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((Y/N)'s POV)

I was starting to wake up while hearing music footsteps above me, but I also felt someone hugging me close to them. The lights were off, so it was really hard for me to see at first, but I know I will see soon if i'm in the dark long enough. I tried to break free, but whoever this was held me tighter then started to rub my back. I tried to see who it was, but all I saw before I was pulled into her chest and I think I saw something yellow, but it was fuzzy with no feathers, so I don't think it was Chica... Who is this? I wasn't tied down, but at the same time I still couldn't get up because of this girl until she finally let me go and I took this chance to get off the bed. I turned back to her in the dark and it kinda tough to see her, but soon she reached up to pull a cord and turn on a light... It was her.


(Y/N)-Y-You?!... HELP!!! HHEEEEELLLLP!!!

???-*Giggles* They can't hear you. They only hear music and seductive voices. That's all they came for.~

She got out of the bed too before she started to walk over to me and I had no idea what she was going to do or just keep me here like the girls want, so I tried to climb the ladder I saw to get out of here, but it would not open then I heard footsteps on it. I peeked through the cracks to see a slim bit of Fredda, so she was on top of the door.


Just then I felt my foot was grabbed and I was pulled back down then before we hit the ground this yellow version of Fredda had me in her arms. I was being held like a baby by her as she was bringing me back to the bed to lay down with me and I saw only the way out was blocked and so far I think nobody heard me over the music out there.

(Y/N)-Who are you?! Where am I?

???-Well (Y/N), i'm Golden Fredda and you're in my room under the stage. My innocent little boy toy.~

(Y/N)-How do you know my name?

Golden Fredda-I hear and see all around here sweetie. I saw you from the moment you got here, the time you failed the first night and ran straight to Foxy, the shower you had with them, and what happened last night... You saw and heard me, didn't you?~

(Golden Fredda's POV)

The look on his face says it all and that means rather if he leaves or stays, he's connected to this place or more specifically us. I didn't want to tell him that to make him cry or let him go on about how he can get away somehow because I just wanna cuddle with him for the day. I also have food to feed him, and even if I don't have any games or toys for children down here, i'm sure we can find something that's fun for him.

Golden Fredda's mind-... I wonder if we have cards down here at least.

((M/N)'s POV)

I was at the police station trying to get this warrant faster before it's too late, but they said the process can only go so fast unless we have undeniable proof that something is wrong in there. I felt my blood boil as I slapped a file I had on the chief's desk then opened it to show missing posters of employees that worked there and even 5 children.


Chief-Ma'am, I know there is something wrong here and if it were up to me, we would have been in there yesterday.

(M/N)-Then make something up to search the place! You smelled a possible gas leak, a robber you were chasing was last seen running that way and you thought they were in there, anything!

Chief-I can't just make things up.

(M/N)-... My youngest is only 5 years old and my eldest snuck him in on a night shift without me knowing. *Sniffle* If anything happened to my boys... I... I don't know what I would do... and it will be your fault! He's just a baby! Do you need to see someone get shot in there or some shit?! *sobbing*

I broke down with my head on the chief's desk from worry about my boys and nobody cares then I felt him put a hand on my shoulder, but I didn't want to be touched by someone who is letting my children suffer to follow stupid and broken rules!

(M/N)-Don't you "fucking" touch me!

Chief-Ma'am, please. I am doing the best I can.

(M/N)-Oh really,... keep telling yourself that!

(No POV)

She threw her file she made on the floor that spilled posters out of it then she walked out leaving a police chief that really did want to help. I picked up the posters and looked at all of them and one by one he looked them up on file and saw that they were all legit. He put his head down in shame while he thought of the reason he wanted to become a cop and he had a son and daughter that looked up to him and call him what he didn't feel like right now... "a hero".

Chief-*Sigh*... Fuck it.

(Timeskip To Night)

((Y/N)'s POV)

I woke up from a nap with Golden Fredda, but when I opened my eyes I didn't see her and instead it was Chica and Bonnie.


Bonnie-Rise and shine sleepy head. Looks like you had a bit of fun by yourself down here today, but it looks like you've been sweating too.


Chica-Yeah, from time to time we could hear your faint screaming over the music.

(Y/N)-I wasn't alone, you left me down here with-.

While I was looking around the room I saw Golden Fredda, but she looked all broken and rusted in the corner of the room. I was so confused because I know she was not there or like that all day. I know it wasn't a dream neither then they both looked at each other before Chica picked me up and put me on the ladder as Bonnie was climbing up.

Chica-Well, I hope you had fun with Goldie, but you stink and Foxy and Fredda are getting a shower ready for us.

I got one last look before I made it up the ladder then I had one thought on my mind for at least a bit before I thought of the shower and I did smell so bad I noticed.

(Y/N)'s mind-You were alive... I know you were.

(Manager's POV)

I was just getting ready to head back home to a wife that constantly yells at me for taking closing shifts in this anime convention. She thinks I fantasize about the animatronics, but it was either do this for now or join the family business and I was not going to be a miner. At least I don't have to worry about cave ins here, but just then I felt something pressed against my neck, but it didn't feel like a gun or knife.

???-That's a military grade stun rod pressed right against the back of your neck. Move so much as an inch in a way I don't like and you won't die, but you'll be out.

This guy sounded so cold that it sent shivers down my spine even if he said he wasn't going to kill me, but I think he might as well have.

Manager-I-I can give my walle-.

???-Keys... Reach into you pockets for the keys to this place then turn around... slowly.

(Chief's POV)

He did what I said exactly and I just hope to god that I find something in that place or else I am so fired then arrested or at least sued. When he gave me the keys to this place I took his phone battery, so he couldn't  call the cops, but when I saw the back of his truck was loaded with trash and junk, I tossed it back there. This isn't stealing and it will still take a while for him to find it.

Chief-When you call the police, tell them it was the chief of the office. Go home... Now!

He just took off leaving only one car in this parking which must be that lady's son car. I couldn't bare to tell her this, but if it's been this long then... There's still a small chance, I just hope i'm not too late. I just looked to this anime convention club place or whatever you wanna call it then held the keys in my hands.

Chief-Alright... Please, don't be a bust.

Going through the front is way too risky, so i'll just go around through the back.

((Y/N)'s POV)

The girls were washing me in the shower with them before we got out to dry off then get dressed, but I had to wait for my clothes to be clean, so I was stuck in a towel. Foxy took me to the dining tables then put me down on a chair all alone and it looked like it had just been cleaned.

Foxy-Wait here fer a while. We need to talk, just us girls in the office. Also, the front door be locked with an alarm, so don't try to pull a fast one over old Foxy.

She kissed my head before she left then I looked at the table to see she had a soda left for me and I just took it while trying to think of a way out of this. The office never works, the girls are in it anyway, the front door might be locked with an alarm and if I try, i'll be in big trouble with the girls. With nothing safe to do besides sit her, I had to do that for now. I started to think of home and wished I brought my Nintendo Switch at least to play some games I liked. When I looked at the stage I thought of Golden Fredda again before I heard a noise coming down the hall with the showers.

(Chief's POV)

I was walking down the halls of this place and I heard voices of 4 woman having a sketchy talk, but i'm not here to make arrests, i'm finding those boys first or at least a clue as to what happened or where they have gone. As I was reaching the main room of this place...


That sounded like a kid, so I walked faster then I saw a little boy sitting at a table before he looked at me with a surprised look on his face before he saw my gun. I recognized this kid too from some pictures... It was that ladies son.


Chief-Hey, are you (Y/N)? *whisper*

He nodded his head before he motioned me to be quiet as he ran over to me.

(Y/N)-Do you know the way out of here?! We have to go before they come back! *whisper*

I had back up coming, so I need to focus on getting him out of here, but I noticed the stage was empty which was odd, but it didn't matter right now. Suddenly...


I turned and pointed my gun, but I didn't expect to see this then knew they were just on auto pilot. Just thought they would be turned off at night.


Fredda-... Why hello there. Nice toy.~

Chief-Come on kid, whoever else is here is gonna hear them.

Chica-Where are you off to? Do you have time for a quick bite to eat? I have some chicken tender thighs just for you.~

I took the kids hand, but he seemed very scared of some robot, so I just picked him up to get him out of here since he might not be mentally well, but just then Fredda ripped him away from me.

Fredda-Naughty boy, you shouldn't touch what isn't yours without permission... You can have these though.~

She gave Chica the boy and I was so confused as she took off her top then lunged at me to tackle me on ground, so I grabbed the one thing that could help me.

Fredda-Just let go stud muffin. It'll all be over-.~ AAAAHHHHHHHH!!!

I pushed her off me then swung the stun rod at Chica for her to dodge and I was still confused on a lot of things, but I think it was clear there was more to them than meets the eye. I swung at Chica again before I got her in the leg to make her drop the boy.

Chief-Come on!

We both ran down the hall and I showed him where I came in and had the door propped open in the kitchen where they would bring in food, but then as I pushed the door open for the boy to run outside I was grabbed and thrown across the room then against the wall in the hallway. When I saw who it was that watched the kid get away before she looked at me with a death glare, showing her teeth, and had he hook glimmer in the last before the door closed by itself. She was in the complete dark before she came into the dim lights in the hallway.


Foxy-You messed with a pirates booty ye swine... I'll hang ye by yer booty with me own hook.

I lost my stun rod, but I pulled out my gun then tried to shoot her until my clip was empty, but it only left dents in her before she kicked me down the hall a bit and I landed on my stomach. Just then my pants and boxers were pulled down.

Foxy-Now I be very pissed!

((Y/N)'s POV)

I was out in the parking lot all alone just to see my brother's car was here, so maybe he was inside too and I can't just leave him in there. He might get hurt again, so I was about to go back inside before I heard the sound of police cars then 4 cars pulled into the parking lot and the police saw me all alone. A few came to me and before they could say anything.

(Y/N)-A man that tried to save me is inside with my brother! They're gonna hurt him if you don't go in right now! It's Fredda, Chica, Bonnie, Foxy, and Golden Fredda. THEY'RE ALIVE!!!

They only just looked at me before they sent in a few police men while I was taken to a police car then taken away.

((M/N)'s POV)

I have no idea how I can still sleep peacefully tonight with my children still missing and I had thoughts about just going there with a gun tomorrow morning to search the place by force. I don't care if I go to jail as long as my children are somewhere safe and I was fully prepared to buy a gun in the morning to do it, but just then there was a knock on the door. I went to go answer it thinking who that could be this late at night, but when I opened the door I felt so happy at what I saw...




I bent down and just pulled him into a hug as he jumped into my arms then I looked around for (B/N) before I looked up at the other officers here. It was nice to see one of my boys again, but I was still missing one and I had one thought in mind, but I didn't let it. I just stood up with (Y/N) in my arms and crying into me before I asked...

(M/N)-Where's my other son?

(No POV)

While the police sat her down to tell her what the police found in the search in such a short time, they have confirmed her eldest was dead which broke her heart, but they said it in a way that (Y/N) didn't understand. Meanwhile at the anime convention that was now a crime scene unable to open police were bringing in people to check all the animatronics for finger prints and they found 2 sets. One was from (Y/N) and the other was from their chief that was found hanging from the ceiling with a hook in his ass. In the morning the animatronics, even a broken one they found under the stage were relocated to another anime convention opening in a few weeks...

Fredda/Bonnie/Chica/Foxy's minds-We will have you (Y/N).~

Golden Fredda's mind-You can't escape us that easy.~


