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((Y/N)’s POV)

The ship landed and it was hot until we got inside, and I expected it to be like another game level, but it looked like a normal castle… You know if you take away the spike strips on the pillars and make everything less villain-like. She took me down the hall into the throne room where I saw a couple of koopas and some even had wings to fly, but I noticed something next to the throne and it’s what Bowser would always do to Peach… It was a huge bird cage and she put me in it then locked it before she sat on her throne with her tail on her side. She reached in the cage with one finger and motioned me to come closer, so I did it before she can get mad and she scratched under my chin then my sides and back.

Bowsette-Awwww, who knew this was gonna be better than throwing the princess in here. You just look so adorable.~... Guards, fetch my daughters. Tell them I have some news for them.

A few of them left after they bowed to her and I guess since Bowser is her ex then his kids are hers too. Soon the doors opened again and I saw who I knew was her daughters Wendy and Pompom.

They walked in and saw me in the cage before they're mom got up and went up to them before she bent down to talk to her daughters. She also gave them both a hug and kiss, but I guess even if she’s evil, she’s still a mom I guess.

Pom Pom-Mom, who’s that? I thought you were getting the princess?

Bowsette-There’s a bit of a change in plans, but overall, it’s all the same.

Wendy-So when do we head out?

Bowsette-Never. I’m not you're ditz of a dad to send you to a battle you lost countless times.

Wendy-Then what do we do?

Bowsette-I want to make it clear that you both are staying at my castle. Just think of this as retirement. I was gonna have you toy around with the princess in the dungeon, but instead I got someone better to be more gentle with… Meet (Y/N).

They all came up to me while I backed up to the back of the cage, but it wasn’t much. It made it worse when Bowsette lowered me to the ground, so Wendy and Pom Pom could get a closer look at me.

(Wendy’s POV)

I felt so useless that we were staying here instead of getting our own castles to guard, but mom did say that was not gonna be like one of dad’s plans… Which is always mostly the same plan. When mom came over to open the cage Pom Pom and I stood back as she took him out to hold him to us and got closer to me. She gave him to me and I caught him as she dropped him in my arms and he was actually kinda light.

Mom-Consider this your job. Make sure he doesn’t leave the castle or get hurt. He’s our little trophy pet now. (Y/N), these are my darling daughters Wendy and Pom Pom.

This just went from being very different to being a little weird because now we just have a pet boy and from what he looked like he would be a prince, but he doesn’t dress like it.

Wendy-A pet? Is it just your way of saying prisoner?

Mom-Prisoners are someone you take seriously, sweetie. Mommy has to take care of a few things in case an uninvited guest wants to arrive, but this should keep you 2 busy.

Ok, I see what was going on here. We don’t get our own castles or ships anymore, so she just makes us guard a “trophy” and it was a boy no less. My brothers are a little older than him and I can trick them into getting grounded for me just to get some extra dessert and I did it to my brothers 3 times… each, and counting.

Mom-I’ll check on you 3 in a few hours, play nice, and have fun.

She just past us and I put this human down to see mom leave and as weird as this felt, it was better than waiting for some fat plumber to destroy a castle given to me again. Just then Pom Pom picked him up and looked like she was weighing him.

Pom Pom-Huh, he’s as heavy as one of my boomerangs.

Wendy-Congratulations, now if you excuse me, I have a room to decorate.

Pom Pom-Still? We’ve been here for a week and you rearranged it each day.

Wendy-Well it’s not my fault my room is a little smaller than what i’m used to.

Pom Pom-It’s almost as big!

Wendy-Don’t tell me how to tend to my room. Later.

Pom Pom-Mom said to watch the prisoner.

Wendy-Mom “said” to make sure our trophy pet doesn’t leave the castle.

(Pom Pom’s POV)

Wendy was always stuck up and was mostly sisterly when she got to do a makeover, but I’m not putting up with that. I just took this boy with me back to the ball room where I had koopas set up targets for me and after throwing (Y/N) over my shoulder, I think he was a little lighter than my boomerangs. When I made it back to go back to my target practice to pass the time I just sat him against the wall, so was in my sight, but not in my way.

Pom Pom-Try to run and I’ll get someone to chain you to the wall.

He was silent and looked scared, but I see that look on Peach and Toads a lot, so it didn’t really bother me. I just got back to target practice and managed to destroy 4 targets in one go, but I know I got lucky on the last target, so I’m not counting that. I couldn’t get in the zone to make sure our “pet” doesn’t make a run for it.

Pom Pom’s mind-Why am I getting stuck with all the work?

(Timeskip 1 Hour)

I was beyond frustrated because I though the reason I wasn’t getting stronger was because of my reckless and stupid brothers and bratty junior, but the best I could do on purpose was 3 targets in one throw on purpose.

Pom Pom-Ugh! What am I even doing wrong?!

Just then I noticed (Y/N) was looking at me and it made me more annoyed for some reason, so I started to walk up to him.

Pom Pom-What are you looking at?!


Pom Pom-You though that was funny or something?!


Pom Pom-Liar!

(Y/N)-I-I thought it was cool!... Y-Y-You’re the only one that can throw a boomerang better than anyone! The… hammer throwers try, but the best they do is throw a few feet and it doesn’t come back… Mario gets by them no problem all the time!

He brought up a good point and I never got credit for my skill before… It felt nice.

Pom Pom-... Go on.

(Y/N)-And… you move a lot better and are harder to hit, but just think how amazing you would be if you the boomerangs in mid-air. You’ll be on a whole other level!

Pom Pom-Are you telling me how to-?!... Wait a minute.

(Timeskip 10 Minutes)

((Y/N)’s POV)

Pom Pom was in a better mood when I gave her the advice that one of my friends told me could make her boss fights a lot harder. She got the hang of it kinda quick before she got 5 targets at once from jumping around the room and even kicked the last target. She was so happy that she came over to me like she did not want to hurt me and even picked me up to swing me.

Pom Pom-Did you see that?! I just shattered my record in the hardest difficulty I could do for non moving targets! I think I can do moving targets now!

She gave me a tight hug before we saw Wendy come in and looked at us like she was very confused.

Wendy-Do I even wanna ask?

Pom Pom-Nope. Though you were rearranging your room.

Wendy-Finally got it to what I like. I see you got the babysitting job down.

Pom Pom-I’m taking him to my room to talk shop. Later.

(Wendy’s POV)

I have never seen her this happy and it’s when this pet arrives, so I started to wonder what happened. It was my job to watch him too, so I just stood in the doorway to block them. I admit I was bored and the koopa guards got so boring to do makeovers on, mom is busy, and Pom Pom fights me when I try to do her,... but I doubt he can put up much of a fight.

Wendy-Hey, mom will be back soon, so I’ll take my turn.

Pom Pom-Turn? We never agreed to do turns.

Wendy-Oh, so you just suddenly want to hog him now?!

Pom Pom-And you suddenly want him now? Let me guess, you wanna do “makeovers”.

Wendy-... Just give him to me.

Pom Pom-No.

Wendy-I’ll give him back when I’m done.

Pom Pom-Yeah right.

Wendy-Give him to me or else!

Pom Pom-Or else what?!

(Timeskip 15 Minutes)

(Bowsette’s POV)

I was in the middle of making defenses with no openings, so it actually works on keeping fat plumbers out when all the sudden I guard runs to me to tell me my daughters were fighting. I was on my way to go break it up and when I opened the door to the empty ball room Pom Pom uses for indoor target practice for now a boomerang of hers almost hit me, but I caught it. When I looked to see what was going on, I saw that Wendy had (Y/N) in her grapes while trying to keep him turned away from Pom Pom to hog him.


They all froze while looking at me as I walked over to take our pet from them and glared down on them. They both instantly tried to blame each other, but I was not having it.

Bowsette-That’s enough out of both of you! (Y/N), you tell me what happened!

He started to explain everything from the beginning when I left him with them to right now and that does sound like my daughters. I was not one to favor one over the other, but I can’t bring him back with me, so I took the three of them to Wendy’s room, so she could do her makeover, Pom Pom can still talk about battle advice with him them me later, and (Y/N) was going to be a good boy. I was even clear that if one of them misbehaves and starts anything, the punishment was falling on all of them.

Bowsette-Alright, dinner will be in 3 hours and after I’m taking him for the night. Tomorrow you 2 are going to learn how to give him a bath though. You’re going to learn to be responsible about other smaller things for now.

Pom Pom-Yes mom.

Wendy-Yes mommy.


Bowsette-You’re not getting out of it mister. You’re gonna need one after dinner to get that make up off you.

(Wendy’s POV)

Mommy left the room before he could argue and he knew as well as us already that our mom is dead serious. I got started on his makeover and blocked out their conversation since it was fight talk and I already know how to do that. I just made sure he was still the whole time and this was fun to do a new face. Give him long hair and he could pass for a girl of his species and I was loving this look.

Wendy’s mind-Besides my face, he’s the most fun to give makeovers… Now if I only had things for dress up… I’ll just ask mom later.

(Timeskip To Night)

((Y/N)’s POV)

It was dinner time and we were having pork chops and salad, but Bowsette was feeding me in front of her daughters and even gave them a few turns. She spanked my thigh once when I tried to get off her, so I stood still since it kinda hurt. When she was done she took me to her room to get ready for bed while Pom Pom and Wendy went to their rooms. I was put on her bed and my clothes were taken off before she got some pajamas that kinda match her clothes next to me then she got her clothes off before she picked me up again to take me to the bathroom.

Bowsette-You know, you do look adorable with that make up on you.~... Time to get it off though. Also if I didn’t know any better, I say you’re blushing.

(Y/N)-M-My dad told me looking at girls with no clothes on is bad.

Bowsette-It’s normal for pets to see they're owners naked. No shame in it.

(Y/N)-I’m not really a-.

Bowsette-”Yes”... you are. Bath time.

She took me into the bath with her and got me first to get all the make-up off which took a while before she turned it into a shower for her. I just had to sit at the back of the bath, but sometimes her tail would brush over my feet and it kinda tickled. I tried not to laugh and it wasn’t that bad, so I was good at holding my laughter in until the shower was over. She just took me out with her to dry off then gave me a few kisses then dressed me in my pajamas then she got into a robe before she went into her drawer.

Bowsette-You just need one more thing before bed.


She soon pulled out a glass box with an item in it and I know what this item does.

I was scared that she was just gonna shrink me even if she’s so much bigger than me already. I tried to convince her to stop, but she pushed me on the bed to lay down then sat on my legs before she held the glass box over me before she crushed it until it broke and turned to glitter then nothing and the item hit me and I shrank down to the size of the teddy bear.

Bowsette-Awwww, don’t you just look like the cutest little boy ever. I’ll grow you back to normal height in the morning, but I think this can be a routine before bed for now on. You won’t take up much room this way. No you won’t.~

She gave me a kiss that covered my whole face before she laid down and held me close before she turned off the lights. I was so much weaker now and the drop from her bed was still little, but I know I can’t out run her like this and even if I did sneak away, I would just be small to even hit a block since I can’t jump very high like in the game. When I heard she was asleep I couldn’t sleep until I was just so tired.

(Y/N)’s mind-Daddy, please help me.


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