight and that will draw attention. Not to mention the fact she will know where to find me through the general after she tells him I have the boy... If I were to get her to come with me...

Winter-Weiss... we don't have to fight because we both want the same thing... Him... Safe.

Weiss-You were going to run off with him!

Winter-To hide him from others that will take him! The general puts soldiers at places he's hiding something, so it is no longer hidden, his sisters want to keep him with them at a school where we know the enemy can find him... He needs to be hidden... and you can come with me.

Weiss-Wh-... What?

Winter-Think. I have the perfect place to hide him. The last place they will think to look and while I work to keep appearance and the military still is on the lookout for him and the enemy, you will be there with him... alone. It'll just be the 3 of us.

Weiss-But... his sisters-.

Winter-Should want him safe, and we can provide that... Even if they don't know, yet... Come with me.

She was pondering my offer and it was a very good deal, and my sister was no fool... She knows there is a lot more to gain than lose.

(Ghira's POV)

I was out looking for my daughter still when all the sudden i saw the ship Winter came in on fly away. I was confused on to why, but then I felt a tap on my arm before I turned to see a very welcomed surprised.


Blake-Hey dad.

Ghira-Blake, you're alright!

I pulled my wife and daughter into a group hug and was so happy that my girls were ok.

Kali-Ghira, honey... Do you know where (Y/N) might be? We have wonderful news for when we find him.


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