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((M/N)'s POV)

Since I came back home from my extra-long shift I tried to get a hold of my boys, but I had no luck so far from (B/N) and I even tried to call the gym to gym them a name of a member to go off of, but there was no membership under my son's name. I was panicking because there was not so much as a text back from (B/N) and I was worried sick because he has (Y/N) too. This made me resort to searching through my son's computer since I know the password he always uses and I found a tab open to a website where he posted a resume for "Fredda's Anime Convention" that was approved and he even had a few emails saying his first shift was... last night.

(M/N)'s mind-He took his little brother to a filthy place like that at night?! He is so grounded after he quits!

I was heading down there right now and I saw (B/N)'s car in the parking lot with a few other cars, so I walked up to the front door where I saw a bouncer next to the door.

(M/N)-Excuse me, i'm looking for the new night guard (B/N), i'm his mother.

(Fredda's POV)

My body was on auto pilot right now during the day to just dance while I focus on other things like what I should do to make the little boy slip up tonight and he can join his brother. Just then I saw the manager come by to the front door before he came back in with a woman and started talking and when they walked close by to me I listened in through the music.


???-I understand my son worked here last night as your night time security, but he hasn't come home and this is where I heard from him last.

Manager-I'm sorry, but I don't know where he is. He was gone before 6AM since he wasn't here to meet with me.

???-Well his car is still here and he was supposed to watch my youngest son, a 5 year old last night. Now I don't know where either of them are.

I was lured away by perverted customers to where i couldn't hear them anymore, but I knew that had to be (Y/N)'s mom. She looked furious from times I could see her and soon she just left after shoving her number into the managers chest in a fit of rage before she stormed out.

Fredda's mind-How did a woman like that give birth to one ugly son then a cute one? Different father's maybe?

I brushed it off and only thought about my first move tonight some more.

(Timeskip To 11:55PM)

((Y/N)'s POV)

I was tied up and had a washcloth in my mouth almost all day along with napping when I got tired from screaming and I was just so hungry right now. Foxy was peeking out of her curtain while I heard one more person out there, but they couldn't hear me scream for help. Soon I heard the doors close and the lights turned off for a few moments before a few turned back on. I could see Foxy checking the curtain before she came back over to untie me and while she was doing that...

*Stomach growl*

Foxy-Ye be making that noise all day. What say we take care of that?~

I felt like if I didn't eat soon, I was gonna get sick and when she took me out of her curtain while holding me I saw the girls were gone, but soon I could smell pizza again and it was fresh. I wanted it all day, but Foxy wouldn't even let me go out to go it and only use a bathroom in the back of her stage, but it had a heart shape bed in it with a pirate theme in the main room. She said it was "guest room", but with something special about it. I looked around it a bit to see nothing really special besides the bathroom, the bed, and a locked treasure chest... She also hated the room and didn't want to come in unless we had to.

(Y/N)'s mind-Why does she hate that room so much? It's small, but at least a cozy bed is nice.

She got off the stage with me and I was looking down the hall to see if I can just get her to put me down. She did put me down, but just then Chica walked in and what she was holding in her hands made me drool a little and my stomach growl again.


Chica-There's our little special guest. You must be starving. I heard that belly growl from here.~

She took a piece and waved it a little before she started eating it and it looked so hot, cheesy, and delicious. The cheese turned into a long string and I looked down the hall where the office was.

Chica-Awww, you wanna go back to that office to be alone and hungry? Well, I won't stop you, but if you wanna eat...~

She just put the pizza on the table and I just could not take it then almost instantly ran over there which made Foxy and Chica laugh as I was about to grab a slice, but she stopped me by grabbing my arm.

Chica-Now, now (Y/N). Why don't you let me feed you?~

(Chica's POV)

Foxy was stifling her laughter as I grabbed his first slice and purposely wiped my greasy fingers on my bib for it to "accidently" be pulled off. A sudden flash can catch anyone off guard then I bent over with his pizza slice in line with the view of my tits.

Chica-Go ahead and help your-.~

He went in for the bit and his eyes were fixed on the pizza like he ignored my tits like they weren't there.


When he was finished even eating the pizza out of my hand, even the crust I decided to take this up a notch. I took another slice and opened my legs to hold the slice near my pussy and he should at least give it a glance because it was right there. The only thing he did was lift the edge of the pizza while guiding my hand up and closer to him to eat and he went right through this slice. The only move I have lift it to literally take off my panties for him, but then if the others saw me trying too hard for a child they would never let me live it down. I came up with something else and used my bib to wipe his face first to act a little motherly before I got him by surprise and shoved in between my tits.

Chica-You're just being so good. I thought you would've fought this.~

When I let him go he rubbed his face a little, but there was not even a hint of pink on his cheeks and he turned back to the pizza.

(Y/N)-... C-Can I just have another slice of pizza, please?

Foxy-Would ye like a soda too?

(Y/N)-Yes please.

Foxy-Be right back.

She pet his head a little bit she left us alone then he suddenly climbed on a chair to look for his next slice and started eating himself while giving me a look that I thought could never exist in the place... a look with no lust, greed, smug, or anything like that... just innocence.

Chica's mind-It's... cute.

Just then we saw Bonnie come in back with Roxy holding a 2 liter of Pepsi and the cap was popping up, so I wouldn't trust it until I saw the looks on their faces and caught on their plan.


Foxy-Look who already got the soda.

Bonnie-Here, i'll poor you a cup.

She twisted the screw and the soda sprayed all over them and she made it point at their boobs and while they weren't see through, they used this as an excuse to take their tops off or pull them down, but if it's anything like my plan just with soda dripping off of them then they have another thing coming. Foxy was the first to walk to (Y/N) and bent over him a little and while her boobs were inches from his face he kept his eyes on her eyes.

Foxy-Sorry about your soda. Can you help me dry off?~

(Y/N)-Don't you have towel here.

Foxy-Then why waste this soda. It's just on Bonnie and I. It might make it taste better.~

((Y/N)'s POV)

I just looked at the soda dripping off her face and chest and it will be like licking wet and sticky hair, so I shook my head now. Foxy might be the only kinda nice one here, but I best I was going to get her a towel of something. Bonnie suddenly grabbed me and pulled me into a hug and I felt the soda on her get on me, so I slipped under her.

(Y/N)-Now i'm sticky from the soda!

Bonnie-Awww, i'm sorry. You just look so huggable.

I wasn't that mad about the soda, but I still don't like her since she hurt my brother and Foxy said he left and woke up before he left this morning during one of my naps. When he gets back here tomorrow or my mommy comes looking for me i'm telling on all of them.

(Y/N)'s mind-Just wait, you'll all be in so much trouble!

I did my best to look mad and scary and they can fake smile all they want, but I knew I was scary to them and I even puffed up my chest to look stronger like my mommy said it does.

(Y/N)'s mind-I bet they must be scared on the inside. I'm not scared of them anymore!

(No POV)

Chica/Foxy/Bonnie's minds-Oh my god, so cute!~

((Y/N)'s POV)

I had enough of scaring them and took another slice of pizza and had what little was left of the soda, but this time they took turns feeding me each bite until Fredda walked in.


Fredda-What is all over the floor?

Foxy-Relax, it be soda. Bonnie just got some on him too.

Fredda-Well good timing because he didn't shower all day, so he's getting one now.

(Y/N)-*Hmph* You can't make me!

(Timeskip 3 Minutes)

We were in some shower room and the girls were talking just in the hall right now, so I just got into one of the showers and  they had windows in them, but I went into the biggest one and closed the curtain door. The water was simple to turn on, but all they had was girly soap and stuff in here and I usually take a shower or bath with my mom to have her get places I can't reach. Soon all the girls came into the shower with me to start taking their clothes off slowly while doing little dances for some reason then Fredda came over, but I turned away from her.


Fredda-What's the matter? Are you shy?~

(Y/N)-I'm not talking to you.

Fredda-Awww, did I hurt your big bro that bad? He's fine and i'm sure where he is, he's happy.~

(Y/N)-Well you still hurt him and that makes you the biggest meanie here!

Fredda on chuckled before she leaned over me then got some shampoo to put in my hair, so I closed my eyes, but I sat on the floor to show I was still mad at her.


Just then I felt her big boobs rubbing my back and I did like soft things, but I was not even going to give it a smile or enjoy it. I heard more shower heads turn on, so the others were getting clean now and after this and I could open my eyes, I was gonna go behind Foxy.

Fredda-You want me to say i'm sorry?

(Y/N)-Sorry doesn't fix it.

Fredda-Then how about this?

She rubbed my back with her hands and they were vibrating as well as something spinning in her hands to make it better, but then she moved to my shoulder, then legs, and when she made it to my tummy...


(Fredda's POV)

I was loosening him up to get ready to really catch him off guard and since there was soap in his hair, he didn't open his eyes to see the others were in front of him watching us. They were all gonna see he is just as perverted as his brother and he was just being difficult. Thanks to the special vibrating function in my hands that were only meant for massages, but for hand jobs for men and women as well, but I bet it was going to work just by touching it right... now.~... Right now.

Fredda's mind-Come on. You know you wanna.

I held my hand in place directly on it, but nothing was happening, not even a twitch, so I went back to scrubbing his body and hair while going back to try and get him to slip.

(Y/N)-Am I clean enough now? You scrubbed my body 4 times all over and made sure one spot was extra clean.

I give up on the plan and had to think of something else, so I started to clean myself since I was already soaked and had bubbles all over my hands. Soon I heard splashing puddles then turned to see (Y/N) was just jumping around in puddles to play and the girls were watch him. By the time I was down I just turned off my shower head, but just then I saw (Y/N) jump into a puddle next to me and it was sudsy which made him slip and fall on his butt. He only closed his eyes in pain before he laid on his side on the floor.

(Y/N)-*Sniffle* *whimper* *wheezing*.

He was trying his best not to cry out loud, but when he curled up I just picked him up while the others came over.

Bonnie-Are you ok, sweetie?

He didn't answer, but he wrapped his arms around my neck into a hug then put his face into my tits, but only to muffle his cries. I didn't know how to feel about this, but when he looked up into my eyes when he collected himself a bit the look in his eyes... It reminded me nothing of the adults that come here or the kids I know get off on us too. I could only see that he just wanted to be held and comforted before he buried his face in my neck. There was a feeling in my chest that I never felt in this body before... I... I just rubbed his back while shifting him a little in my arms then the others got closer to join in on this.

Fredda-Hey... You're gonna be ok. How about we get that tablet of yours and watch a movie on the good Wi-Fi here?

He only nodded his head, so we got out to get dried off and Chica put his clothes from the washer to the dryer, so I kept him wrapped in a towel to keep him warm. He nuzzled into me instead of being stubborn to throw a fit and when we got dressed in our spare clothes I sat in a chair with him on my lap while Bonnie went to go get the tablet, Chica was gonna get more pizza, and Foxy was gonna get new bandages to wrap herself with.

(No POV)

Soon the others came back with everything and sat on one of the lap dancing couches here to watch a Thor movie. All the crying and will power not too made (Y/N) fall asleep near the end of the movie then when all the girls heard him snoring softly while laying across their laps they all thought the same thing.

Fredda/Bonnie/Chica/Foxy's mind-So cute!~


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