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((Y/N)'s POV)

I woke up this morning and I just felt awful. My nose was plugged up, I was sweating, I felt cold, and it was hard to talk since my throat really hurt. Nezuko was really worried about me while Ms. Tamayo was checking me out. She said she was a doctor and helped other children before and I could see in her eyes that she was telling the truth. While she was checking me out, Nezuko was holding my hand like I was going to die, but I didn't think it was that bad. I had a cold before and my mommy just gave me some herbs, soup, fruit, and rice, then I was fine. Now I have a demon doctor taking care of things. When the checkup was done my mommy always to me to stay positive and sometimes, she will have the doctor tell me something else... I could tell if they were lying to me or not. Ms. Tamayo just put her stuff away then took the thermometer out of my mouth before she got a clipboard to write some things down.

Tamayo-From what I see, your fever is 109 degrees, you have a case of strip throat, and the mucus building up in your nose is very thick, so it looks like you'll be breathing out of your mouth until we can get that cleared up.

Nezuko-*Muffled sounds*.

Tamayo-Calm down Nezuko. He'll be fine, but bed ridden for a while. If we move him too much, that thick mucus is going to suffocate him. Not to mention the weather at night won't be very good for his fever.

Just then we heard a knock coming from downstairs, so Ms. Tamayo left us in this dark room for me to rest, but Nezuko sat next to my bed then nuzzled her head against me. I didn't want to talk because it just hurts too much. Soon after we saw Ms. Tamayo come back in and Nezuko's brother Tanjiro, and he was happy to us or her at least.


Tanjiro-Nezuko! Thank goodness you're alright!... What happened to (Y/N)?

Tamayo-He seemed to catch something. He just needs to rest in bed for a while.

Tanjiro-But I promised his mother I would bring him back. Maybe if I carry-.

Tamayo-He's in no condition to travel in the state he's in. It could be life threatening if he moves around too much and exposed to even the slightest temperature his body does not like... Let me worry about my patient and you take your sister with you. He'll make a full recovery within a few days.

Tanjiro-I... I see... Well then let me at least give you an address and i'll send a message to his mother. If I may ask, can you return him home when he is recovered. I would hate for his mother to come down and get sick too.

Ms. Tamayo took a second to nod her head or at least I thought so from the light in the hallway making them both look kind of dark. Tanjiro came in to get Nezuko, but she held on to me a little tighter when Tanjiro tried to get her off me.

Tanjiro-Nezuko, he'll be fine. We need to head back to the Butterfly Mansion.

(Tamayo's POV)

Nezuko was determined to cling to that boy until she gets her way, but I was not going to let that happen. I did not inject that serum into him with the intention to care for him, just for her to have her cake and eat it too. I came up with an idea and snuck into my medical cabinet to get some gel I usually use to help me against weaker demons or some humans I need to sedate before surgery to help with the pain completely. I slipped some on my hand and because my blood demon art has the same properties, it does not affect me at all. I walked up to them and put my hand with the gel on to put some on her wrist, but made it look like I was comforting her. She noticed while the others didn't and it was acting fast, so it was too late.

Tamayo-Nezuko, you were up all night watching over him. You only regain your strength by sleeping and you were awake since I saw you again, and I bet you were up far longer than that to watch over the boy. Just rest and leave him to me.

Tanjiro tried to talk to her sister while I tuned him out to watch her pass out. Her brother caught her and looked happy as she put him in her box. That's when I gave him some paper and he went to my desk to write the address, and the location marked on a map I had.

Tanjiro-I leave the rest to you. I know you'll be able to help him.

Tamayo-Safe travels Tanjiro and keep up the good work on collecting the blood of the twelve Kizuki.

He smiled before he bowed, and I followed him to the front door as he left. When I was sure he was gone I tossed the address in the fire I was using to boil water. With Nezuko out of the picture now I went back up to go see my little patient resting in bed looking miserable which is all the more reason to start his treatments.


Tamayo-Poor child... Let's start with that nose. This might hurt a little.

(Timeskip 10 Minutes)

((Y/N)'s POV)

Ms. Tamayo put some gel I saw on Nezuko's wrist that I think she put there, but it was a different color. I don't know why she did that, but I couldn't ask her right now. She brought over some stuff before she held my head in one hand then stuck something like a non-pointy needle up my nose, and I could feel the snot being pushed back until she sucked some up, and it kinda hurt, so I closed my eyes.

Tamayo-I know sweetie, I know. ~

I don't know why she called me that, but when she got a big chunk out of one side of my nose, she moved to my other side. I saw her empty the needle a second time and I never saw snot so yellow and slimy. Next, she put a metal stick with a ring at the tip in my nose before she scrapped inside my nose, and I didn't like it. She had to hold me still and it took a while before she was done, and I could breathe out of my nose a little, but I could still feel a lot more snot in there.

Tamayo-Next, we'll take care of that throat. Open up a little wider for me. ~

She did it herself while she said it then got some medicine in a cup for me that she poured into my mouth. I couldn't taste it at all, and my throat was feeling a little better. After she gave me water before she went to put the stuff she brought over away in the trash or to just clean it. When she came back over, she took the blanket off of me and the sweat made the air freezing.

Tamayo-Well this simply won't do. You'll only get sicker like this. You need a sponge bath and a quick change of sheets.

She took me out of bed and brought me to the bathroom here to lay me on a table, using a towel as a pillow.

Tamayo-Wait, right here. I'll be back after I change your sheets... *sigh* Poor baby. ~

She rubbed the sweat off my head while she looked sad for me then left, but I tried to get up which made my arms and legs hurt a little. I just got undressed then went to the bath to get it started. That's when she came back in and even gasped at me, probably because she saw me naked, so I covered up a little, but she only came over to pick me up and put me in the water.


Tamayo-I told you wait! Your body must be aching, and you even have the water at the wrong temperature!

She started to fix things and the water did feel better, but I still tried to cover myself. I was about to talk, but that's when she put a finger to my mouth and her eyes were like my mommy's when she was telling me that 'there was nothing left for me to say'.

Tamayo-No talking. Your throat still needs to rest with that medicine. And don't cover yourself. I gave many sponge baths to many children, adults, and elderly, so there is nothing to be ashamed of. This is about you getting better and I am the kind of doctor to keep a close eye on my patients if they don't behave.

She only took her shirt off before she got the sponge and started to scrub the sweat off me. Her eyes were gentle and kind again, but whenever I tried to cover myself or speak a word, she would give me a look to make me stop before I could do it.

Tamayo-When we are done washing you, i'm going to let you soak for a bit before we get you back to a clean bed. I'll have some fruit for you to have while I make lunch for you, and I'll be feeding it to you.

When she saw my jaw move to where my lips were about to open, she already gave me that look to make me stop.

(Y/N)'s mind-How can she switch from gentle to scary so fast?!

(Nezuko's POV)

I woke up in my box to feel my brother walking, so it must be morning, so I can't get up. I tried to stay calm on the outside, but on the inside, I was furious from Tamayo's betrayal! (Y/N) WAS MINE FIRST AND SHE TOOK HIM AWAY FROM ME AND PLANS TO PUT HIM BACK ON THAT FARM!!! I don't care if I have to go back to that farm alone and rip him away from his mother's arms!

Nezuko's mind-He's supposed to love being my little brother!

Tanjiro-Um, Nezuko... I'm picking up a scent of anger from you. Are you alright?

I did my best to tell him I was fine, but I can't hide it from him and there's no way he'll be happy when I get (Y/N) back from his home...

Nezuko's mind-Maybe he'll just need to warm up to the idea first after I do it.

(Timeskip 1 Hour)

(Tamayo's POV)

Tamayo-Open up for me. ~

I wanted so bad to say "mommy", but it might be a little too soon. He was being so good right now and eating all the food I made for him to get better slowly. I even gave him a few kisses after he was done eating his food, so I tucked him in to make sure he was comfy for his nap, and I plan to lay next to him the whole time. I gave him some medicine to help him sleep as well since he doesn't look tired, and this stuff knocks an adult out in 3 minutes, so he won't last 30 seconds. When I got comfortable next to him, I stroked his head as his eyes were already closing while looking exhausted.

Tamayo-Sweet dreams... Mommy loves you, so, so much. ~

That last part slipped out and he gave me a slightly confused look before he passed out... I can't believe I said it already...

Tamayo's mind-That felt so good to say! ~


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