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((Y/N)'s POV)

Jasmine was looking at me while sitting in a chair and I was on Fia's lap then soon she got up before she over to look at me like I was a diamond or something. She soon looked happy before she took me from Fia, held me up high in the air, and spun around with me while Fia and Kate watched. When she stopped I felt a little dizzy then she put me against her side to hold me close while scratching the back of my head a little and it felt kinda nice.

Jasmine-This is amazing! I can try all sorts of new designs with him! I thought this was too good to be true!

Fia-So you can make new clothes for him?

Jasmine-I can make wonder clothes for him darling! I'm just gonna need to do measurements then ask some questions, and I can get started. Follow me, please.

We all went to the back room and I saw a lot of cloth, sewing stuff, and a lot more clothes. We walked past them before I saw a stool covered in gems then she put me on it.

Jasmine-Alright, just strip down while I get the measuring tape.


Jasmine-Hmm,... is there a problem?

(Y/N)-Can we do this without taking off my clothes?

Jasmine-Sorry, but I need to be very precise about this. I do this everyday. Ask Kate, just 3 days ago I made her that dress, and she went through measurement too. I don't pull the tape too tight if that's what you're worried about.

(Y/N)-No,... I just want to kept my clothes on.

Jasmine-Well,... I wouldn't call it accurate, but i'll work with this for now.

Kate-Non-sense. This is no different from a bath here or changing in the store. He just needs a nudge around new people.

(Jasmine's POV)

The whole time Kate and Fia were easily undressing him, so I can take the best measurements to fit him, he was trying to fight it. I don't get it since people change in front of each other or take baths together all the time.

Jasmine's mind-His home must've been kinda toxic to give him such a bad habit. How is he supposed to get help with cleaning himself or incase he gets hurt and needs to go to the hospital?

I guess this can help him break that habit of his, but now with his clothes off he was blushing a lot and trying to curl up while Fia was trying to comfort him and say it was alright. It took me 5 minutes to get everything written down and it was hard to see such a little boy crying. It was adorable, but in a sad way and when we were done we got him dressed again. I don't see why he was crying so much about this, but I just held him for a moment while bouncing him until he calmed down and it felt like comforting a baby.

Jasmine's mind-How cute!~

It was still concerning and I think he just needed time to himself for a bit and luckily I have a little room I can put him in for some time alone to calm down. There wasn't a lot of toys since we don't have much kids anymore, but I gave him a little puzzle to do. After that we left him alone then went to my work space, so I can start on picking the colors and fabrics for his clothes.

Kate-Am I the only one that thinks that was weird?

Fia-Rumor did have it that he was shy.

Kate-That wasn't being shy. That was crying and panicking like he was under attack!

Jasmine-Do you think it was how things were back at his home? Maybe even some kind of abuse?

Fia-I didn't see any bruises and he looked well taken care of.

Kate-There is more than hitting others for abuse. Verbal, emotional, psychological, and in his case, i'm willing to bet all 3.


Kate-Him trying to hide his body from others is a good start. How would he get everything clean in a bath all the time? Even if his parents neglected him or maybe even didn't let him socialize, that can also explain this and just add yelling then you hammer that kind of habit into his head.

That would make since from (Y/N)'s screaming and crying during measurements and I had a sick feeling to my stomach about these parents. I saw Kate getting stern while Fia was looking at the room we left (Y/N) in. I just finished what fabrics will be good with a beautiful selection of color combinations, so I moved on to sketching out some ideas and I already had dozens since I drew those for fun or to change gears from doing dresses, bathing suits, pajamas, or just outdoor clothes.

Jasmine-I will sketch out a few more designs then get started, but on a side note. You should really get him to Layla to get checked out.

That was probably the best person to go to about this because she is really good at helping others find the source and deal with their issues. She also does couples consoling, but it's rare that someone needs that here. Kate and Fia seemed to like the idea I gave them before they went to go grab him then I saw the poor baby boy being held and cooed in Kate's arm and he was so small that he could sleep there. When we gave our goodbyes then while I was looking at my other sketches that were already fabulous, I looked back at the one I was already drawing then thought of something for when I have over to adore, since it only seems right as to share, i'll even take it as the favor for making the clothes.

Jasmine's mind-What if I make this a V neck to not chock him when I attach a stylish woven handle to the shirt and pants. Awww, I could carry him around like a bag!~

I was definitely going to do that for his outfits that I will keep here for myself.

((Y/N)'s POV)

Fia and Kate were playing with me a little while I was laying down in Kate arm while they were going somewhere that was "going to help me". I was hoping that would mean getting me back home, but I don't think that's what that meant. Soon we made it to a big house then they went to the side door before Fia pulled on a ring connected to s string for a bit then we waited a little before the door opened and I saw a woman who was quickly surprised to see me.


She just stared at us before she cleared her throat a little then came up to me and I saw she was as tall as Lazarus. She rubbed my head while smiling at me.

???-Well hi there cutie pie. I'm Layla.~

Kate-Um, Layla... We're actually hear for your help with him.

Layla-Huh?... Come in.

We went inside and I saw there was a big chair and a few couches, 3 windows, and everything looked kinda fancy. Kate gave me to Fia to hold me before Fia just put me on the couch then kissed my head before she turned to the others.

Layla-What's the problem?

Kate-It'll be better if we talk about this privately with you.

Layla-... Ok. Little boy, I have some toys in that chest in the corner of the room you can play with.

They all just went into the other room and closed the door, but I just stayed where I was to look around. I had this weird feeling in my stomach all day, so I just laid down on the couch trying to forget parts of this day. Maybe I should've stayed with Lazarus then none of this would be happening, but later I heard the door open again.

(Layla's POV)

I just had a disturbing talk with Fia and Kate about this boy and I told them to make themselves at home while I see things for myself to see how bad this is. I saw he didn't even touch the toy chest and when I got a look at him on the couch next to my chair I saw how nervous he looked when I sat down and grabbed my notepad and pencil.


I need to make him think he's starting off his way while he's in control and I know how to do that, so I took a deep breath, preparing for the stuff I might hear.

Layla-Hey (Y/N), before we get started. Can you tell me a little bit about yourself and your old home.


He started to tell me the basic stuff and I was writing it all down thanks to my very fast and neat handwriting. I saw nothing wrong so far and moved on to some fun and small questions, like what's his favorite food, his favorite color, his favorite game. It was so far so good, but now it was time to get to the big questions.

Layla-Alright, can you tell me about a nice day with your family. Don't spare me any details please. I wanna know what you do when you wake up, to when you go to sleep.

(Y/N)-Can I have some water first?

Layla-Moment, please.

I just got up and went to my ice chest drawer where I keep a bucket of water nice and cold then scooped up some in a ladle before I poured it into a glass cup. When I gave it to him he took a sip before he started to tell me about his version of a nice day while I pushed for details here and there.

(Timeskip 30 Minutes)

It all makes since to me now more or less! He only has a father that constantly pulls him from to to town for work, he doesn't have any friends, he hardly showed him love by not displaying it through touch, but only hardly any words at a time, never spends time with him, never helps him take a bath by making him take them himself, and worst of all...

(Flashback Start)

(Y/N)-My dad said that a strong man never cries and can take care of himself, no matter what!

(Flashback End)

The way he said that with a smile and like he was admiring his father shattered my heart, but I was careful to hide it and act like I was enjoying his story, so he felt comfortable in going along. It was like his father wanted him to stuff his emotions away, go play away from him all alone, hardly have any love and affection in his life, always hide from others instead of asking for help, shattered his trust in others, AND MADE HIM THINK IT WAS A GOOD THING!!!... I couldn't take this anymore.

(Y/N)-Oh yeah, then my dad-!

Layla-Sweetie, we have to stop right here. I'm going to be honest on what I took from all this, ok?

(Y/N)-Um,... is something wrong?

He saw the look on my face change before I tried to explain to him that most and almost everything his father did was very wrong, neglecting, and in some ways, abusive. When I was still trying to go through everything he only tried to defend his father by bringing up the neglecting and abuse again. This was annoying and sad which made me have great concern for this child and when I saw there was no getting through to him right now after he was getting frustrated and fussy about this, I just put an end to this. I just let him pout on the couch while I went back to my living room and closed the door to lean on it and sighed before I saw Fia and Kate come over to me, looking worried.


Fia-What happened in there?

Kate-How bad is it?

Layla-... You 2 might want to sit down.

(Kate's POV)

We got on the couch and she gave us her notes of (Y/n)'s exact words of his story while she went to the kitchen to get something to drink. What we were reading was just so gut turning that (Y/N) was so mentally damaged and it was all because of his... father.


My arms were flexing on their own from my anger and that was from someone dare doing something this horrible to a child and tricking them into thinking it's a normal happy life. My sister was gasping and whimper as we got in deeper, but I could see veins popping out of my hands and arms from the thought of any of this happening to Jenny, Addison, or Fawn as well.

Kate's mind-If I ever see this so called dad of (Y/N)'s, he's going to feel my wrath.

Fia-This poor baby.

We made it to the end where it said that during the part where she tried to reveal all the bad things that were actually happening, (Y/N) was defending the very parent that hurt him so much. When Layla walked back in with a cup of tea in her hands she just sat in her reading chair before she took a sip.

Fia-You can help him, r-right.

Layla-*Sigh* This is going to be a difficult process to undo everything his father did, but I have very strict rules for everyone on the island regarding him.

Kate-Which is?...

Layla-We need to break these harmful habits of his. He is not to "sleep" alone, he is not to "bathe" alone, he not to "be" alone. Period! He needs constant love, help, and attention rather if he wants it or not and he's going to fight this, but you don't ever let him win. That's just going to enable his bad habit, so we're going to be back at square one if that happens.

We both understood very clearly and nodded our heads at her before she got back up while rubbing her head.

Layla-Go tell the others about this and tell Lazarus to come pick him up tonight. I am not to be disturbed with him during our exercises i'll be doing with him later.

We both just left, but on the way back to the village I thought that sad excuse for a dad and how much he hurt his child. This made me so made that I just punched a tree and made a hole then I thought about how the others might react, especially Lazarus since she was the most caring on this island.


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