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((Y/N)’s POV)

Yang and Ruby were really mad that they didn’t get a say on who got to babysit me and they only let 2 guys babysit me for a few hours, but even then they didn’t really like it. Ruby and Yang and the others were gone now, so it was just me, dad, and Zwei all day and it was nice if you ignore the robots outside, but tomorrow dad said Winter was gonna help teach me and care for me while he was at work and he said to be good, but if I want to be a little difficult from time to time, he would look the other way. I don’t want to be bad for Winter because she was nice and maybe if i’m good enough and show her everything is ok she might get the robots out of here or at least the one in the house because the smoke alarm went off from when dad made dinner turned on the robot and covered dinner in the stuff from a fire extinguisher, so it ruined dinner and he just ordered a pizza. Too bad too because he knows how to make a good steak when he smokes it.

Dad-When you're done eating, bath then bed. I’m gonna be busy cleaning up the mess that robot made in the kitchen and you have to be up at a certain time now.


Dad-Because apparently the robot is connected to some sensors we already have in the house and if we’re not up at a certain time, it will wake us up.

(Y/N)-I hate these robots here. Why couldn’t we get cool ones that clean and do other things for us.?

Dad-*Sigh*... Me and you both.

When I was done eating I just got a drink of water then headed upstairs to get in a shower while dad started to clean the kitchen. I tried to go to bed after, but it was hard without my sisters and these scary robots were still here with that one in the house downstairs, so I need to get up before it just comes into my room. I got Zwei to sleep with me tonight to help me feel a little better.

(Y/N)-Zwei, you don’t like these robots either do you?


(Y/N)-This is all Cinder and Emerald’s fault. Those liars.

When I just laid down to go to sleep I didn’t need a night light, because there was a blue light coming through my window… At least one thing came out of this that was good.

(Winter’s POV)

I just got off the scroll with my sister and she was a little upset, but I told her to not expect me to simply bend and break rules that much for anyone. I went back to freshen up on the lesson I will be giving (Y/N) tomorrow for his homeschooling and I even threw in a few questions for extra credit and reworded them to help him get a better understanding. Not to mention he only needs 4 hours of schooling a day, so I planned for other things we can and must do.

Winter’s mind-Every child needs a schedule to tell them when it’s time to eat, sleep, learn, play, and relax.

It was getting late and I had to be there first thing in the morning. Luckily I am at a hotel in Vale that meets my standards, so I could still get a good night's sleep. When I got into bed I could only think about tomorrow and while I did smile, it was hard to keep my composure.

(Timeskip To Morning)

((Y/N)’s POV)

Dad woke me up, but I fell back asleep then was woken up by that stupid robot to get out of bed. I just got in the bathroom again and it even tried to follow me, so I slammed the door on it then pouted while I got in the shower. When I got out and got dressed the robot was gone. When I got downstairs I saw dad left some food out with a note that said “Went to work early. Be good”. I just ate the breakfast burrito he left me and I guess I just wait for Winter to come now. When I was done eating I just went to watch cartoons, but in the middle of the first episode there was a knock on the door before it just unlocked with a key and that’s when Winter walked in.

(Y/N)-Hey, you can’t just walk in here. You don’t even live here.

Winter-As the agreement, I can and will. No chances will be taken on my watch, nor will there be any uninvited or unplanned for visitors. Now then, we have school work to tend to for you and I will be going over our schedule.

I saw her bring in a box and went to the dining room after she closed and locked the door. When she got a tablet out for me with 27 pages of work I had to do today she also had a paper of a schedule and I get play time after lunch for 30 minutes before we go back to work to finish then I have the rest of the day off. She went over some rules that sounded boring and made things less fun, but when she was done she came over to my seat to get me to put me on her lap.

Winter-Just because we have work to do, doesn’t mean I can’t make it cozy for you. Now, let’s start with the first question. Can you read it out loud?~

(Y/N)-Um… If (Y/N) had 2 extra hours of playtime and Winter gave him double the time for being very good, how many hours of playtime will he have now?... Um,... 4 hours.

Winter-Very good, just type it in and the next one is multiple choice.

(Timeskip 1 Hour)

I was on a science question and there was a picture to help me, but it was just so confusing, so Winter helped me step by step until it made a little sense to me. I don’t get it yet, but I got it right, so we got to move on to the next question, but that’s when a timer went off and it said “P.E.”. She just picked me up, brought me outside while holding the tablet and taught me some stretches that she did with me. We started with toe touches 10 times, then jumping lacks, push-ups, sit-ups, running a few laps around the house, some yoga stretches for beginners, and finally, I had to sit against the wall and hold for 30 seconds. When we were done I was kinda tired, but we had to do all of it 2 more times before we were really done and Zwei joined us to just run around, but I had one big question for Winter.

(Y/N)-How come you didn’t even break a sweat?!

Winter-I am a highly trained member of the special ops, dear. If you want, we can try my level of training tomorrow.

(Y/N)-... N-No.

Winter-Very well. How about you go inside to rest for your break while I make you some food. We’ll finish up your lessons for the day after.

(Winter’s POV)

He went inside and I put 2 extra rounds of those exercises for him on purpose to make him sweat and earn a bath after. When I finished grading his performance as well as giving him extra credit I headed inside to get his lunch started and Tai gave us (Y/N)’s medical records for anything he can’t have. I peeked into the living room and saw that he was exhausted and it looked adorable, but I had to make him his lunch, so I can cuddle him later.

I made him a simple sandwich for him to eat while I had him on my lap to watch a show he liked. It felt nice to hold him, but he did smell a little after his time outside and when it was time to go back to finish what questions he had left I made sure he finished early which took us around 27 minutes… Given I spoon fed him some answers, but nobody had to know that.

Winter-All done. Now we have 5 hours before you dad gets home.

(Y/N)-I’m still kinda tired and sweaty… Can I take a nap?

Winter-I suppose so, but first you earned something.

(Y/N)-What is it?

Winter-A bath.

((Y/N)’s POV)

I did feel a little gross, so I held on to her as she got up to go to the bathroom upstairs and closed and locked the bathroom door even if we were the only ones here. She put me down to go get the bath started, so I helped her by taking off my clothes and putting them in the hamper in here. When she turned back to me she looked kinda surprised for some reason.

(Y/N)-What?... Do I have a cut somewhere?

Winter-Oh… No, you’re fine. I just thought this would be new to you… Having someone bathe you.

(Y/N)-Huh? No… I take baths with my sisters all the time.

Winter-You are aware that I am not your sister. You aren’t nervous at all?

I had no idea what she was talking about since she had a sister, so I thought they did this stuff too.

(Y/N)-Why would I be?

Winter-Well then… I guess you won’t have a problem with this after all. Get in.

I just got in the bath and she got some towels and bubbles ready for me after I was clean, but she only sat on the ledge. She’s gonna get wet anyway and some water already got on her.

(Y/N)-Are you coming in?

Winter-Wh-What? Why would I?

(Y/N)-You’re gonna get wet anyway and I thought since we have lots of time left we could play with bubbles together. Ruby and Yang do it with me when I get bubbles.

Winter-I don’t think… (Y/N), there are limits to things like this and… It’s just not…

She couldn’t finish talking while I was looking at her before she just closed her eyes and sighed then looked at me again before she stood up.

Winter-Well, as long as it’s just to play with bubbles.

(Y/N)-Well, I have some bath toys under the sink. Like rubber ducks, light up toys, and wind up fishes and stuff. Can we have those in here too?

She just got them out and put them next to the bath before she got her clothes off and her cheeks were a little pink for some reason, but I just scooted up to let her in and get started on cleaning me.

She started with my hair and I just closed my eyes to keep the soap out until she washed the soap out of my hair, so now I can play with my bath toys while she scrubs my body.

Winter-I guess you are used to this kind of thing.

(Y/N)-If you want, I can help you. Ruby and Yang always need help with their backs. Sometimes they even let me be a big helper and wash them.

Winter-That won’t be necessary. Just focus on playing then I'll turn this into a shower for me then I'll make this a bubble bath.


(Timeskip 45 Minutes)

(Winter’s POV)

I oddly got used to this pretty fast and his body never once reacted to me even when he touched somewhere he wasn’t supposed to, but I couldn’t bring myself to yell at him. It was time to get out and no amount of him begging to stay in to play was going to help because out hands were starting to get wrinkles. I took him out with me then let the bath drain then when we were in our towel and in his room I called the droid downstairs to clean the tub while I got dressed in my spare clothes, but I was so caught up in my mind I couldn’t hook my bra.

(Y/N)-Here, let me get that.

He took the straps and got them just right then got his shirt on then gave me mine. The look on his face was pure innocence and my heart fluttered when he yawn then got in his bed while looking at me like he was inviting me.

(Y/N)-*Yawn* Do you know any songs to hum? It helps me sleep.

Winter-Awwwww, I do know a few.~

I just took my spot on his bed, but he crawled on me and started to fondle my boobs… No,... he was treating this like fluffing a pillow before he laid on top of me. I paid it now mind and started to sing a few classic lullabies before I moved on to a lullaby my mother sang to me when I was little.


He fell asleep after I hummed that song a few more times and this felt blissful to the point I was even getting tired, so I fell asleep in his bed while being careful to listen for any alarms, but I was sure if they really wanted him back, they would have done something by now.

Winter’s mind-This won’t stop after this operation… I promise.~


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